Weak operator topology

In functional analysis, the weak operator topology, often abbreviated WOT,[1] is the weakest topology on the set of bounded operators on a Hilbert spacethere is base of neighborhoods of the following type: choose a finite number of vectorsThe WOT is the weakest among all common topologies on, the bounded operators on a Hilbert spaceThe strong operator topology, or SOT, onBecause the inner product is a continuous function, the SOT is stronger than WOT.The linear functionals on the set of bounded operators on a Hilbert space that are continuous in the strong operator topology are precisely those that are continuous in the WOT (actually, the WOT is the weakest operator topology that leaves continuous all strongly continuous linear functionals on the setof bounded operators on the Hilbert space H).Because of this fact, the closure of a convex set of operators in the WOT is the same as the closure of that set in the SOT.The predual of B(H) is the trace class operators C1(H), and it generates the w*-topology on B(H), called the weak-star operator topology or σ-weak topology.The weak-operator and σ-weak topologies agree on norm-bounded sets in B(H).A net {Tα} ⊂ B(H) converges to T in WOT if and only Tr(TαF) converges to Tr(TF) for all finite-rank operator F. Since every finite-rank operator is trace-class, this implies that WOT is weaker than the σ-weak topology.To see why the claim is true, recall that every finite-rank operator F is a finite sum So {Tα} converges to T in WOT means Extending slightly, one can say that the weak-operator and σ-weak topologies agree on norm-bounded sets in B(H): Every trace-class operator is of the form where the seriesFor every trace-class S, by invoking, for instance, the dominated convergence theorem.Therefore every norm-bounded closed set is compact in WOT, by the Banach–Alaoglu theorem.The adjoint operation T → T*, as an immediate consequence of its definition, is continuous in WOT.Multiplication is not jointly continuous in WOT: again letAppealing to Cauchy-Schwarz, one has that both Tn and T*n converges to 0 in WOT.(Because WOT coincides with the σ-weak topology on bounded sets, multiplication is not jointly continuous in the σ-weak topology.)However, a weaker claim can be made: multiplication is separately continuous in WOT.We can extend the definitions of SOT and WOT to the more general setting where X and Y are normed spaces andis the space of bounded linear operators of the formThe resulting family of seminorms generates the weak operator topology onis a locally convex topological vector space when endowed with the WOT.Thus, a topological base for the SOT is given by open neighborhoods of the form where as beforeFor instance, "strong convergence" for vectors in a normed space sometimes refers to norm-convergence, which is very often distinct from (and stronger than) than SOT-convergence when the normed space in question isThe weak topology on a normed spaceis the coarsest topology that makes the linear functionals inAnd while the WOT is formally weaker than the SOT, the SOT is weaker than the operator norm topology.is a formally weaker topology than the SOT, but they nevertheless share some important properties.
functional analysistopologybounded operatorsHilbert spacefunctionalcontinuousbase of neighborhoodstopologies on B ( H ) {\displaystyle B(H)} strong operator topologylinear functionalsconvex setpolarization identitytrace classweak-star operator topologyfinite-rank operatordominated convergence theoremBanach–Alaoglu theoremnormed spacesseminormbasic open neighborhoodsweak topologyTopologies on the set of operators on a Hilbert spacetopicsglossaryBanachFréchetHilbertHölderNuclearOrliczSchwartzSobolevTopological vectorBarrelledCompleteLocally convexReflexiveSeparableHahn–BanachRiesz representationClosed graphUniform boundedness principleKrein–MilmanMin–maxGelfand–NaimarkBanach–AlaogluAdjointBoundedCompactHilbert–SchmidtNormalTransposeUnboundedUnitaryBanach algebraC*-algebraSpectrum of a C*-algebraOperator algebraGroup algebra of a locally compact groupVon Neumann algebraInvariant subspace problemMahler's conjectureHardy spaceSpectral theory of ordinary differential equationsHeat kernelIndex theoremCalculus of variationsFunctional calculusIntegral linear operatorJones polynomialTopological quantum field theoryNoncommutative geometryRiemann hypothesisDistributionGeneralized functionsApproximation propertyBalanced setChoquet theoryBanach–Mazur distanceTomita–Takesaki theoryBanach spaceAsplundBanach latticeGrothendieck Inner product spacePolynomiallyL-semi-inner productStrictlyUniformlyUniformly smoothInjectiveProjectiveTensor productof Hilbert spacesF-spaceMinkowski functionalsMackeyMetrizableNormedQuasinormedStereotypeBanach–Mazur compactumDual spaceDual normOperatorUltraweakStrongUltrastrongUniform convergenceLinear operatorsBilinearsesquilinearClosedon Hilbert spacesDensely definedkernelFunctionalspositivePseudo-monotoneSelf-adjointStrictly singularOperator theoryBanach algebrasC*-algebrasOperator spaceSpectrumradiusSpectral theoryof ODEsSpectral theoremPolar decompositionSingular value decompositionAnderson–KadecBanach–MazurBanach–SaksBanach–Schauder (open mapping)Banach–Steinhaus (Uniform boundedness)Bessel's inequalityCauchy–Schwarz inequalityClosed rangeEberlein–ŠmulianFreudenthal spectralGelfand–MazurGoldstinehyperplane separationMackey–ArensMazur's lemmaM. Riesz extensionParseval's identityRiesz's lemmaSchauder fixed-pointAbstract Wiener spaceBanach manifoldbundleBochner spaceConvex seriesDifferentiation in Fréchet spacesDerivativesGateauxholomorphicIntegralsBochnerDunfordGelfand–PettisregulatedPaley–WienerMeasuresLebesgueProjection-valuedVectorWeaklyStronglyAbsolutely convexAbsorbingAffineBalanced/CircledConvexConvex cone (subset)Linear cone (subset)RadialRadially convex/Star-shapedSymmetricZonotopeAffine hullAlgebraic interior (core)Bounding pointsConvex hullExtreme pointInteriorLinear spanMinkowski additionAbsolute continuity AC b a ( Σ ) {\displaystyle ba(\Sigma )} c spaceBanach coordinate BKBesov B p , q s ( R ) {\displaystyle B_{p,q}^{s}(\mathbb {R} )} Birnbaum–OrliczBounded variation BVBs spaceContinuous C(K) with K compact HausdorffHardy HpMorrey–Campanato L λ , p ( Ω ) {\displaystyle L^{\lambda ,p}(\Omega )} Schwartz S ( R n ) {\displaystyle S\left(\mathbb {R} ^{n}\right)} Segal–Bargmann FSequence spaceSobolev Wk,pSobolev inequalityTriebel–LizorkinWiener amalgam W ( X , L p ) {\displaystyle W(X,L^{p})} Differential operatorFinite element methodMathematical formulation of quantum mechanicsOrdinary Differential Equations (ODEs)Validated numericsHilbert spacesInner productPrehilbert spaceOrthogonal complementOrthonormal basisHilbert projection theoremCompact operator on Hilbert spaceSesquilinear formCn(K) with K compact & n<∞DualitylinearDual systemDual topologyOperator topologiesPolar setPolar topologyTopologies on spaces of linear mapsTopologiesNorm topologyUltraweak/Weak-*in Hilbert spacesMackey Strong dualTranspose of a linear mapSaturated familyTotal setBiorthogonal system