Air Passengers Rights Regulation

The Court of Justice of the European Union has interpreted passenger rights strictly, so that there are virtually no exceptions for airlines to evade their obligations for breach of contract.[10] The requirements for an entitlement to compensation and the specific amount owed depend on the length of a flight, whereas the relevant distance is determined according to the great circle method.[21] Said cash payments merely serve to compensate a traveller's inconvenience and do not replace or form a part of any potential reimbursements for unused tickets, trips in vain, additional transport costs, meals and accommodation.Airlines are obliged to display a notice at their check-in counters stating: Additionally, when an airline cancels a flight, denies a person boarding, or incurs a delay exceeding two hours to a flight, it is obliged to provide each passenger affected with a written notice setting out their rights under the regulation, and the contact details of the national body tasked with enforcing the regulation.This case therefore closed the loophole which had allowed the airlines to abuse passengers by frivolous interpretation of "technical or extraordinary circumstances"; it further defined the phrase and limited its exploitation.In its judgment, the Fourth Chamber of the Court of Justice held: Extraordinary circumstances” was not defined in the 2004 Regulation, but the phrase was to be interpreted narrowly since article 5(3) constituted a derogation from the principle, indicated in recitals 1 and 2 of the preamble, of protection of consumers, in as much as cancellation of flights caused serious inconvenience to passengers.However, what actually lies within the concept of defining what is inside or outside of the "actual control of the air carrier" is not clear and is subject to litigation in many EU-states.Furthermore, in the joined cases of Sturgeon v Condor, and Bock v Air France (C-402/07 and C-432/07),[26] the Fourth Chamber of the European Court of Justice held on 19 November 2009 that despite no express provision in the Regulation to compensate passengers for delay, passengers are now entitled to the compensation as set out in Article 7 for any delay in excess of three hours providing the air carrier cannot raise a defence of "extraordinary circumstances".[29] In the case of Denise McDonagh v Ryanair Ltd (C-12/11), the Third Chamber of the European Court of Justice ruled that natural disasters such as the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull and the subsequent cloud of volcanic ash in 2010, which shut down most European air traffic, do constitute "extraordinary circumstances" that release air carriers from the obligation to pay compensation, but that there is no such category as "super-extraordinary circumstances" that would release them from the obligation to provide care.[30] In the case of Jet2 vs. Huzar, the English Court of Appeal ruled on 11 June 2014 that "ordinary technical problems that cause flight disruption, such as component failure and general wear and tear, should not be considered “extraordinary circumstances”".[33] In September 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union judged, regarding Case C-257/14:[34] affecting the safety of flights or acts of sabotage or terrorism may exempt air carriers from their obligation to pay compensation.In Joined Cases C-156/22 to C-158/22 against TAP Portugal, the ECJ ruled that the death of a pilot due to operate a flight was not deemed to be extraordinary circumstances, as the absence of a member of staff "constitutes an event inherent in the normal exercise of that carrier’s activity".For example, in response to the added pressure caused by the increase in EU 261 claims in recent years, in 2011 Ryanair put in place a €2.00 surcharge per ticket to compensate for its additional costs.
European Union regulationEuropean ParliamentCouncil of the European UnionJournalregulationEU lawcompensationflight cancellationsoverbookingCourt of Justice of the European Unionfrequent flyerhelicopteraircraftGibraltar Airportgreat circleTravelrightFrench overseas departmentsbank transferbank draftchequeEuropean Court of JusticeLuxembourgEyjafjallajökullcloud of volcanic ash in 2010GermanwingsTAP Portugalcontingency feeRyanairBrexitUK GovernmentEuropean Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018British parliamentRail Passenger Rights Regulation 2007Bus Passenger Rights Regulation 2011Montreal ConventionRule 240Contract of carriageThe GuardianJudiciary and law of the European UnionmembersAdvocates GeneralGeneral CourtCivil Service TribunalEuropean lawyerRelationship with ECHRPublic ProsecutorEuropean civil codeTreatiesRome TreatyMerger TreatySingle European ActMaastricht TreatyAmsterdam TreatyNice TreatyLisbon TreatyCharter of Fundamental RightsOpt-outsAcquisDirectiveFramework DirectiveDecisionRecommendationDigital Services ActConsultation procedureConsent procedurePrinciplesAcquis communautaireEUR-LexDirect applicabilityDirect effectEuropean labour lawEuropean Enforcement OrderGold-platingFour freedomsHome state regulationIndirect effectIncidental effectMinimum harmonisationMaximum harmonisationPreliminary rulingPrecautionary principlePrinciple of legal certaintyRecastingPrinciple of conferralProportionalityStaatenverbundState liabilitySubsidiaritySupremacyCouncil Regulation (EC) No. 1206/2001Council Regulation (EC) No. 1348/2000Customs Regulation 1383/2003Regulation (EC) No 261/2004EU-Eco-regulationCommission Regulation (EC) No. 2257/94Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1170/2011Customs Regulation 3295/94Regulation on roaming chargesBrussels RegimeCLP RegulationRegulation on Community designsSocietas EuropaeaEuropean Union System for the Evaluation of SubstancesCommission Regulation (EC) No 474/2006Rome II RegulationRule of Law Conditionality RegulationDirectivesGood Clinical Practice DirectiveData Protection DirectiveATEX directiveBattery DirectiveBest available technologyBiocidal Products DirectiveBirds DirectiveCapital Requirements DirectivesClinical Trials DirectiveComputer Programs DirectiveConditional Access DirectiveCopyright Duration Directive (93/98/EEC)Copyright Term Directive (2006/116/EC)Cosmetics DirectiveDangerous Substances Directive (67/548/EEC)Dangerous Preparations DirectiveData Retention DirectiveDatabase DirectiveDatabase rightDirective 2000/43/EC on Anti-discriminationDirective establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupationInformation Society DirectiveDirective on Privacy and Electronic CommunicationsDirective on the Promotion of the use of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transportDirective on the re-use of public sector informationDirective on Electricity Production from Renewable Energy SourcesEnd of Life Vehicles DirectiveCHP DirectiveDirective on the energy performance of buildingsDirective on the enforcement of intellectual property rightsDirective 2004/38/EC on the right to move and reside freelyEnvironmental liability directiveEuropean SEA Directive 2001/42/ECEuropean units of measurement directivesHabitats DirectiveIntegrated Pollution Prevention and ControlInternal Market in Electricity DirectiveLandfill DirectiveDirective on the legal protection of biotechnological inventionsDirective on the legal protection of designsMarkets in Financial Instruments DirectiveMeasuring Instruments DirectiveMedical Devices DirectivePosted Workers DirectivePressure Equipment DirectiveRental DirectiveResale Rights DirectiveRestriction of Hazardous Substances DirectiveSatellite and Cable DirectiveDirective on services in the internal marketTemporary and Agency Work DirectiveTrade Marks DirectiveEuropean Directive on Traditional Herbal Medicinal ProductsUnfair Commercial Practices DirectiveUniversal Service DirectiveUrban Waste Water Treatment DirectiveWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment DirectiveWaste Incineration DirectiveWaste framework directiveWater Framework DirectiveWorking Time DirectiveECJ RulingsCaselexAllonby v Accrington and Rossendale CollegeApostolides v OramsBosmanCassis de DijonChacón Navas v Eurest Colectividades SACiarán TobinColeman v Attridge LawCosta v ENELFactortameFrancovichKamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Amsterdam v Inspire Art LtdKolpakMicrosoft Corp. v. CommissionMarleasing SA v La Comercial Internacional de Alimentacion SAMetockNordseePalacios de la Villa v Cortefiel Servicios SAPeter Paul and Others v Bundesrepublik DeutschlandProcureur du Roi v DassonvilleRalf Sieckmann v Deutsches Patent und MarkenamtTanja KreilVan Duyn v Home OfficeVan Gend en LoosCourt of AuditorsEuropean Anti-Fraud OfficeAccountability in the European Union