Quantum field theory

A second major barrier came with QFT's apparent inability to describe the weak and strong interactions, to the point where some theorists called for the abandonment of the field theoretic approach.[2]: 19 Despite the enormous success of classical electromagnetism, it was unable to account for the discrete lines in atomic spectra, nor for the distribution of blackbody radiation in different wavelengths.He treated atoms, which absorb and emit electromagnetic radiation, as tiny oscillators with the crucial property that their energies can only take on a series of discrete, rather than continuous, values.In 1924, Louis de Broglie proposed the hypothesis of wave–particle duality, that microscopic particles exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties under different circumstances.Observationally, the Schrödinger equation underlying quantum mechanics could explain the stimulated emission of radiation from atoms, where an electron emits a new photon under the action of an external electromagnetic field, but it was unable to explain spontaneous emission, where an electron spontaneously decreases in energy and emits a photon even without the action of an external electromagnetic field.Theoretically, the Schrödinger equation could not describe photons and was inconsistent with the principles of special relativity—it treats time as an ordinary number while promoting spatial coordinates to linear operators.By ignoring the contribution of photons whose energy exceeds the electron mass, Hans Bethe successfully estimated the numerical value of the Lamb shift.The breakthrough eventually came around 1950 when a more robust method for eliminating infinities was developed by Julian Schwinger, Richard Feynman, Freeman Dyson, and Shinichiro Tomonaga.[6] As Tomonaga said in his Nobel lecture:Since those parts of the modified mass and charge due to field reactions [become infinite], it is impossible to calculate them by the theory.[8]: 2 Given the tremendous success of QED, many theorists believed, in the few years after 1949, that QFT could soon provide an understanding of all microscopic phenomena, not only the interactions between photons, electrons, and positrons.[13] Motivated by the former findings, Schwinger kept pursuing this approach in order to "quantumly" generalize the classical process of coupling external forces to the configuration space parameters known as Lagrange multipliers.[15][16][17] Developments in pion physics, in which the new viewpoint was most successfully applied, convinced him of the great advantages of mathematical simplicity and conceptual clarity that its use bestowed.[22] Harald Fritzsch, Murray Gell-Mann, and Heinrich Leutwyler discovered in 1971 that certain phenomena involving the strong interaction could also be explained by non-Abelian gauge theory.[8]: 3  The Higgs boson, central to the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking, was finally detected in 2012 at CERN, marking the complete verification of the existence of all constituents of the Standard Model.The first supersymmetric QFT in four dimensions was built by Yuri Golfand and Evgeny Likhtman in 1970, but their result failed to garner widespread interest due to the Iron Curtain.Supersymmetry theories only took off in the theoretical community after the work of Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino in 1973,[8]: 7  but to date have not been widely accepted as part of the Standard Model due to lack of experimental evidence.Historically, the Higgs mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking was a result of Yoichiro Nambu's application of superconductor theory to elementary particles, while the concept of renormalization came out of the study of second-order phase transitions in matter.In the case of the real scalar field, the existence of these operators was a consequence of the decomposition of solutions of the classical equations of motion into a sum of normal modes.The path integral formulation of QFT is concerned with the direct computation of the scattering amplitude of a certain interaction process, rather than the establishment of operators and state spaces.[1]: 82 The free two-point function, also known as the Feynman propagator, can be found for the real scalar field by either canonical quantization or path integrals to be[1]: 31,288 [32]: 23 In an interacting theory, where the Lagrangian or Hamiltonian contains termsIn canonical quantization, the two-point correlation function can be written as:[1]: 87 where ε is an infinitesimal number and ϕI is the field operator under the free theory.[1]: 798 [32]: 421 The renormalization group, developed by Kenneth Wilson, is a mathematical apparatus used to study the changes in physical parameters (coefficients in the Lagrangian) as the system is viewed at different scales.[1]: 410–411 As an example, the coupling constant in QED, namely the elementary charge e, has the following β function: where Λ is the energy scale under which the measurement of e is performed.[1]: 420 The coupling constant g in quantum chromodynamics, a non-Abelian gauge theory based on the symmetry group SU(3), has the following β function: where Nf is the number of quark flavours.For example, the cut-off could be the inverse of the atomic spacing in a condensed matter system, and in elementary particle physics it could be associated with the fundamental "graininess" of spacetime caused by quantum fluctuations in gravity.The remaining two degrees of freedom are said to be "redundant" — apparently different ways of writing Aμ can be related to each other by a gauge transformation and in fact describe the same state of the photon field.[1]: 797 [32]: 443 The ϕ4 theory, QED, QCD, as well as the whole Standard Model all assume a (3+1)-dimensional Minkowski space (3 spatial and 1 time dimensions) as the background on which the quantum fields are defined.For a special class of QFTs called topological quantum field theories (TQFTs), all correlation functions are independent of continuous changes in the spacetime metric.The interpretation of an interaction as a sum of intermediate states involving the exchange of various virtual particles only makes sense in the framework of perturbation theory.[57] Since the 1950s,[58] theoretical physicists and mathematicians have attempted to organize all QFTs into a set of axioms, in order to establish the existence of concrete models of relativistic QFT in a mathematically rigorous way and to study their properties.
Magnetic field lines visualized using iron filings . When a piece of paper is sprinkled with iron filings and placed above a bar magnet, the filings align according to the direction of the magnetic field, forming arcs allowing viewers to clearly see the poles of the magnet and to see the magnetic field generated.
Elementary particles of the Standard Model : six types of quarks , six types of leptons , four types of gauge bosons that carry fundamental interactions , as well as the Higgs boson , which endow elementary particles with mass.
Feynman diagramHistoryField theoryElectromagnetismWeak forceStrong forceQuantum mechanicsSpecial relativityGeneral relativityGauge theoryYang–Mills theorySymmetriesSymmetry in quantum mechanicsC-symmetryP-symmetryT-symmetryLorentz symmetryPoincaré symmetryGauge symmetryExplicit symmetry breakingSpontaneous symmetry breakingNoether chargeTopological chargeAnomalyBackground field methodBRST quantizationCorrelation functionCrossingEffective actionEffective field theoryExpectation valueLattice field theoryLSZ reduction formulaPartition functionPath Integral FormulationPropagatorQuantizationRegularizationRenormalizationVacuum stateWick's theoremWightman axiomsDirac equationKlein–Gordon equationProca equationsWheeler–DeWitt equationBargmann–Wigner equationsSchwinger-Dyson equationRenormalization group equationStandard ModelQuantum electrodynamicsElectroweak interactionQuantum chromodynamicsHiggs mechanismString theorySupersymmetryTechnicolorTheory of everythingQuantum gravityAndersonAnselmBargmannBecchiBelavinBerezinBjorkenBleuerBogoliubovBrodskyBuchholzCachazoCallanColemanConnesDashenDeWittDoplicherEnglertFaddeevFeynmanFramptonFritzschFröhlichFredenhagenGlashowGell-MannGoldstoneGribovGuralnikHeisenberg't HooftIliopoulosIvanenkoJackiwJona-LasinioJordanKällénKendallKinoshitaKlebanovKontsevichKreimerKuraevLandauLehmannLeutwylerLipatovŁopuszańskiLüdersMaianiMajoranaMaldacenaMatsubaraMigdalMøllerNaimarkNishijimaOppenheimerOsbornOsterwalderParisiPecceiPeskinPlefkaPolchinskiPolyakovPomeranchukRubakovRuelleSakuraiSchraderSchwarzSchwingerSeibergSemenoffShifmanShirkovSkyrmeSommerfieldStueckelbergSudarshanSymanzikTakahashiThirringTomonagaTyutinVainshteinVeltmanVenezianoVirasoroWeinbergWeisskopfWentzelWetterichWightmanWignerWilczekWilsonWittenYukawaZamolodchikovZimmermannZinn-JustinZuminotheoretical physicsprinciple of relativityparticle physicsphysical modelssubatomic particlescondensed matter physicsquasiparticlesstandard model of particle physicsHistory of quantum field theoryelectronsstrong interactionsMagnetic field linesiron filingsclassical field theoryNewton's law of universal gravitationPhilosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematicaaction at a distanceRichard Bentleyvectorgravitational fieldMichael Faradayclassical electromagnetismMaxwell's equationselectric fieldmagnetic fieldelectric currentelectric chargeelectromagnetic wavesspeed of lightatomic spectrablackbody radiationMax Planckelectromagnetic radiationoscillatorsquantum harmonic oscillatorsAlbert Einsteinphotoelectric effectphotonsNiels BohrBohr modelLouis de Brogliewave–particle dualityWerner HeisenbergMax BornErwin SchrödingerPaul DiracWolfgang PauliLorentz transformationsSchrödinger equationstimulated emissionspontaneous emissionlinear operatorsPascual Jordancanonical quantizationcurrent densityelectromagnetic vector potentialperturbation theoryuncertainty principleground statevacuumzero-point energyquantum fluctuationscatteringresonance fluorescenceCompton scatteringwave equationg-factorfine structurehydrogen atomKlein–Nishina formulaexcited statesEugene WignerEnrico Fermibeta decayFermi's interactionAtomic nucleiantimatterpositronsCarl David Andersoncosmic rayspair productionDirac hole theoryRobert Oppenheimerself-energyErnst StueckelbergJohn Archibald WheelerS-matrix theoryobservablesRichard Feynmanaction-at-a-distanceWillis LambRobert RetherfordLamb shiftHans BetheNorman Myles KrollJames Bruce FrenchVictor WeisskopfJulian SchwingerFreeman DysonShinichiro Tomonagaanomalous magnetic momentvacuum polarizationFeynman diagramsscattering amplitudeFermi theoryweak interactioncoupling constantfine-structure constantstrong interactionsymmetryconservation lawssource theoryS. WeinbergElementary particlesquarksleptonsgauge bosonsfundamental interactionsHiggs bosonYang Chen-NingRobert Millslocal symmetrynon-Abelian gauge theoriessymmetry groupschargeSheldon GlashowAbdus SalamJohn Clive WardPeter HiggsRobert BroutFrançois EnglertGerald GuralnikCarl HagenTom KibblePhysical Review Letters papersSteven Weinbergelectroweak interactionsGerard 't HooftJohn IliopoulosLuciano MaianiHarald FritzschMurray Gell-MannHeinrich LeutwylerDavid GrossFrank WilczekHugh David Politzerasymptotically freegravity't Hooft–Polyakov monopoleAlexander Polyakovflux tubesHolger Bech NielseninstantonsYuri GolfandIron CurtainJulius WessBruno Zuminoconformal symmetryJoël ScherkJohn Schwarzmany-body systemsYoichiro Nambusuperconductorphase transitionsquasiparticlephononsmagnetic fluxresistivityquantum Hall effectJosephson effectnatural unitsreduced Planck constantfunctionNewtonian gravitydegrees of freedompath integralsscalar fieldreal numberLagrangianEuler–Lagrange equationequations of motionnormal modesFourier transformcomplex numbercomplex conjugationharmonic oscillatorquantum harmonic oscillatorlinear operatorannihilation operatorcreation operatorHermitian conjugationcommutation relationHamiltonianDirac delta functionFock spacesecond quantizationDirac fieldsvector fieldsstringsquartic interactionEinstein notationprobability amplitudegenerator of time evolutionLegendre transformationCorrelation function (quantum field theory)four-vectorstime orderingGreen's functionFeynman propagatorinfinitesimalexponentialpower seriesdecay rateS-matrixvirtual particlesrenormalisationdimensional regularizationRenormalization groupKenneth Wilsonβ functionCallan–Symanzik equationelementary chargedifferential equationflavoursasymptotic freedomConformal field theoriesN = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theoryϕ4 theorycomplexvector fieldDirac fieldYukawa interactionelectronphotonelectromagnetic four-potentialDirac matriceselectromagnetic field strengthoff-shellactiongauge bosonAbelian groupnon-Abelian groupscovariant derivativegeneratorsfundamental representationstructure constantsmeasureequivalence principleLorentz groupNoether's theoremconservation lawcharge conservationfour-vectorpolarizationFaddeev–Popovgauge fixingsigma modelsubgroupGoldstone's theoremLie algebraferromagnetismmagnetic dipolesW and Z bosonsbosonsfermionstranslationssuperchargesWeyl fermionssuper-Poincaré groupsuperstring theoryMinimal Supersymmetric Standard Modelsuperpartnersupergravityhierarchy problemgrand unified scalePlanck scaleHiggs fieldHiggsinodark matterMinkowski space(2+1)-dimensional electron gaseshigh-energy physicsKaluza–Klein theoryextra dimensionsmetricraise and lowerQFTs in curved spacetimeSchwarzschild metricblack holeTopological quantum field theorytopological quantum field theoriesdiffeomorphismstopologytopological invariantsChern–Simons theoryfractional quantum Hall effecttopological quantum computersanyonselectromagnetic forcegluonsdomain wallflux tubeinstantonminimal modelsconformal field theoryThirring modelHaag's theoreminteraction pictureKevin CostelloKadanoffBatalin-Vilkoviskyaxiomsconstructive quantum field theorymathematical physicsCPT theoremspin–statistics theoremrepresentationscobordismsAlgebraic quantum field theoryHaag–Kastler axiomsOsterwalder–Schrader axiomsimaginary timeanalytic continuationWick rotationYang–Mills existence and mass gapMillennium Prize ProblemsYang–Mills theoriescompactsimplegauge groupmass gapAbraham–Lorentz forceAdS/CFT correspondenceAxiomatic quantum field theoryIntroduction to quantum mechanicsCommon integrals in quantum field theoryDirac's equationForm factor (quantum field theory)Green–Kubo relationsGreen's function (many-body theory)Group field theoryList of quantum field theoriesLocal quantum field theoryMaximally helicity violating amplitudesNoncommutative quantum field theoryQuantum field theory in curved spacetimeQuantum flavordynamicsQuantum hadrodynamicsQuantum hydrodynamicsQuantum trivialityRelation between Schrödinger's equation and the path integral formulation of quantum mechanicsRelationship between string theory and quantum field theorySchwinger–Dyson equationStatic forces and virtual-particle exchangeWard–Takahashi identityWheeler–Feynman absorber theoryWigner's classificationWigner's theoremPeskin, M.American Journal of PhysicsBibcodeWeinberg, StevenHeilbron, J. L.Oxford University PressThomson, Joseph JohnClarendon PressWeisskopf, VictorPhysics TodayHeisenberg, WernerPrometheus BooksShifman, M.'t Hooft, GerardYang, C. N.Mills, R. L.Physical ReviewColeman, SidneyScienceSutton, ChristineEncyclopædia BritannicaKibble, Tom W. B.Polchinski, JosephSchwarz, John H.U.S. Department of EnergyWilczek, FrankZee, A.Fock, V.Becker, MelanieBrading, Katherine A.CiteSeerXCarlip, StevenWitten, EdwardCommunications in Mathematical PhysicsAnnals of PhysicsThirring, W.Haag, RudolfBuchholz, DetlevSchreiber, UrsJaffe, ArthurClay Mathematics InstitutePais, A.Schweber, S. S.Princeton University PressFeynman, R.P.MIT PressGribbin, J.Weidenfeld & NicolsonKaku MichioMcGraw-HillBogolyubov, N.Shirkov, D.Benjamin CummingsFrampton, P.H.Greiner, W.Müller, B.SpringerItzykson, C.Zuber, J.-B.Kane, G.L.Perseus GroupKleinert, H.World ScientificLoudon, R.Mandl, F.John Wiley & SonsRyder, L.H.Cambridge University PressYnduráin, F.J.Westview PressTong, DavidZee, AnthonyBrown, Lowell S.Logunov, A.A.Kluwer Academic PublishersWeinberg, S.Encyclopedia of MathematicsEMS PressStanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyAlgebraic QFTAxiomatic QFTNoncommutative QFTQFT in curved spacetimeThermal QFTTopological QFTTwo-dimensional conformal field theoryBorn–InfeldEuler–HeisenbergGinzburg–LandauNon-linear sigmaScalar electrodynamicsScalar chromodynamicsYang–MillsYang–Mills–Higgs2D Yang–MillsBullough–DoddGross–NeveuSine-GordonThirring–Wess2D free massless scalarLiouvilleMinimalWess–Zumino–Witten4D N = 1N = 1 super Yang–MillsSeiberg–WittenSuper QCDWess–Zumino6D (2,0)N = 4 super Yang–MillsPure 4D N = 14D N = 8Higher dimensionalType IType IIAType IIBChern–SimonsChiralNambu–Jona-LasinioCasimir effectCosmic stringLoop quantum gravityLoop quantum cosmologyOn shell and off shellQuantum chaosQuantum dynamicsQuantum foamQuantum fluctuationsQuantum informationQuantum information scienceQuantum logicQuantum thermodynamicsIntroductionTimelineClassical mechanicsOld quantum theoryGlossaryBorn ruleBra–ket notation ComplementarityDensity matrixEnergy levelExcited stateDegenerate levelsEntanglementInterferenceDecoherenceMeasurementNonlocalityQuantum stateSuperpositionTunnellingScattering theoryUncertaintyWave functionCollapseFormulationsInteractionMatrix mechanicsSchrödingerPhase spaceKlein–GordonRarita–SchwingerRydbergInterpretationsBayesianConsistent historiesCopenhagende Broglie–BohmEnsembleHidden-variableSuperdeterminismMany-worldsObjective collapseRelationalTransactionalVon Neumann–WignerBell testDavisson–GermerDelayed-choice quantum eraserDouble-slitFranck–HertzMach–Zehnder interferometerElitzur–VaidmanPopperQuantum eraserStern–GerlachWheeler's delayed choiceQuantum biologyQuantum chemistryQuantum cosmologyQuantum differential calculusQuantum geometryQuantum measurement problemQuantum mindQuantum stochastic calculusQuantum spacetimeTechnologyQuantum algorithmsQuantum amplifierQuantum busQuantum cellular automataQuantum finite automataQuantum channelQuantum circuitQuantum complexity theoryQuantum computingQuantum cryptographyQuantum electronicsQuantum error correctionQuantum imagingQuantum image processingQuantum key distributionQuantum logic gatesQuantum machineQuantum machine learningQuantum metamaterialQuantum metrologyQuantum networkQuantum neural networkQuantum opticsQuantum programmingQuantum sensingQuantum simulatorQuantum teleportationQuantum statistical mechanicsRelativistic quantum mechanicsSchrödinger's catin popular cultureWigner's friendEPR paradoxQuantum mysticismBatalin–Vilkovisky formalismCA-dualityCausal patchFaddeev–Popov ghostGravitational anomalyGravitonHolographic principleIR/UV mixingPlanck unitsRyu–Takayanagi conjectureTrans-Planckian problemWeinberg–Witten theoremToy models2+1D topological gravityCGHS modelJackiw–Teitelboim gravityLiouville gravityRST modelQuantum field theoryin curved spacetimeBunch–Davies vacuumHawking radiationSemiclassical gravityUnruh effectBlack holesBlack hole complementarityBlack hole information paradoxBlack-hole thermodynamicsBekenstein boundBousso's holographic boundCosmic censorship hypothesisER = EPRFirewall (physics)Gravitational singularityBosonic string theoryM-theoryCanonical quantum gravityEuclidean quantum gravityHartle–Hawking stateCausal dynamical triangulationCausal setsDual gravitonNoncommutative geometrySpin foamSuperfluid vacuum theoryTwistor theoryEternal inflationFRW/CFT dualityMultiversebranches of physicsAppliedEngineeringExperimentalTheoreticalComputationalClassicalNewtonianAnalyticalCelestialContinuumAcousticsClassical opticsThermodynamicsStatisticalNon-equilibriumModernRelativistic mechanicsSpecialGeneralNuclear physicsAtomic, molecular, and optical physicsAtomicMolecularSolid-state physicsCrystallographyAstrophysicsAtmospheric physicsBiophysicsChemical physicsGeophysicsMaterials scienceMedical physicsOcean physicsHistory of physicsNobel Prize in PhysicsPhilosophy of physicsPhysics educationresearchTimeline of physics discoveriesColor chargeQuark modelWeak hyperchargeWeak isospinCKM matrixMathematical formulation of the Standard ModelBeyond theStandard ModelCosmological constantproblemStrong CP problemNeutrino oscillationGrand Unified TheorySplit supersymmetryGran SassoSuper-KTevatron