Oxidation state

Additionally, the oxidation states of atoms in a given compound may vary depending on the choice of electronegativity scale used in their calculation.[7] The dipole moments would, sometimes, also turn out abnormal oxidation numbers, such as in CO and NO, which are oriented with their positive end towards oxygen.Therefore, this leaves the atom's contribution to the bonding MO, the atomic-orbital energy, and from quantum-chemical calculations of charges, as the only viable criteria with cogent values for ionic approximation.It covers all oxoacids of any central atom (and all their fluoro-, chloro-, and bromo-relatives), as well as salts of such acids with group 1 and 2 metals.With the formula HNO3, the simple approach without bonding considerations yields −2 for all three oxygens and +5 for nitrogen, which is correct for nitric acid.Organic compounds are treated in a similar manner; exemplified here on functional groups occurring in between methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2): Analogously for transition-metal compounds; CrO(O2)2 on the left has a total of 36 valence electrons (18 pairs to be distributed), and hexacarbonylchromium (Cr(CO)6) on the right has 66 valence electrons (33 pairs): A key step is drawing the Lewis structure of the molecule (neutral, cationic, anionic): Atom symbols are arranged so that pairs of atoms can be joined by single two-electron bonds as in the molecule (a sort of "skeletal" structure), and the remaining valence electrons are distributed such that sp atoms obtain an octet (duet for hydrogen) with a priority that increases in proportion with electronegativity.Structures drawn with electron dot pairs are of course identical in every way: The algorithm contains a caveat, which concerns rare cases of transition-metal complexes with a type of ligand that is reversibly bonded as a Lewis acid (as an acceptor of the electron pair from the transition metal); termed a "Z-type" ligand in Green's covalent bond classification method.The caveat originates from the simplifying use of electronegativity instead of the MO-based electron allegiance to decide the ionic sign.[6] One early example is the O2S−RhCl(CO)(PPh3)2 complex[13] with sulfur dioxide (SO2) as the reversibly-bonded acceptor ligand (released upon heating).The Rh−S bond is therefore extrapolated ionic against Allen electronegativities of rhodium and sulfur, yielding oxidation state +1 for rhodium: This algorithm works on Lewis structures and bond graphs of extended (non-molecular) solids: Oxidation state is obtained by summing the heteronuclear-bond orders at the atom as positive if that atom is the electropositive partner in a particular bond and as negative if not, and the atom’s formal charge (if any) is added to that sum.Applied to molecular ions, this algorithm considers the actual location of the formal (ionic) charge, as drawn in the Lewis structure.As an example, summing bond orders in the ammonium cation yields −4 at the nitrogen of formal charge +1, with the two numbers adding to the oxidation state of −3: The sum of oxidation states in the ion equals its charge (as it equals zero for a neutral molecule).For sulfate this is exemplified with the skeletal or Lewis structures (top), compared with the bond-order formula of all oxygens equivalent and fulfilling the octet and 8 − N rules (bottom): A bond graph in solid-state chemistry is a chemical formula of an extended structure, in which direct bonding connectivities are shown.Experimental data show that three metal-oxygen bonds in the octahedron are short and three are long (the metals are off-center).For example, in the reaction of acetaldehyde with Tollens' reagent to form acetic acid (shown below), the carbonyl carbon atom changes its oxidation state from +1 to +3 (loses two electrons).An inorganic example is the Bettendorf reaction using tin dichloride (SnCl2) to prove the presence of arsenite ions in a concentrated HCl extract.A nominal oxidation state is a general term with two different definitions: Lewis formulae are rule-based approximations of chemical reality, as are Allen electronegativities.The diatomic superoxide ion O−2 has an overall charge of −1, so each of its two equivalent oxygen atoms is assigned an oxidation state of −⁠1/2⁠.Ultimately, assigning the free metallic electrons to one of the bonded atoms is not comprehensive and can yield unusual oxidation states.Examples are the LiPb and Cu3Au ordered alloys, the composition and structure of which are largely determined by atomic size and packing factors.[20]: 147 The term "oxidation state" in English chemical literature was popularized by Wendell Mitchell Latimer in his 1938 book about electrochemical potentials.In 1948 Linus Pauling proposed that oxidation number could be determined by extrapolating bonds to being completely ionic in the direction of electronegativity.
chemistrychargeoxidationelectronschemical compoundionic bondingcovalent bondsionization energythe choiceelectronegativityinorganic compoundsintegersmagnetiteiridiumtetroxoiridium(IX)platinumgalliumpentamagnesium digallideStock nomenclatureRoman numeralIron(III) oxideAntoine Lavoisieroxygenreactionsreductionchemical nomenclatureoxidation-reduction reactionsInternational Union of Pure and Applied ChemistryGold BookMolecular orbitalLCAO–MOPeriodElectronegativities of the elements (data page)postulatedhydrogensulfuric aciddichromic acidhydrogen peroxideFluorinechlorinebromineGroup 1group 2hydrideoxoacidsiodidessulfidesLewis structurevalence electronsheteronuclearhomonucleargroup 15structural isomersperoxynitrous acidnitric acidOrganic compoundsfunctional groupsmethanecarbon dioxidetransition-metalhexacarbonylchromiumresonance formulassulfatebond ordersammoniumcomplexesligandLewis acidcovalent bond classification methodsulfur dioxiderhodiumformal chargesbond graphsolid-state chemistryperovskiterubidiumauridebond valencesilmenitetitaniumsbond valence methodacetaldehydeTollens' reagentacetic acidcarbonyltin dichloridearsenitearsenichalf-reactionsElectrochemicalLatimer diagramFrost diagramsulfurHS2O−3diproticphosphorusLewis formulaedichotomousresonancenon-innocentnickeldithiolatetautomerismmanganesecatecholatethiosulfatep-blockpolysulfidecarbon monoxidepropanesuperoxidecyclopentadienyl anionC5H−5C4O2−4(CH2OH)2CH2Cl2OCHCHOCHCl2CHCl2HOOCCOOHlusterelectrical conductivitystoichiometricalloysatomic sizepacking factorschemical elementsallotropeheliumlithiumberylliumcarbonnitrogensodiummagnesiumaluminiumsiliconpotassiumcalciumscandiumtitaniumvanadiumchromiumcobaltcoppergermaniumseleniumkryptonstrontiumyttriumzirconiumniobiummolybdenumtechnetiumrutheniumpalladiumsilvercadmiumindiumantimonytelluriumiodinecaesiumbariumlanthanumceriumpraseodymiumneodymiumpromethiumsamariumeuropiumgadoliniumterbiumdysprosiumholmiumerbiumthuliumytterbiumlutetiumhafniumtantalumtungstenrheniumosmiummercurythalliumbismuthpoloniumastatinefranciumradiumactiniumthoriumprotactiniumuraniumneptuniumplutoniumamericiumcuriumberkeliumcaliforniumeinsteiniumfermiummendeleviumnobeliumlawrenciumrutherfordiumdubniumseaborgiumbohriumhassiummeitneriumdarmstadtiumroentgeniumcoperniciumnihoniumfleroviummoscoviumlivermoriumtennessineoganessonIrving Langmuiroctet ruletransition metalslanthanidesactinidesiron(III) sulfatesulfate ionFriedrich WöhlerDmitri Mendeleevperiodic tableWilliam B. Jensenferric chlorideferrous chlorideAlfred Stockiron(II) chlorideStock numberelectron pairsWendell Mitchell Latimerelectrochemical potentialsredox couplesLinus Paulingligandscoordination complexesIUPAC Gold BookElectrochemistryAtomic orbitalAtomic shellQuantum numbersAzimuthal quantum numberPrincipal quantum numberMagnetic quantum numberSpin quantum numberAufbau principleWiswesser's ruleElectron affinityIonic potentialCationsAnionsPolyatomic ionsCovalent bondingMetallic bondingHybridizationBibcodeGreenwood, Norman N.Butterworth-HeinemannNature Chemistrymagnesium diborideTetrazolesstoichiometriesLow valent magnesium compoundsAl2(CH3)6Chemistry Europeargon fluorohydrideJournal of Physical Chemistry LettersdecamethyldizincoceneSciencegallium monoiodidegermanidesradicalmolybdenum hexacarbonylcadmium(I) tetrachloroaluminateorganoantimony compoundstetraxenonogold(II)Angewandte Chemie International EditionRe2(CO)10N-heterocyclic carbeneSpringer Science+Business MediaJensen, W. B.OxidesAntimony tetroxideBoron suboxideCarbon suboxideChlorine perchlorateChloryl perchlorateCobalt(II,III) oxideDichlorine pentoxideIron(II,III) oxideLead(II,IV) oxideManganese(II,III) oxideMellitic anhydridePraseodymium(III,IV) oxideSilver(I,III) oxideTerbium(III,IV) oxideTribromine octoxideTriuranium octoxideAluminium(I) oxideCopper(I) oxideCaesium monoxideDibromine monoxideDicarbon monoxideDichlorine monoxideGallium(I) oxideIodine(I) oxideLithium oxideMercury(I) oxideNitrous oxidePotassium oxideRubidium oxideSilver oxideThallium(I) oxideSodium oxideWater (hydrogen oxide)Aluminium(II) oxideBarium oxideBerkelium monoxideBeryllium oxideBoron monoxideBromine monoxideCadmium oxideCalcium oxideChlorine monoxideChromium(II) oxideCobalt(II) oxideCopper(II) oxideDinitrogen dioxideEuropium(II) oxideGermanium monoxideIron(II) oxideIodine monoxideLead(II) oxideMagnesium oxideManganese(II) oxideMercury(II) oxideNickel(II) oxideNitric oxideNiobium monoxidePalladium(II) oxidePhosphorus monoxidePolonium monoxideProtactinium monoxideRadium oxideSilicon monoxideStrontium oxideSulfur monoxideDisulfur dioxideThorium monoxideTin(II) oxideTitanium(II) oxideVanadium(II) oxideYttrium(II) oxideZirconium monoxideZinc oxideActinium(III) oxideAluminium oxideAmericium(III) oxideAntimony trioxideArsenic trioxideBerkelium(III) oxideBismuth(III) oxideBoron trioxideCaesium sesquioxideCalifornium(III) oxideCerium(III) oxideChromium(III) oxideCobalt(III) oxideDinitrogen trioxideDysprosium(III) oxideEinsteinium(III) oxideErbium(III) oxideEuropium(III) oxideGadolinium(III) oxideGallium(III) oxideGold(III) oxideHolmium(III) oxideIndium(III) oxideLanthanum oxideLutetium(III) oxideManganese(III) oxideNeodymium(III) oxideNickel(III) oxidePhosphorus trioxidePraseodymium(III) oxidePromethium(III) oxideRhodium(III) oxideSamarium(III) oxideScandium oxideTerbium(III) oxideThallium(III) oxideThulium(III) oxideTitanium(III) oxideTungsten(III) oxideVanadium(III) oxideYtterbium(III) oxideYttrium(III) oxideAmericium dioxideBerkelium(IV) oxideBromine dioxideCalifornium dioxideCarbon trioxideCerium(IV) oxideChlorine dioxideChromium(IV) oxideCurium(IV) oxideDinitrogen tetroxideGermanium dioxideIodine dioxideIridium dioxideHafnium(IV) oxideLead dioxideManganese dioxideMolybdenum dioxideNeptunium(IV) oxideNitrogen dioxideNiobium dioxideOsmium dioxidePlatinum dioxidePlutonium(IV) oxidePolonium dioxidePraseodymium(IV) oxideProtactinium(IV) oxideRhenium(IV) oxideRhodium(IV) oxideRuthenium(IV) oxideSelenium dioxideSilicon dioxideTechnetium(IV) oxideTellurium dioxideTerbium(IV) oxideThorium dioxideTin dioxideTitanium dioxideTungsten(IV) oxideUranium dioxideVanadium(IV) oxideZirconium dioxideAntimony pentoxideArsenic pentoxideBismuth pentoxideDinitrogen pentoxideNiobium pentoxidePhosphorus pentoxideProtactinium(V) oxideTantalum pentoxideTungsten pentoxideVanadium(V) oxideChromium trioxideMolybdenum trioxidePolonium trioxideRhenium trioxideSelenium trioxideSulfur trioxideTellurium trioxideTungsten trioxideUranium trioxideXenon trioxideDichlorine heptoxideManganese heptoxideRhenium(VII) oxideTechnetium(VII) oxideIridium tetroxideOsmium tetroxideRuthenium tetroxideXenon tetroxideHassium tetroxideOxocarbonSuboxideOxyanionOzonidePeroxideOxypnictide