Inner product space

The inner product of two vectors in the space is a scalar, often denoted with angle brackets such as inInner product spaces of infinite dimension are widely used in functional analysis.The first usage of the concept of a vector space with an inner product is due to Giuseppe Peano, in 1898.Hence an inner product on a real vector space is a positive-definite symmetric bilinear form.Some authors, especially in physics and matrix algebra, prefer to define inner products and sesquilinear forms with linearity in the second argument rather than the first.It is a weighted-sum version of the dot product with positive weights—up to an orthogonal transformation.This space is not complete; consider for example, for the interval [−1, 1] the sequence of continuous "step" functions,Since trace and transposition are linear and the conjugation is on the second matrix, it is a sesquilinear operator.The polarization identity for complex vector spaces shows that The map defined byThese formulas show that every complex inner product is completely determined by its real considered as a real vector space in the usual way (meaning that it is identified with theEvery inner product on a real vector space is a bilinear and symmetric map.The next examples show that although real and complex inner products have many properties and results in common, they are not entirely interchangeable.This definition of orthonormal basis generalizes to the case of infinite-dimensional inner product spaces in the following way.Using the Hausdorff maximal principle and the fact that in a complete inner product space orthogonal projection onto linear subspaces is well-defined, one may also show that Theorem.The two previous theorems raise the question of whether all inner product spaces have an orthonormal basis.The following proof is taken from Halmos's A Hilbert Space Problem Book (see the references).This theorem can be regarded as an abstract form of Fourier series, in which an arbitrary orthonormal basis plays the role of the sequence of trigonometric polynomials.In particular, we obtain the following result in the theory of Fourier series: Theorem.Then the sequence (indexed on set of all integers) of continuous functionsFinally the fact that the sequence has a dense algebraic span, in the inner product norm, follows from the fact that the sequence has a dense algebraic span, this time in the space of continuous periodic functions onThis is the content of the Weierstrass theorem on the uniform density of trigonometric polynomials.The spectral theorem provides a canonical form for symmetric, unitary and more generally normal operators on finite dimensional inner product spaces.A generalization of the spectral theorem holds for continuous normal operators in Hilbert spaces.The generalizations that are closest to inner products occur where bilinearity and conjugate symmetry are retained, but positive-definiteness is weakened.Alternatively, one may require that the pairing be a nondegenerate form, meaning that for all non-zeroBy Sylvester's law of inertia, just as every inner product is similar to the dot product with positive weights on a set of vectors, every nondegenerate conjugate symmetric form is similar to the dot product with nonzero weights on a set of vectors, and the number of positive and negative weights are called respectively the positive index and negative index.Minkowski space has four dimensions and indices 3 and 1 (assignment of "+" and "−" to them differs depending on conventions).Purely algebraic statements (ones that do not use positivity) usually only rely on the nondegeneracy (the injective homomorphismsending a vector and a covector to a rank 1 linear transformation (simple tensor of type (1, 1)), while the inner product is the bilinear evaluation map
Geometric interpretation of the angle between two vectors defined using an inner product
Scalar product spaces, inner product spaces, Hermitian product spaces.
Scalar product spaces, over any field, have "scalar products" that are symmetrical and linear in the first argument. Hermitian product spaces are restricted to the field of complex numbers and have "Hermitian products" that are conjugate-symmetrical and linear in the first argument. Inner product spaces may be defined over any field, having "inner products" that are linear in the first argument, conjugate-symmetrical, and positive-definite. Unlike inner products, scalar products and Hermitian products need not be positive-definite.
Dot productmathematicsHausdorffreal vector spacecomplex vector spaceoperationscalarangle bracketsanglesorthogonalityEuclidean vector spacesCartesian coordinatesdimensionfunctional analysiscomplex numbersGiuseppe Peanonormed vector spacecompleteBanach spaceHilbert spacelinear subspacerestrictiontopologyreal numberscomplex conjugatevector spaceLinearityPositive-definitenesssesquilinear formreal partbilinear formbinomial expansionphysicsmatrix algebraBra-ket notationquantum mechanicsreal n {\displaystyle n} -spaceEuclidean vector spacetransposesymmetricpositive-definite matrixidentity matrixHermitian formHermitianconjugate transposescalingscale factorsweighted-sumHilbert spacescomplete metric spaceCauchy sequencerandom variablesexpected valuealmost surelyprobabilityrandom vectorsFrobenius inner productnondegenerate formAbsolute homogeneityTriangle inequalityCauchy–Schwarz inequalitylinearly dependentParallelogram lawPolarization identityPtolemy's inequalityseminormOrthogonal complementclosurePythagorean theoremEuclidean geometryParseval's identityinductionlinear algebradata analysiscosine similarityback-face cullingtrigonometric functionsimaginary partexpressing a linear functionalbilinearsymmetric mapOrthogonal basisOrthonormal basisGram–Schmidt processseparableHausdorff maximal principlecomplete inner product spacecardinalityZorn's lemma ℵ 0 . {\displaystyle \aleph _{0}.} Hamel dimensionFourier seriestrigonometric polynomialsWeierstrass theoremOperator theorylinearContinuous linear mapsIsometriesantilinearantilinear mapinjectiveMazur–Ulam theoremaffine transformationmorphismsorthogonal matrixsurjectivebijectiveunitary matrixspectral theoremnormal operatorsKrein spacesemi-normGelfand–Naimark–Segal constructionsemi-definite kernelsPseudo-Euclidean spacedifferential geometryRiemannian manifoldpseudo-Riemannian manifoldSylvester's law of inertiaMinkowski spacedimensions"+" and "−"outer producttensor productsimple tensorinterior productexterior productvector fieldsdifferential formsexterior algebrageometric algebraClifford algebrawedge productBiorthogonal systemDual spaceEnergetic spaceL-semi-inner productMinkowski distancebra-ketPaul DiracSpringer-VerlagDieudonné, JeanAcademic PressWiley-InterscienceHalmos, Paul R.Graduate Texts in MathematicsLax, Peter D.Rudin, WalterMcGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/MathSchaefer, Helmut H.Schechter, EricTrèves, FrançoisCambridge University PressOutlineGlossaryVectorScalar multiplicationVector projectionLinear spanLinear mapLinear projectionLinear independenceLinear combinationMultilinear mapChange of basisRow and column vectorsRow and column spacesKernelEigenvalues and eigenvectorsLinear equationsMatricesDecompositionInvertibleMultiplicationTransformationCramer's ruleGaussian eliminationProductive matrixHadamard productKronecker productMultilinear algebraDeterminantCross productTriple productSeven-dimensional cross productBivectorMultivectorTensorOutermorphismQuotientSubspaceNumericalFloating-pointNumerical stabilityBasic Linear Algebra SubprogramsSparse matrixComparison of linear algebra librariestopicsBanachFréchetHilbertHölderNuclearOrliczSchwartzSobolevTopological vectorBarrelledLocally convexReflexiveHahn–BanachRiesz representationClosed graphUniform boundedness principleKrein–MilmanMin–maxGelfand–NaimarkBanach–AlaogluAdjointBoundedCompactHilbert–SchmidtNormalTrace classUnboundedUnitaryBanach algebraC*-algebraSpectrum of a C*-algebraOperator algebraGroup algebra of a locally compact groupVon Neumann algebraInvariant subspace problemMahler's conjectureHardy spaceSpectral theory of ordinary differential equationsHeat kernelIndex theoremCalculus of variationsFunctional calculusIntegral linear operatorJones polynomialTopological quantum field theoryNoncommutative geometryRiemann hypothesisDistributionGeneralized functionsApproximation propertyBalanced setChoquet theoryWeak topologyBanach–Mazur distanceTomita–Takesaki theoryPrehilbert spaceBessel's inequalityHilbert projection theoremCompact operator on Hilbert spaceDensely definedSelf-adjointCn(K) with K compact & n<∞Segal–Bargmann F