Meditative postures

Best known in the Buddhist and Hindu traditions are the lotus and kneeling positions; other options include sitting on a chair, with the spine upright.Meditation is sometimes practiced while walking, such as kinhin, doing simple repetitive tasks, as in Zen samu, or work which encourages mindfulness.They may, in the words of the yoga and meditation teacher Anne Cushman, be practising "self-torture ... apparently believing that bruising your inner thigh with your ankle is crucial to spiritual awakening.All the same, she writes, a formal method is helpful, and the asana chosen needs to be stable and comfortable, as the Yoga Sutras state: on the one side, few people would wish to hold strenuous postures like Downward Dog for half an hour or more; on the other side, a restful posture like Savasana (Corpse Pose) might be comfortable but would more likely lead to sleep than meditation.The spinal column needs to be erect and in balance; this poise lets the muscles of the back relax, and this in turn allows the attention to be focussed on the breath.
Siddhasana is an ancient meditation seat.
Padmasana or Lotus pose is among the twelve meditation asanas named in the Bhasya commentary accompanying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali .
A zafu meditation cushion, often used in Buddhist practice
Buddhist monk seated in Seiza . Hōkō-ji temple , Japan
A simple modern meditation stool, used to assist in sitting with the back upright and the legs crossed
Bas-relief in Sukhothai , Thailand depicting monks during walking meditation .
SiddhasanaasanasmeditationBuddhistkneelingkinhinmindfulnessYoga Sutras of PatanjaliPadmasana or Lotus poseyoga as having eight limbsPadmasanaBhadrasanaSvastikasanaSiddhasana or MuktasanaSukhasanaVirasanaVajrasanaBaddha KonasanaB. K. S. IyengarGurdjieffHōkō-ji templeAnne CushmanDownward DogSavasanaspinal columnSukhothaiThailandwalking meditationOrthodox ChristianshesychasmSaint Gregory of SinaiTheravadazhan zhuangYiquanList of asanasMindful YogaYogapattasanaPowers, SarahCushman, AnneIyengar, B. K. S.Light on Yoga: Yoga DipikaBibcodeYoga JournalMaezumi, Hakuyu TaizanGlassman, BernieBrain activity and meditationHistory of meditationMeditation in popular cultureMind–body interventionsResearch on meditationAnapanasati (Buddhist breathing meditation)Buddhist meditationChristian meditationTaoist meditationDancemeditationDhyāna (Buddhist meditation)Dhyāna (Hindu meditation)Henosis (Neoplatonic meditation)Islamic meditationJain meditationJewish meditationMuraqabah (Sufi meditation)Naam Japo (Sikism meditation)NeigongPranayama (yoga breathing practice)QigongShikantaza (Zen Buddhist seated meditation)Silva MethodTantraTranscendental meditation (TM)Vipassanā (Silent meditation)Zazen (Zen Buddhist seated meditation)Zhan zhuang (tai chi standing meditation)5RhythmsBiofeedbackBrainwave entrainmentBreathingChantingConcentrationConscious breathingCountingEmptinessGuided meditationHigher consciousnessMantraOnenessPoetryPrayerRelaxationSamyamaTantric sexSilenceTranceVisualizationThich Nhat HanhJon Kabat-ZinnSam HarrisPema ChödrönSusan PiverS. N. GoenkaJoseph GoldsteinYuval Harari14th Dalai LamaMatthieu RicardSharon SalzbergDaniel GolemanThubten ChodronMartine BatchelorStephen BatchelorThe Varieties of the Meditative ExperienceMeditation and painDrishtiPranayamaSun SalutationVinyasaYoga as exerciseYoga as therapyHatha yogaAnjaneyasana (crescent moon)Bidalasana (cat)/Bitilasana (cow)Bhujangasana (cobra)Chakrasana (wheel) or Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward bow)Viparita Dandasana (inverted staff)Kapotasana (pigeon)Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (king pigeon)Ushtrasana (camel)Ashtavakrasana (8-angled)Bakasana (crane) or Kakasana (crow)Koundinyasana (the sage Kaundinya)Kukkutasana (cockerel)Mayurasana (peacock)Tittibhasana (firefly)Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward dog)Adho Mukha Vrkshasana (handstand)Halasana (plough)Sarvangasana (shoulderstand)Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge)Shirshasana (headstand)Viparita Karani (legs up the wall)Vrischikasana (scorpion)Anantasana (Vishnu's couch)Ashtanga Namaskara (eight-limbed)Bhekasana (frog)Chaturanga Dandasana (low plank)Dhanurasana (bow)Jathara Parivartanasana (belly twist)Makarasana (crocodile)Matsyasana (fish)Shalabhasana (locust)Shavasana (corpse)Vasishtasana (side plank)Yoganidrasana (yogic sleep)Baddha Konasana (cobbler)Gomukhasana (cow face)Gorakshasana (cowherd)Padmasana (lotus)Siddhasana (accomplished)Simhasana (lion)Vajrasana (thunderbolt)Bharadvajasana (the sage Bharadvaja)Marichyasana (the sage Marichi)Matsyendrasana (the sage Matsyendra, lord of the fishes)Pashasana (noose)Akarna Dhanurasana (shooting bow)Balasana (child)Garbha Pindasana (embryo in womb)Hanumanasana (monkey)Kraunchasana (heron)Kurmasana (tortoise)Malasana (garland)Mandukasana (frog)Mulabandhasana (root lock)Navasana (boat)Paschimottanasana (seated forward bend)Samakonasana (split)Virasana (hero)StandingParighasana (gate)Parshvottanasana (intense side stretch)Prasarita Padottanasana (wide stance forward bend)Tadasana (mountain)Trikonasana (triangle)Utkatasana (powerful)Uttanasana (standing forward bend)Utthita Parshvakonasana (sideways)Virabhadrasana (warrior)Ardha Chandrasana (half moon)Durvasasana (the sage Durvasa)Garudasana (eagle)Natarajasana (lord of the dance)Utthita Padangusthasana (standing big toe hold)Vrikshasana (tree)