All sets of pronominals distinguish between singular, dual and plural and between inclusive and exclusive in the first person."Object enclitics occur when attached to the predicate head or last adverb in a verb phrase.Ngahanowno=vo1SG.S=sayna=ni1SG.S=IRRtomu.tell.storyNgaha no=vo na=ni 1SG.S=say 1SG.S=IRR tell.storyNow I want to tell a traditional story.The form ngihie can also function as an emphatic demonstrative, acting to modify an entire proposition.This is typologically similar to other Oceanic languages, who often do not have different forms, either in the stem or in the inflection based on whether the demonstrative is acting as a noun or a modifier.ngire3NSGngaha,thisngire3NSGhiro-hirohi.REDUP-oldngire ngaha, ngire hiro-hirohi.3NSG this 3NSG REDUP-oldThose ones, they are very old.MaresuchildngihiethatrnoREALngaracrymwere.INTMaresu ngihie rno ngara mwere.child that REAL cry INTThat child was crying so much.Go=tai2SG.S=chopnaACCgaitreengi-vano.DEM-across.thereGo=tai na gai ngi-vano.2SG.S=chop ACC tree DEM-across.thereChop that tree over there.When being used to modify the head noun, the order of noun and demonstratives in East Ambae is noun-demonstrative, which also occurs in all other languages in Vanuatu.Ia can still be found in many Malayo-Polynesian languages, such as Lamaholot, Tongan, Samoan, Maori and Hawaiian.[14] la,hereno-muCL.GEN-2SG.POSbue.knifela, no-mu CL.GEN-2SG.POS knifeHere, your knife.Apart from the two forms ngaha and ngihie, all members of the subclass of absolute location nouns, as in directionals (vano ‘go along, over there’, hage ‘go up, up there’, and hivo ‘go down, down there’) and the small set of absolute location nouns, aulu 'up high, on top' vine 'down low' atagu 'behind, at the back' amue 'in front, at the front' aute 'up in the bush' alau 'down by the sea' varea 'outside' and vagahao 'far away', can form demonstratives to be used for spatial reference.Demonstratives formed from directional and absolute location nouns can have either a referential or modifying function.[15] Hate,nongi-hage-hage.DEM-REDUP-upHate, DEM-REDUP-upNo, that one further up there.Go=bitu2SG.S=pick.fruitngi-him-himei.DEM-REDUP-down:to.spGo=bitu ngi-him-himei.2SG.S=pick.fruit DEM-REDUP-down:to.spPick that one down here closer to me.In North-East Ambae negative construction formation differs depending on firstly, whether the unit is verbal or nonverbal, and then based on what clause structure is being employed.Clauses with an unmarked subject marker express present or past reference to time, or instead, are indicative of the habitual aspect.[24] This is demonstrated here: Ngie3SGhateNEGaNOMtangaloi-niperson-CONSTga-garuREDUP-swimgarea.goodNgie hate a tangaloi-ni ga-garu garea.3SG NEG NOM person-CONST REDUP-swim goodS/he is not a good swimmer.MaresuchildngihiethathateNEGno-kuCL.GEN-1SG.POSbuluana.friendMaresu ngihie hate no-ku buluana.child that NEG CL.GEN-1SG.POS friendThat child isn't my friend.In these examples, the negative particle 'hate' occurs before the subject noun phrases 'he/she is' and 'that child' respectively.[26] Example 8 is an identificational negative equational clause, as it asserts the object's (my friend) identity (that child).If a speaker needs to indicate that an entity is pointedly not a member of a certain class, then the negative particle ‘hate’ can be used as a predicate and takes a complement clause headed by ‘vo’ (say).The English literal translation of ‘vo’ is “it is not that..” This alternate negative structure can also be used in some verbal clauses to express the same emphasis again.It's not that I'm a spirit ... )Example 13 is a verbal clause representing a predicate which will not happen, for instance: the speaker is not going to give the subject 'it' to the object/addressee 'you'.netu-kuchild-1SG.POSnetu-kuchild-1SG.POSmy childme-muCL:DRINK-2SG.POSmalogukavame-mu maloguCL:DRINK-2SG.POS kavayour kavanetu-ichild-CONSTMargaretMargaretnetu-i Margaretchild-CONST MargaretMargaret's childmalogukavame-iCL:DRINK-CONSTretahigichiefmalogu me-i retahigikava CL:DRINK-CONST chiefthe chief's kavaAccording to Hyslop (2001, p. 167), while it is a morphosyntactic difference between direct and indirect possessive constructions, it is a semantically motivated distinction.[30] There are two distinct categories in East Ambae that nominals taking part in inalienable possession can belong to, these being those reflecting an intimate relationship to the possessor, and part-whole and positional relation expressions (Hyslop, 2001, p. 168).hava-dafamily-1NSG.IN.POSdolegiallhava-da dolegifamily-1NSG.IN.POS allall of our familytama-ifather-CONSTnetu-ichild-CONSTRoselynRoselyntama-i netu-i Roselynfather-CONST child-CONST RoselynRoselyn's re PL child"the (female) children's sister(s)" or "the (male) children's brother(s)" or Any body part of a person or animal is referred to using the direct possessive construction (Hyslop, 2001, p. 170).[30] Go=ni2SG.S=IRRleoseehuriPURPnaACCbona-ismell-CONSTbigimeatmatedeadGo=ni leo huri na bona-i bigi mate2SG.S=IRR see PURP ACC smell-CONST meat deadYou must look out for the smell of rotting meatTatai-netattoo-3SG.POSra=u3NSG.S=TELgareagoodTatai-ne ra=u gareatattoo-3SG.POS 3NSG.S=TEL goodHer tattoos are niceGutu-mulouse-2SG.POSlu-mu?on-2SG.POSGutu-mu lu-mu?louse-2SG.POS on-2SG.POSDo you have lice?Natural behaviours, physical attributes, emotions, and mental processes (such as sleep, age, anger, and thought) enter into a direct possessive construction as personal attributes such as these are seen as an inalienable aspect of the concept of the self (Hyslop, 2001, p. 171).[30] rau-ileaf-CONSTgaitreerau-i gaileaf-CONST treeleaf (leaves) of a treeqetu-qetu-iwall-REDUP-CONSTvale-nahouse-3SG.POSqetu-qetu-i vale-nawall-REDUP-CONST house-3SG.POSthe walls of his houseThis relationship is also used to refer to pieces of a whole.[30] KennethKennethuTELgenieatnaACCga-naCL.FOOD-3SG.POSlolilollybenoalreadyKenneth u geni na ga-na loli benoKenneth TEL eat ACC CL.FOOD-3SG.POS lolly alreadyKenneth has already eaten her lolliesGa-daCL.FOOD-1NSG.IN.POShinagafooduTELmanogacookedGa-da hinaga u manogaCL.FOOD-1NSG.IN.POS food TEL cookedOur food is cookedOnly one relation expressed by ga- does not relate to food possession, and that is illness, despite perhaps expecting it to be categorised inalienably as a body part or product one can never describe one's illness using a direct possessive construct (Hyslop, 2001, p. 177).[30] ga-raCL.FOOD-3NSG.POSsege-anasick-NMLZga-ra sege-anaCL.FOOD-3NSG.POS sick-NMLZtheir illness(es)This classifier indicates that the referent of the possessee noun is something for the possessor to drink, this can be the possession drinkable items such as ti 'tea' or wai 'water', as well as some plants classified as drinkable rather than edible, such as tovu 'sugarcane' and lamani 'lemon' and medicine, whether it is in liquid or tablet form as even then you swallow it with water (Hyslop, 2001, p. 178).[30] me-kuCL.DRINK-1SG.POStovusugarcaneme-ku tovuCL.DRINK-1SG.POS sugarcanemy sugarcaneGo=bitu2SG.S=picknaACClamanilemonme-iCL.DRINK-CONSTLuluLuluGo=bitu na lamani me-i Lulu2SG.S=pick ACC lemon CL.DRINK-CONST LuluPick some lemons for Lulu to drinkGo=dono2SG.S=swallownaACCme-muCL.DRINK-2SG.POSpanadolpanadolGo=dono na me-mu panadol2SG.S=swallow ACC CL.DRINK-2SG.POS panadolSwallow your panadolThe bula- classifier mainly refers to the relationship between 'natural entities' and their possessor, such as the ownership of crops and animals (Hyslop, 2001, p. 178).[30] Bula-naCL.NAT-3SG.POSboepigmoREALganieatnaACCbula-daCL.NAT-1NSG.IN.POStoachickentamwerealwaysBula-na boe mo gani na bula-da toa tamwereCL.NAT-3SG.POS pig REAL eat ACC CL.NAT-1NSG.IN.POS chicken alwaysHis pig is always eating our chickensNu1SG.S:TELrivuplantnaACCbule-kuCL.NAT-1SG.POSqetataroNu rivu na bule-ku qeta1SG.S:TEL plant ACC CL.NAT-1SG.POS taroI planted my taroNgie3SGuTELvolibuynaACCbule-kuCL.NAT-1SG.POStoli-giseed-ALNgie u voli na bule-ku toli-gi3SG TEL buy ACC CL.NAT-1SG.POS seed-ALShe bought me some seeds (to plant)This category has been broadened to include some items introduced by Europeans that could be said to have some lifelike characteristics (Hyslop, 2001, p. 179).[30] Ngire3NSGno-raCL.GEN-3NSG.POSbubusigunhateNEGNgire no-ra bubusi hate3NSG CL.GEN-3NSG.POS gun NEGThey didn't have gunsNo-daCL.GEN-1NSG.IN.POShalavisitormoREALdadariarriveNo-da hala mo dadariCL.GEN-1NSG.IN.POS visitor REAL arriveOur visitor has arrivedGai-siwoNUM-ninera=u3NSG.S=TELveidono-naCL.GEN-3SG.POStabana-giwork-NMLZGai-siwo ra=u vei no-na tabana-giNUM-nine 3NSG.S=TEL do CL.GEN-3SG.POS work-NMLZNine (of them) did his bulu-tegi na no-ra domi-ana...REAL join-APPL ACC CL.GEN-3NSG.POS think-NMLZ...they joined together their thoughts...1NSG:first person, non-singular 2NSG:second person, non-singular 3NSG:third person, non-singular DIR:deictic specifying direction towards addressee/past-future deictic centre CONST:construct suffix DEHOR:dehortative mood particle AL:alienable suffix S:subject proclitic O:object enclitic FOOD:food possession DRINK:drink possession NAT:natural or valued object possession GEN:general possession Source:[31]