"[1] She taught asanas using simple descriptions: Downward Dog pose by getting the class to make the shape of a mountain, and Virabhadrasana by asking them to be "fearless warriors".[1] She led children into pranayama with breath-awareness exercises like blowing on a feather and noticing the different feelings that came when you blew hard or gently.[2] Marsha Wenig, founder of YogaKids International, has developed yoga sessions with videos suitable for children aged 3 to 6.The benefits may be "stillness, balance, flexibility, focus, peace, grace, connection, health, and well-being"[4] but the challenge for the teacher is to hold the class's attention.[11] Yoga teachers accordingly sometimes avoid Sanskrit pose names, for instance saying cat/cow instead of Bidalasana, tree for Vrikshasana, and bridge for Setubandhasana.
Michelle Obama
joins children for a yoga class during a "Let's Move!" after school activities event, 2014.