Polynomially reflexive space

We define the space Pn as consisting of all n-homogeneous polynomials.On a finite-dimensional linear space, a quadratic form x↦f(x) is always a (finite) linear combination of products x↦g(x) h(x) of two linear functionals g and h. Therefore, assuming that the scalars are complex numbers, every sequence xn satisfying g(xn) → 0 for all linear functionals g, satisfies also f(xn) → 0 for all quadratic forms f. In infinite dimension the situation is different.In more technical words, this quadratic form fails to be weakly sequentially continuous at the origin.On a reflexive Banach space with the approximation property the following two conditions are equivalent:[1] Quadratic forms are 2-homogeneous polynomials.This makes polynomially reflexive spaces rare.
mathematicsBanach spacereflexive spacemultilinearfunctionaldiagonaldual spacequadratic formlinear functionalsHilbert spaceorthonormalweaklyreflexiveapproximation propertyspacesquotient spaceTsirelson spaceIsrael Journal of MathematicsFunctional analysistopicsglossaryBanachFréchetHilbertHölderNuclearOrliczSchwartzSobolevTopological vectorBarrelledCompleteLocally convexSeparableHahn–BanachRiesz representationClosed graphUniform boundedness principleKrein–MilmanMin–maxGelfand–NaimarkBanach–AlaogluAdjointBoundedCompactHilbert–SchmidtNormalTrace classTransposeUnboundedUnitaryBanach algebraC*-algebraSpectrum of a C*-algebraOperator algebraGroup algebra of a locally compact groupVon Neumann algebraInvariant subspace problemMahler's conjectureHardy spaceSpectral theory of ordinary differential equationsHeat kernelIndex theoremCalculus of variationsFunctional calculusIntegral linear operatorJones polynomialTopological quantum field theoryNoncommutative geometryRiemann hypothesisDistributionGeneralized functionsBalanced setChoquet theoryWeak topologyBanach–Mazur distanceTomita–Takesaki theory