Radioactive contamination

For example, if a radionuclide used in nuclear medicine is spilled (accidentally or, as in the case of the Goiânia accident, through ignorance), the material could be spread by people as they walk around.In nuclear accidents, a measure of the type and amount of radioactivity released, such as from a reactor containment failure, is known as the source term.The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission defines this as "Types and amounts of radioactive or hazardous material released to the environment following an accident.In the case of liquids, this is by the use of high integrity tanks or containers, usually with a sump system so that leakage can be detected by radiometric or conventional instrumentation.Where the material is likely to become airborne, then extensive use is made of the glovebox, which is a common technique in hazardous laboratory and process operations in many industries.A particular problem is encountered with naturally generated radon gas which can affect instruments that are set to detect contamination close to normal background levels and can cause false alarms.Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) can be brought to the surface or concentrated by human activities such as mining, oil and gas extraction, and coal consumption.In the United Kingdom, HSE has issued a user guidance note on selecting the correct portable radiation measurement instrument for the application concerned.The UK NPL publishes a guide on the alarm levels to be used with instruments for checking personnel exiting controlled areas in which contamination may be encountered.Airborne particles accumulate on the filter and can be measured in a number of ways: Commonly a semiconductor radiation detection sensor is used that can also provide spectrographic information on the contamination being collected.The national government is under pressure to clean up radioactivity due to the Fukushima nuclear accident of March 2011 from as much land as possible so that some of the 110,000 displaced people can return.[citation needed] If a survey or map is made of a contaminated area, random sampling locations may be labeled with their activity in becquerels or curies on contact.People can be exposed to potentially lethal radiation levels, both externally and internally, from the spread of contamination following an accident (or a deliberate initiation) involving large quantities of radioactive material.In a contaminated facility, hot spots may be marked with a sign, shielded with bags of lead shot, or cordoned off with warning tape containing the radioactive trefoil symbol.[14] Radioactive contamination by definition emits ionizing radiation, which can irradiate the human body from an external or internal origin.Penetrating radiation such as gamma rays, X-rays, neutrons or beta particles pose the greatest risk from an external source.Large quantities of inhaled or ingested radioactive iodine may impair or destroy the thyroid, while other tissues are affected to a lesser extent.The radiation risk proposed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) predicts that an effective dose of one sievert (100 rem) carries a 5.5% chance of developing cancer.[16] The ICRP further states "For internal exposure, committed effective doses are generally determined from an assessment of the intakes of radionuclides from bioassay measurements or other quantities (e.g., activity retained in the body or in daily excreta).A 2015 report in Lancet explained that serious impacts of nuclear accidents were often not directly attributable to radiation exposure, but rather social and psychological effects.[20] Forced evacuation from a radiological or nuclear accident may lead to social isolation, anxiety, depression, psychosomatic medical problems, reckless behavior, even suicide.[20] Frank N. von Hippel, a U.S. scientist, commented on 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, saying that "fear of ionizing radiation could have long-term psychological effects on a large portion of the population in the contaminated areas".Visceral fear is not widely aroused by, for example, the daily emissions from coal burning, although, as a National Academy of Sciences study found, this causes 10,000 premature deaths a year in the US population of 317,413,000.
The Hanford site represents two-thirds of the United States' high-level radioactive waste by volume. Nuclear reactors line the riverbank at the Hanford Site along the Columbia River in January 1960.
As of 2013, the Fukushima nuclear disaster site remains highly radioactive , with some 160,000 evacuees still living in temporary housing, and some land will be unfarmable for centuries. The difficult cleanup job will take 40 or more years, and cost tens of billions of dollars. [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Bomb pulse : the global airborne contamination by atmospheric nuclear weapon tests almost doubled the concentration of 14 C in the Northern Hemisphere. Plot of atmospheric 14 C, New Zealand [ 4 ] and Austria . [ 5 ] The New Zealand curve is representative for the Southern Hemisphere, the Austrian curve is representative for the Northern Hemisphere. . [ 6 ]
Large industrial glovebox in the nuclear industry
Geiger-Muller counters being used as gamma survey monitors, seeking radioactive satellite debris
A clean-up crew working to remove radioactive contamination after the Three Mile Island accident .
Periodic table with elements colored according to the half-life of their most stable isotope.
Elements which contain at least one stable isotope.
Radioactive elements: the most stable isotope is very long-lived, with half-life of over four million years.
Radioactive elements: the most stable isotope has half-life between 800 and 34.000 years.
Radioactive elements: the most stable isotope has half-life between one day and 130 years.
Highly radioactive elements: the most stable isotope has half-life between several minutes and one day.
Extremely radioactive elements: the most stable isotope has half-life less than several minutes.
The radiation warning symbol ( trefoil )
Alpha radiation consists of helium-4 nucleus and is readily stopped by a sheet of paper. Beta radiation, consisting of electrons , is halted by an aluminium plate. Gamma radiation is eventually absorbed as it penetrates a dense material. Lead is good at absorbing gamma radiation, due to its density.
Hanford sitehigh-level radioactive wasteNuclear reactorsColumbia RiverFukushima nuclear disasterhighly radioactivedifficult cleanup jobPollutionAcid rainAir quality indexAtmospheric dispersion modelingChlorofluorocarbonCombustionExhaust gasGlobal dimmingGlobal distillationIndoor air qualityNon-exhaust emissionsOzone depletionParticulatesPersistent organic pollutantVolatile organic compoundBiologicalBiological hazardGeneticIllegal loggingIntroduced speciesInvasive speciesInformationElectromagneticEcologicalOverilluminationRadio spectrumRadium and radon in the environmentVolcanic ashWildfireTransportationHealth effects from noiseMarine mammals and sonarNoise barrierNoise controlSoundproofingActinidesBioremediationDepleted uraniumNuclear fissionNuclear falloutPlutoniumPoisoningRadioactivityUraniumRadioactive wasteAgriculturalLand degradationDefecationElectrical resistance heatingIllegal miningSoil guideline valuesPhytoremediationAdvertising mailBiodegradable wasteBrown wasteElectronic wasteFoam food containerFood wasteGreen wasteHazardous wasteIndustrial wasteLitterMiningMunicipal solid wasteNanomaterialsPlasticPackaging wastePost-consumer wasteWaste managementSpace debrisThermalUrban heat islandVisualAir travelAdvertising clutterOverhead power linesTraffic signsUrban blightVandalismChemical warfareHerbicidal warfareAgent OrangeNuclear holocaustNuclear famineNuclear winterScorched earthUnexploded ordnanceWar and environmental lawAgricultural wastewaterBiosolidsDiseasesEutrophicationFirewaterFreshwaterGroundwaterHypoxiaIndustrial wastewaterMarineMonitoringNonpoint sourceNutrientOcean acidificationOil spillPharmaceuticalsFreshwater salinizationSeptic tanksSewageShippingSludgeStagnationSulfur waterSurface runoffTurbidityUrban runoffWater qualityWastewaterHistoryPollutantsHeavy metalsArea sourceBrain health and pollutionDebrisGarbologyLegacyMiddenPoint sourceLaw by countryMost polluted citiesLeast polluted cities by PM2.5TreatiesMost polluted riversradioactiveInternational Atomic Energy Agencyradioactive decayionizing radiationgamma raysfree neutronscontainmentvicinitynuclear fuelfission productsradioactive materialuranyl nitrateBikini AtollRocky Flats PlantFukushima Daiichi nuclear disasterChernobyl disasterMayak disasterBomb pulseNew ZealandAustrianuclear medicineGoiânia accidentnuclear fuel reprocessingactinides in the environmentnuclear explosionsUnited States Nuclear Regulatory CommissiondecommissioninggloveboxEnvironmental radioactivityradionuclidesthoriumdecay productsPotassium-40primordial nuclidecarbon-14continuously createdcosmic raysbackground radiationNaturally occurring radioactive materialshand held survey instrumentsAirborne particulate monitorsGeiger counterscintillation counterproportional counterUnited Kingdombecquerelssquare meterpicoCuriesdisintegrations per minutecentimeterAirborne particulate radioactivity monitoringCommitted doseingestioninhalationabsorptioninjectionpersonal protective equipmentHarold McCluskeychelation therapyThree Mile Island accidentreprocessingdecontamination gelsFukushima Prefectureclean up radioactivityFukushima nuclearcaesium-137ferricyanidePrussian bluemillisievertInternational Commission on Radiological Protectioncuriescounts per minutehealth physicistanti-contamination clothingaccidentdeliberate initiationbiological effects of external exposureabsorbed dosein situlead shotradioactive trefoil symbolhelium-4electronsRadiation monitoringSievertRadiation poisoningInternal dosimetrytoxicitytritiated waterthyroidiodineradioactive iodinefission productthyroid cancerhypothyroidismLancetpsychologicalbirth defectsChernobyl nuclear disasterFrank N. von HippelUS population of 317,413,000Chemical hazardCriticality accidentHuman decontaminationLists of nuclear disasters and radioactive incidentsLow-background steelNuclear and radiation accidentsNuclear debateNuclear powerRadiation biologyRadiation exposure (disambiguation)RadiophobiaRelative biological effectivenessRongelap AtollSoviet submarine K-19WashdownThe New York TimesWayback MachineThe LancetAndrew C. RevkinBibcodeAir pollution measurementBiofuelBiomassJoss paperOpen burning of wasteConstructionRenovationDemolitionDiesel exhaustInternal combustion engineAsbestosMetal workingOil refiningWood dustWeldingSmeltingBlack carbonGenetic pollutionInformation pollutionEcological light pollutionRadio spectrum pollutionSustainable transportElectromagnetic radiation and healthAgricultural pollutionHerbicidesManure wastePesticidesOpen defecationBattery recyclingBiomedical wasteChemical wasteConstruction wasteLead poisoningMercury poisoningToxic wasteLead smeltingCoal miningGold miningSurface miningDeep sea miningMining wasteUranium miningGarbagePlastic pollutionMicroplasticsLandfillThermal treatment SpaceSatelliteClutter (advertising)Biological pollutionNonpoint source pollutionNutrient pollutionOil exploitationOil explorationPit latrineLegacy pollutionCleaner productionIndustrial ecologyPollution haven hypothesisPollutant release and transfer registerPolluter pays principlePollution controlWaste minimisationZero wasteMost polluted countriesRadiationNon-ionizing radiationAcoustic radiation forceInfraredStarlightSunlightMicrowaveRadio wavesUltravioletCluster decayAlpha particleBeta particleGamma rayCosmic rayNeutron radiationNuclear fusionNuclear weaponsParticle acceleratorsRadioactive materialsEarth's energy budgetElectromagnetic radiationSynchrotron radiationThermal radiationBlack-body radiationParticle radiationGravitational radiationCosmic background radiationCherenkov radiationAskaryan radiationBremsstrahlungUnruh radiationDark radiationRadiation exposurechronicHealth physicsDosimetryLaser safetyLasers and aviation safetyMedical radiographyRadiation protectionRadiation therapyRadiation damageRadioactivity in the life sciencesRadiobiologyBiological dose units and quantitiesWireless device radiation and healthWireless electronic devices and healthRadiation heat-transferLinear energy transferList of civilian radiation accidents1996 Costa Rica accident1987 Goiânia accident1984 Moroccan accident1990 Zaragoza accidentHalf-lifeNuclear physicsRadioactive sourceRadiation hardeningRadioactive sourcesBecquerelComputed tomography dose indexEffective doseEquivalent doseMean glandular doseMonitor unitRoentgenAirborne radioactive particulate monitoringDosimeterIon chamberSemiconductor detectorSurvey meterWhole-body countingLead shieldingPotassium iodideRadon mitigationRespiratorsEuratomHPS (USA)SRP (UK)UNSCEARIRR (UK)NRC (USA)ONR (UK)Radiation Protection Convention, 1960Acute radiation syndromeRadiation-induced cancerEnvironmental scienceAtmospheric scienceBiogeochemistryEcologyEnvironmental chemistryGeosciencesHydrologyLimnologyOceanographySoil scienceBiologyChemistryEcological economicsEnvironmental designEnvironmental economicsEnvironmental engineeringEnvironmental healthepidemiologyEnvironmental studiesEnvironmental humanitiesEnvironmental statisticsEnvironmental toxicologyGeodesyPhysicsRadioecologySustainability scienceSystems ecologyUrban ecologyEnergy conservationEnvironmental technologyNatural resource managementPublic transport encouragementRecyclingRemediationRenewable energyRoad ecologySewage treatmentUrban metabolismWater purificationDegreesResearch institutesGlossaryEnvironment by yearHuman impact on the environmentSustainabilityTechnogaianismPublic healthAuxologyChief Medical OfficerCultural competenceDevianceEugenicsHistory ofLiberalEuthenicsGenomicsGlobalization and diseaseHarm reductionHealth economicsHealth literacyHealth policyHealth systemHealth care reformHousing FirstHuman right to water and sanitationManagement of depressionPublic health lawNational public health instituteHealth politicsLabor rightsMaternal healthMedical anthropologyMedical sociologyMental healthMinistersOccupational safety and healthPharmaceutical policyPrisoners' rightsPublic health interventionPublic health laboratoryRight to foodRight to healthRight to housingRight to rest and leisureRight to sitSecurity of personSexual and reproductive healthSocial psychologySociology of health and illnessUnisex changing roomsUnisex public toiletsWorkers' right to access the toiletPreventive healthcareBehavior changeTheoriesFamily planningHealth promotionHuman nutritionHealthy dietPreventive nutritionHygieneFood safetyHand washingInfection controlOral hygieneHuman factors and ergonomicsControlled DrugsInjury preventionMedicineNursingPatient safetyOrganizationPharmacovigilanceSafe sexSanitationEmergencyFecal–oral transmissionSanitary sewerWaterborne diseasesWorkerSchool hygieneSmoking cessationVaccinationVector controlPopulation healthBiostatisticsChild mortalityCommunity healthGlobal healthHealth impact assessmentInfant mortalityOpen-source healthcare softwareMultimorbidityPublic health informaticsSocial determinants of healthCommercial determinants of healthHealth equityRace and healthSocial medicineCase–control studyRandomized controlled trialRelative riskStatistical hypothesis testingAnalysis of variance (ANOVA)Regression analysisROC curveStudent's t-testZ-testStatistical softwareAsymptomatic carrierEpidemicsNotifiable diseasesPublic health surveillanceDisease surveillanceQuarantineSexually transmitted infectionSocial distancingTropical diseaseVaccine trialAdditiveEngineeringMicrobiologyProcessingSafetyGood agricultural practiceGood manufacturing practiceISO 22000Diffusion of innovationsHealth belief modelHealth communicationHealth psychologyPositive deviancePRECEDE–PROCEED modelSocial cognitive theorySocial norms approachTheory of planned behaviorTranstheoretical modelCaribbean Public Health AgencyCenter for Disease Control and PreventionCentre for Disease Prevention and ControlCommittee on the Environment, Public Health and Food SafetyMinistry of Health and Family WelfareHealth CanadaPublic Health AgencyCenters for Disease Control and PreventionHealth departments in the United StatesCouncil on Education for Public HealthPublic Health ServiceWorld Health OrganizationWorld Toilet OrganizationFull listHealth educationBachelor of Science in Public HealthDoctor of Public HealthProfessional degrees of public healthHistory of public health in the United KingdomHistory of public health in the United StatesSara Josephine BakerSamuel Jay CrumbineCarl Rogers DarnallJoseph ListerMargaret SangerJohn SnowTyphoid MaryRadium GirlsGerm theory of diseaseSocial hygiene movement