Environmental Liability Directive 2004

Its objective is to create "a more uniform regime for the prevention and remediation of environmental damage" across the EU.[1] The Directive came into force across Europe during 2009 and in the UK it became law on 1 March 2009, converting the various national Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPGs) such as the UK's Planning Policy Guidance Notes PPG11, PPG18 and PPG21 into requirements where failure to comply can result in fines and remediation or reinstatement costs.Two of the most important considerations within the Directive are the containment of spills (such as milk, cooking oil or diesel) and firewater, the runoff from fire fighting, which is likely to consist of water, foam and site-based materials.Hence, key in the Directive is an Environmental Management System [EMS] that to contain spills and firewater on their site for safe disposal later.The amendments broadened the scope of strict liability by adding the "management of extractive waste" and the "operation of storage sites pursuant to Directive 2009/31/EC" to the list of dangerous occupational activities in Annex III of the ELD.
European Union lawDirectiveenvironmentPlanning Policy Guidance NotesSeveso II DirectivefirewaterBirds DirectiveHabitats DirectiveEU lawPolluter pays principle