Uniformly smooth space

In mathematics, a uniformly smooth space is a normed vector spacethen The modulus of smoothness of a normed space X is the function ρX defined for every t > 0 by the formula[1] The triangle inequality yields that ρX(t ) ≤ t. The normed space X is uniformly smooth if and only if ρX(t ) / t tends to 0 as t tends to 0.Enflo proved[6] that the class of Banach spaces that admit an equivalent uniformly convex norm coincides with the class of super-reflexive Banach spaces, introduced by Robert C.[7] As a space is super-reflexive if and only if its dual is super-reflexive, it follows that the class of Banach spaces that admit an equivalent uniformly convex norm coincides with the class of spaces that admit an equivalent uniformly smooth norm.The Pisier renorming theorem[8] states that a super-reflexive space X admits an equivalent uniformly smooth norm for which the modulus of smoothness ρX satisfies, for some constant C and some p > 1 It follows that every super-reflexive space Y admits an equivalent uniformly convex norm for which the modulus of convexity satisfies, for some constant c > 0 and some positive real q If a normed space admits two equivalent norms, one uniformly convex and one uniformly smooth, the Asplund averaging technique[9] produces another equivalent norm that is both uniformly convex and uniformly smooth.
mathematicsnormed vector spaceBanach spacereflexiveuniformly convexLp-spacesRobert C. JamesPisiermodulus of convexityUniformly convex spaceEnflo, PerIsrael Journal of MathematicsJames, Robert C.Canadian Journal of MathematicsLindenstrauss, JoramAsplundBanachBanach latticeGrothendieck HilbertInner product spacePolarization identityPolynomiallyL-semi-inner productStrictlyUniformlyInjectiveProjectiveTensor productof Hilbert spacesBarrelledCompleteF-spaceFréchetLocally convexMinkowski functionalsMackeyMetrizableNormedQuasinormedStereotypeBanach–Mazur compactumDual spaceDual normOperatorUltraweakStrongUltrastrongUniform convergenceLinear operatorsAdjointBilinearsesquilinearBoundedClosedCompacton Hilbert spacesContinuousDensely definedkernelHilbert–SchmidtFunctionalspositivePseudo-monotoneNormalNuclearSelf-adjointStrictly singularTrace classTransposeUnitaryOperator theoryBanach algebrasC*-algebrasOperator spaceSpectrumC*-algebraradiusSpectral theoryof ODEsSpectral theoremPolar decompositionSingular value decompositionAnderson–KadecBanach–AlaogluBanach–MazurBanach–SaksBanach–Schauder (open mapping)Banach–Steinhaus (Uniform boundedness)Bessel's inequalityCauchy–Schwarz inequalityClosed graphClosed rangeEberlein–ŠmulianFreudenthal spectralGelfand–MazurGelfand–NaimarkGoldstineHahn–Banachhyperplane separationKrein–MilmanMackey–ArensMazur's lemmaM. Riesz extensionParseval's identityRiesz's lemmaRiesz representationSchauder fixed-pointAbstract Wiener spaceBanach manifoldbundleBochner spaceConvex seriesDifferentiation in Fréchet spacesDerivativesGateauxfunctionalholomorphicIntegralsBochnerDunfordGelfand–PettisregulatedPaley–WienerFunctional calculusMeasuresLebesgueProjection-valuedVectorWeaklyStronglyAbsolutely convexAbsorbingAffineBalanced/CircledConvexConvex cone (subset)Linear cone (subset)RadialRadially convex/Star-shapedSymmetricZonotopeAffine hullAlgebraic interior (core)Bounding pointsConvex hullExtreme pointInteriorLinear spanMinkowski additionAbsolute continuity AC b a ( Σ ) {\displaystyle ba(\Sigma )} c spaceBanach coordinate BKBesov B p , q s ( R ) {\displaystyle B_{p,q}^{s}(\mathbb {R} )} Birnbaum–OrliczBounded variation BVBs spaceContinuous C(K) with K compact HausdorffHardy HpMorrey–Campanato L λ , p ( Ω ) {\displaystyle L^{\lambda ,p}(\Omega )} Schwartz S ( R n ) {\displaystyle S\left(\mathbb {R} ^{n}\right)} Segal–Bargmann FSequence spaceSobolev Wk,pSobolev inequalityTriebel–LizorkinWiener amalgam W ( X , L p ) {\displaystyle W(X,L^{p})} Differential operatorFinite element methodMathematical formulation of quantum mechanicsOrdinary Differential Equations (ODEs)Validated numericsFunctional analysistopicsglossaryHölderOrliczSchwartzSobolevTopological vectorSeparableUniform boundedness principleMin–maxUnboundedBanach algebraSpectrum of a C*-algebraOperator algebraGroup algebra of a locally compact groupVon Neumann algebraInvariant subspace problemMahler's conjectureHardy spaceSpectral theory of ordinary differential equationsHeat kernelIndex theoremCalculus of variationsIntegral linear operatorJones polynomialTopological quantum field theoryNoncommutative geometryRiemann hypothesisDistributionGeneralized functionsApproximation propertyBalanced setChoquet theoryWeak topologyBanach–Mazur distanceTomita–Takesaki theory