
The heavy isotope plutonium-244 has a half-life long enough that extreme trace quantities should have survived primordially (from the Earth's formation) to the present, but so far experiments have not yet been sensitive enough to detect it.The presence of plutonium-240 limits a plutonium sample's usability for weapons or its quality as reactor fuel, and the percentage of plutonium-240 determines its grade (weapons-grade, fuel-grade, or reactor-grade).[17] Plutonium in the δ (delta) form normally exists in the 310 °C to 452 °C range but is stable at room temperature when alloyed with a small percentage of gallium, aluminium, or cerium, enhancing workability and allowing it to be welded.[citation needed] The ε phase, the highest temperature solid allotrope, exhibits anomalously high atomic self-diffusion compared to other elements.[15][43] Powders of plutonium, its hydrides and certain oxides like Pu2O3 are pyrophoric, meaning they can ignite spontaneously at ambient temperature and are therefore handled in an inert, dry atmosphere of nitrogen or argon.[56] These trace amounts of 239Pu originate in the following fashion: on rare occasions, 238U undergoes spontaneous fission, and in the process, the nucleus emits one or two free neutrons with some kinetic energy.[59] Due to its relatively long half-life of about 80 million years, it was suggested that plutonium-244 occurs naturally as a primordial nuclide, but early reports of its detection could not be confirmed.[63] The former presence of 244Pu in the early Solar System has been confirmed, since it manifests itself today as an excess of its daughters, either 232Th (from the alpha decay pathway) or xenon isotopes (from its spontaneous fission).[73] A paper documenting the discovery was prepared by the team and sent to the journal Physical Review in March 1941,[42] but publication was delayed until a year after the end of World War II due to security concerns.[75] At the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge, Egon Bretscher and Norman Feather realized that a slow neutron reactor fuelled with uranium would theoretically produce substantial amounts of plutonium-239 as a by-product.[82][note 4] On December 2, 1942, on a racket court under the west grandstand at the University of Chicago's Stagg Field, researchers headed by Enrico Fermi achieved the first self-sustaining chain reaction in a graphite and uranium pile known as CP-1.Using theoretical information garnered from the operation of CP-1, DuPont constructed an air-cooled experimental production reactor, known as X-10, and a pilot chemical separation facility at Oak Ridge.The separation facility, using methods developed by Glenn T. Seaborg and a team of researchers at the Met Lab, removed plutonium from uranium irradiated in the X-10 reactor.The interior had an eerie quality as operators behind seven feet of concrete shielding manipulated remote control equipment by looking through television monitors and periscopes from an upper gallery.[89] The original gun-type plutonium weapon, code-named "Thin Man", had to be abandoned as a result—the increased number of spontaneous neutrons meant that nuclear pre-detonation (fizzle) was likely.[93] By the end of January 1945, the highly purified plutonium underwent further concentration in the completed chemical isolation building, where remaining impurities were removed successfully.[83] According to Kate Brown, the plutonium production plants at Hanford and Mayak in Russia, over a period of four decades, "both released more than 200 million curies of radioactive isotopes into the surrounding environment—twice the amount expelled in the Chernobyl disaster in each instance".[94] Most of this radioactive contamination over the years were part of normal operations, but unforeseen accidents did occur and plant management kept this secret, as the pollution continued unabated.Inside the safe were various items, including a large glass bottle containing a whitish slurry which was subsequently identified as the oldest sample of weapons-grade plutonium known to exist.[107] As noted by Carl Johnson in Ambio, "Exposures of a large population in the Denver area to plutonium and other radionuclides in the exhaust plumes from the plant date back to 1953.[110] On March 5, 2009, Energy Secretary Steven Chu told a Senate hearing "the Yucca Mountain site no longer was viewed as an option for storing reactor waste".[115] For human subjects, this involved injecting solutions typically containing 5 micrograms (μg) of plutonium into hospital patients thought to be either terminally ill, or to have a life expectancy of less than ten years either due to age or chronic disease.[120] The government covered up most of these actions until 1993, when President Bill Clinton ordered a change of policy and federal agencies then made available relevant records.If fast neutron reactors are not available (the normal case), excess plutonium is usually discarded, and forms one of the longest-lived components of nuclear waste.The desire to consume this plutonium and other transuranic fuels and reduce the radiotoxicity of the waste is the usual reason nuclear engineers give to make fast neutron reactors.A dedicated reactor operating on very low burnup (hence minimal exposure of newly formed plutonium-239 to additional neutrons which causes it to be transformed to heavier isotopes of plutonium) is generally required to produce material suitable for use in efficient nuclear weapons.[144][145] Donald Mastick accidentally swallowed a small amount of plutonium(III) chloride, which was detectable for the next thirty years of his life, but appeared to suffer no ill effects.[149] A commonly cited quote by Ralph Nader states that a pound of plutonium dust spread into the atmosphere would be enough to kill 8 billion people.[160] In December 1958, during a process of purifying plutonium at Los Alamos, a critical mass formed in a mixing vessel, which killed chemical operator Cecil Kelley.A typical transport consists of one truck carrying one protected shipping container, holding a number of packages with a total weight varying from 80 to 200 kg of plutonium oxide.
Color lines in a spectral range
A graph showing change in density with increasing temperature upon sequential phase transitions between alpha, beta, gamma, delta, delta' and epsilon phases
Plutonium has six allotropes at ambient pressure: alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ), delta (δ), delta prime (δ'), and epsilon (ε). [ 17 ]
A diagram illustrating the interconversions between various isotopes of uranium, thorium, protactinium and plutonium
Uranium-plutonium and thorium-uranium chains
Five fluids in glass test tubes: violet, Pu(III); dark brown, Pu(IV)HClO4; light purple, Pu(V); light brown, Pu(VI); dark green, Pu(VII)
Various oxidation states of plutonium in solution
Black block of Pu with red spots on top and yellow powder around it
Plutonium pyrophoricity can cause it to look like a glowing ember under certain conditions.
Glass vial of brownish-white snow-like precipitation of plutonium hydroxide
Twenty micrograms of pure plutonium hydroxide
Elderly Seaborg in a suit
Glenn T. Seaborg and his team at Berkeley were the first to produce plutonium.
The dwarf planet Pluto , after which plutonium is named
Tall square industrial room seen from above. Its cement walls have metal ladders and meshes, and a dozen people work on the floor.
The Hanford B Reactor face under construction—the first plutonium-production reactor
Aerial shot of Hanford
The Hanford site represents two-thirds of U.S. high-level radioactive waste by volume. Nuclear reactors line the riverbank at the Hanford Site along the Columbia River in January 1960.
Two diagrams of weapon assembly. Top: "gun-type assembly method": an elliptical shell encloses conventional explosives on the left, whose detonation pushes sub-critical pieces of uranium-235 together on the right. Bottom: "implosion assembly method": a spherical shell encloses eight high-explosive charges which upon detonation compress a plutonium charge in the core.
Due to the presence of 240 Pu in reactor-bred plutonium, the implosion design was developed for " Fat Man " and " Trinity ".
Photo of a nuclear mushroom cloud with a gray stem and white cap
The atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan , in 1945 had a plutonium core.
Glowing cylinder of plutonium oxide standing in a circular pit
A glowing cylinder of 238 PuO 2
Glowing graphite cube containing plutonium-238 oxide
The 238 PuO 2 radioisotope thermoelectric generator of the Curiosity rover
A stack of square metal plates with a side about 10 inches. In the 3-inch hole in the top plate there is a gray metal ball simulating Pu.
A sphere of plutonium surrounded by neutron-reflecting tungsten carbide blocks in a re-enactment of Harry Daghlian's 1945 experiment
Plutonium (disambiguation)PoloniumAllotropesAllotropes of plutoniumMass numberperiodic tableHydrogenHeliumLithiumBerylliumCarbonNitrogenOxygenFluorineSodiumMagnesiumAluminiumSiliconPhosphorusSulfurChlorinePotassiumCalciumScandiumTitaniumVanadiumChromiumManganeseCobaltNickelCopperGalliumGermaniumArsenicSeleniumBromineKryptonRubidiumStrontiumYttriumZirconiumNiobiumMolybdenumTechnetiumRutheniumRhodiumPalladiumSilverCadmiumIndiumAntimonyTelluriumIodineCaesiumBariumLanthanumCeriumPraseodymiumNeodymiumPromethiumSamariumEuropiumGadoliniumTerbiumDysprosiumHolmiumErbiumThuliumYtterbiumLutetiumHafniumTantalumTungstenRheniumOsmiumIridiumPlatinumMercury (element)ThalliumBismuthAstatineFranciumRadiumActiniumThoriumProtactiniumUraniumNeptuniumAmericiumCuriumBerkeliumCaliforniumEinsteiniumFermiumMendeleviumNobeliumLawrenciumRutherfordiumDubniumSeaborgiumBohriumHassiumMeitneriumDarmstadtiumRoentgeniumCoperniciumNihoniumFleroviumMoscoviumLivermoriumTennessineOganessonAtomic numberf-block groupsPeriodperiod 7Electron configurationMelting pointBoiling pointDensityHeat of fusionkJ/molHeat of vaporizationMolar heat capacityVapor pressureOxidation statesElectronegativityIonization energiesAtomic radiusCovalent radiusSpectral linesfrom decayCrystal structuremonoclinicLattice constantsThermal expansionThermal conductivityElectrical resistivityMagnetic orderingparamagneticYoung's modulusShear modulusSpeed of soundPoisson ratioCAS Numberdwarf planetclassicalDiscoveryGlenn T. SeaborgArthur WahlJoseph W. KennedyEdwin McMillanIsotopes of plutoniumabun­dancehalf-lifepro­ductreferenceschemical elementsymbolactinidetarnisheswhen oxidizedhalogensoxideshydridespyrophoricradioactivedeuteronuranium-238cyclotronUniversity of California, Berkeleyneptunium-238beta-decayedUranusNeptuneplutonium-244trace quantitiesprimordiallyplutonium-239plutonium-241fissilenuclear chain reactionnuclear weaponsnuclear reactorsPlutonium-240spontaneous fissionneutron fluxweapons-gradePlutonium-238alpha particlesradioisotope thermoelectric generatorsspacecraftManhattan ProjectWorld War IIFat ManTrinitynuclear testbombing of NagasakiHuman radiation experimentsinformed consentcriticality accidentsplutonium wastenuclear power plantsdismantled nuclear weaponsCold Warnuclear-proliferationplutonium in the environmentfalloutbannedoxidizesroom temperatureα (alpha) formallotropealloyedelectricityplutonium oxidesMOX-fuelAlpha decayradioactive decayhalf lifeblackbody radiationresistivityfatiguesannealingviscositysurface tensioninternal energiesdensitiescrystal structuresphase transitionscast ironweldedshock wavessupercriticalityself-diffusionisotopeuranium-233uranium-235atomic nucleusfissionslow moving neutronmultiplication factorcritical massnuclear binding energyelectromagnetickinetic energytons of TNTreactorspredetonationFuel-grade plutoniumUnited States Navyfast neutronsneutron absorptionsbeta decayfertile materialradioisotopesmetastable statesalpha emissionprotonsdecay productsbeta emissionparent isotopeneptunium seriescapturedEgon BretscherTube Alloysdeuteronsneutron irradiationneptunium-237decay heatDecay modePlutonium compoundsaqueous solutioncomplexingchloroformplutonium tetrafluoridealkalishydrochlorichydroiodicperchloric acidsvacuuminert atmospherecarbon tetrachloridepyrophoricityplutonium hydridecompoundsorganometallicorganoactinideplutonocenecovalentCruciblesreducingRefractory metalsboridescarbidesnitridessilicideselectric arc furnace5f electronsalkali metalsalkaline earth metalsrare earth metalsplutonium–gallium alloyimplosion bombsnuclear fuelunconventional superconductorheavy fermionparts per trillionnatural nuclear fission reactorCigar Lake Minedouble beta decayprimordial nuclideextinctionr-processsupernovaeneutron starsdecay chainsecular equilibriumchemically peculiarPrzybylski's Starnuclear testsnuclear accidentsLimited Test Ban TreatySoviet UnionEnrico FermiUniversity of Romehesperiumnuclear fissionOtto HahnFritz StrassmannEmilio SegrèBerkeley Radiation LaboratoryPhysical ReviewCavendish LaboratoryCambridgeNorman FeatherNicholas KemmerelementKurt StarkebecquerelsMetallurgical LaboratoryUniversity of Chicagoplutonium trifluorideHanford Siteuranium enrichmentOak Ridge, TennesseeLos Alamos National LaboratoryB Reactorradioactive wasteColumbia RiverX-10 Graphite ReactorOak Ridge National Laboratorygun-typeThin Manfizzleexplosive lensesFranklin MatthiasKate BrownChernobyl disasterradioactive contaminationHanford nuclear sitePacific Northwest National LaboratoryAlamogordo, New Mexico"Urchin"neutron sourcetonnesNagasakiSmyth ReportReactor-grade plutoniumweapons-grade plutoniumSavannah River Sitenuclear powerstockpileRocky Flats PlantEdward MartellCarl Johnsonplutonium oxideborosilicatesstainless steelconcreteYucca Mountain nuclear waste repositoryLas VegasEnergy SecretarySteven ChuWaste Isolation Pilot PlantBlue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear FutureAlbert StevensEileen WelsomeEbb CadeHarold HodgeUnited States Atomic Energy CommissionThe Plutonium Filesmedical ethicsHippocratic OathBill ClintonAdvisory Committee on Human Radiation Experimentsatomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japanplutonium pittamperreflecting escaping neutronsexplosive yieldNuclear reprocessingWeapons-grade nuclear materialSpent nuclear fuellight water reactorsplutonium-242MOX fuelfast neutron reactorstransuranicreprocessesBreeder reactorsplutonium alloyburnupunder-20Kt deviceCuriosity roverthermal energygamma raysphotonskilogramradioisotope heater unitsCassiniVoyagerGalileoNew HorizonsCuriosityPerseveranceMars 2020Mars roversApollo Lunar Surface Experiment PackagesApollo 12pacemakersprimary cellsscuba divingheavy metal poisoningbone marrownuclear disasters and radioactive incidentsatomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasakiradiation poisoningJapanese survivorsionizing radiationradiation sicknessgenetic damagecancerskeletonbiological half-lifeDonald Mastickplutonium(III) chloridelung cancerdose equivalenthot particleRalph NaderBernard Cohenlinear no-threshold modelnerve gasnutrient cycleChernobyl Exclusion Zonetungsten carbidemoderationHarry DaghlianLouis Slotindemon coreCecil KelleyMagnesium oxideheat sinkinert gasNuclear Regulatory CommissioncuriesPacific EgretSavannah RiverSouth Carolinapassenger airlinesStatens strålevernelectrolysisGeorge Herbert Jones LaboratoryNational Historic LandmarkTeller–Ulam designnuclear fusionBoulder, ColoradoGreenwood, Norman N.Butterworth-HeinemannBrookhaven National LaboratoryLeona MarshallLos Alamos ScienceUnited States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionBibcodeScience NewsWiley-BlackwellGarwin, RichardThe Bulletin of the Atomic ScientistsFederation of American ScientistsWayback MachineJet Propulsion LaboratoryAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease RegistryCenters for Disease Control and PreventionCohen, Bernard L.Asimov, IsaacClark, RonaldHoddeson, LillianWestfall, Catherine L.Rhodes, RichardThe Making of the Atomic BombStockholm International Peace Research InstituteWashington and Lee UniversityLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryRoyal Society of ChemistryThe Periodic Table of VideosYouTubes-blockf-blockd-blockp-blockPu(NO3)4Pu(IO3)4Pu(SO4)2Pu(C8H8)2Nuclear technologyOutlineChemistryEngineeringPhysicsFusionRadiationionizingbrakingTritiumDeuteriumHelium-3Fissile materialIsotope separationNuclear materialenricheddepletedNeutronActivationCapturePoisonCross sectionGeneratorReflectorTemperatureThermalby countryPower plantEconomicsAccidents and incidentsPolicyRadioisotope thermoelectric (RTG)PropulsionrocketSafety and securityNuclear meltdownMedicineImagingAutoradiographRadBallScintigraphySingle-photon emission (SPECT)Positron-emission tomography (PET)TherapyFast-neutronNeutron capture therapy of cancerTargeted alpha-particleProton-beamTomotherapyBrachytherapyRadiosurgeryRadiopharmacologyProcessingAtomic gardeningElectron-beam processingFood irradiationGemstone irradiationWeaponsArms raceDeliveryDesignDisarmamentEthicsExplosioneffectsHistoryProliferationTestinghigh-altitudeundergroundWarfareStates with nuclear weaponsHistorical stockpiles and testsTests in the United StatesWMD treatiesWeapon-free zonesReprocessed uraniumMinor actinideActinide chemistryFuel cycleHigh-level (HLW)Low-level (LLW)Nuclear decommissioningRepositoryReprocessingSpent fuelTransmutationAnti-nuclear movementUranium miningNuclear power phase-outModeratorLight waterAqueous homogeneousBoilingKerenaNatural fissionPressurizedAP1000APR-1400ATMEA1CAP1400CPR-1000HPR-1000ACPR1000ACP1000IPWR-900Supercritical (SCWR)Heavy watercoolantACR-1000IPHWR-220IPHWR-700PHWR KWUR4 MarvikenSteam-generating (SGHWR)OrganicKS 150LucensGraphiteUranium Naturel Graphite Gaz (UNGG)MagnoxAdvanced gas-cooled (AGR)UHTREXVHTR (HTGR)PBR (PBMR)HTR-10HTR-PMTHTR-300Molten-saltFluoridesFuji MSRLiquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR)Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE)Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR)TMSR-500TMSR-LF1Breeder (FBR)Integral (IFR)Liquid-metal-cooled (LMFR)Small sealed transportable autonomous (SSTAR)Traveling-wave (TWR)Energy Multiplier Module (EM2)Reduced-moderation (RMWR)Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR)Dual fluid reactor (DFR)Generation IVSodium (SFR)BN-350BN-600BN-800BN-1200CFR-600PhénixSuperphénixFBR-600Helium gas (GFR)Stable Salt Reactor (SSR)Organic nuclear reactorAircraft Reactor ExperimentMagneticField-reversed configurationLevitated dipoleReversed field pinchSpheromakStellaratorTokamakInertialBubble (acoustic)electrostaticLaser-drivenMagnetized-targetZ-pinchDense plasma focusMuon-catalyzedPolywellPyroelectricTimelineBerkeleyChicagoSite ADaytonHanfordInyokernLos AlamosMontrealNew YorkOak RidgeSalt Wells Pilot PlantWendoverHeavy water sitesVannevar BushArthur ComptonJames B. ConantPriscilla DuffieldThomas FarrellLeslie GrovesJohn LansdaleErnest LawrenceJames MarshallDorothy McKibbinKenneth NicholsRobert OppenheimerDeak ParsonsBoris PashWilliam PurnellFrank SpeddingCharles ThomasPaul TibbetsBud UannaHarold UreyStafford WarrenEd WestcottRoscoe WilsonLuis AlvarezRobert BacherHans BetheAage BohrNiels BohrNorris BradburyJames ChadwickJohn CockcroftCharles CritchfieldJohn R. DunningRichard FeynmanVal FitchJames FranckKlaus FuchsMaria Goeppert MayerGeorge KistiakowskyGeorge KovalWillard LibbyMark OliphantGeorge B. PegramNorman Ramsey Jr.Isidor Isaac RabiJames RainwaterBruno RossiGlenn SeaborgHenry DeWolf SmythLeo SzilardEdward TellerStanisław UlamJohn von NeumannJohn WheelerEugene WignerRobert WilsonLeona WoodsChien-Shiung WuAlsos MissionBombings of Hiroshima and NagasakiOperation CrossroadsOperation PeppermintProject AlbertaSilverplate509th Composite GroupEnola GayBockscarThe Great ArtisteLittle BoyPumpkin bombAfrican AmericansAtomic Energy Act of 1946Bismuth phosphate processBritish contributionCalutron GirlsChicago Pile-1Einstein–Szilard letterFranck ReportInterim CommitteeK-25 ProjectLos Alamos PrimerNobel Prize laureatesOppenheimer security hearingQuebec AgreementRaLa ExperimentS-1 Executive CommitteeS-50 ProjectY-12 Project