Data Retention Directive

Under the directive, the police and security agencies would have been able to request access to details such as IP addresses and time of use of every email, phone call and text message sent or received.[1][2][3] In September 2005, during the United Kingdom's presidency of the European Council, a plenary session was held concerning the retention of telecommunications data, chaired by the UK's Home Secretary.[13] The Data Retention Directive had sparked serious concerns from physicians, journalists, privacy and human rights groups, unions, IT security firms and legal experts.The Council's Legal Services have been reported to have stated in closed session that paragraph 59 of the European Court of Justice's ruling "suggests that general and blanket data retention is no longer possible".[15] A legal opinion funded by the Greens–European Free Alliance in the European Parliament found that the blanket retention of data of unsuspicious persons generally violates the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, both in regard to national telecommunications data retention laws and to similar EU data retention schemes (Passenger name records, Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme, Terrorist Finance Tracking System, law enforcement access to the Entry-Exit-System, Eurodac, Visa Information System).
European Union directiveEuropean ParliamentEuropean CouncilJournalGlobal surveillanceOriginsPre-20132013–presentReactionsXKeyscoreECHELONSentientCarnivoreDishfireStone GhostTemporaFrenchelonFairviewMYSTICBoundless InformantBullrunPinwaleStingrayRAMPART-AMastering the InternetJindalee Operational Radar NetworkSpetssvyazUnit 8200The DoughnutFort MeadeMenwith HillPine GapUtah Data CenterBad Aibling StationDagger ComplexGCHQ BudeUKUSA AgreementLustreUSA Freedom ActFISA amendmentsData Protection DirectiveNational Intelligence LawCybersecurity LawInvestigatory Powers Act 2016FISA Improvements ActOther proposalsMass surveillanceCulture of fearSecure communicationSIGINTCall detail recordSurveillance issues in smart citiesEspionageIntelligence agencyCryptographyHuman rightsPrivacyLibertySatellitesStop Watching UsNothing to hide argumentdata retentionDirective on Privacy and Electronic CommunicationsEU member statesIP addressesCourt of Justice of the European UnionDigital Rights Irelanddata collectionEU Charter of Fundamental Rightspresidency of the European CounciltelecommunicationsHome SecretaryRomanian lawConstitutional Court of RomaniaEuropean CommissionTraian BăsescuBig BrotherGreens–European Free AlliancePassenger name recordsEntry-Exit-SystemEurodacVisa Information SystemTelecommunications data retentionEUR-LexOfficial Journal of the European UnionWayback MachineCecilia MalmströmViviane RedingNeelie Kroes