Computer Programs Directive

[2] Economic pressure spurred the development of the first directive which had two goals (1) the harmonisation of the law and (2) dealing with the problems caused by the need for interoperability.1) that computer programs and any associated design material be protected under copyright as literary works within the sense of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.[4][5] The Directive also defined the copyright protection to be applied to computer programs: the owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to authorise (Art 4): However, these rights are subject to certain limitations (Art. 5).The duration of the copyright was originally fixed at the life of the author plus fifty years (Art.8), in accordance with the Berne Convention standard for literary works (Art.
European Union directiveCouncil of the European UnionJournalCommission93/98/EECEuropean Unioncopyright law of the European Unioninternal marketTreaty of RomecopyrightBerne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Worksfirst-sale doctrineCopyright Duration DirectiveCopyright Term DirectiveAustriaBelgiumBulgariaCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceHungaryIrelandLatviaLithuaniaLuxembourgNetherlandsPolandPortugalDiário da RepúblicaRomaniaIntellectual property in RomaniaSlovakiaSloveniaSwedenUnited KingdomSoftware copyrightJeremy PhillipsIntellectual property lawsDirectivesRental DirectiveSatellite and Cable DirectiveDatabase DirectiveConditional Access DirectiveElectronic Commerce Directive 2000Information Society DirectiveResale Rights DirectiveDirective on the re-use of public sector informationEnforcement DirectiveDirective on Copyright in the Digital Single MarketCustoms Regulation 1383/2003Trade markEuropean Union trade markTrade Marks DirectiveSociété des Produits Nestlé S.A. v. Cadbury UK LimitedPatentThe NetherlandsDirective on the legal protection of biotechnological inventionsEuropean patent lawUnified Patent CourtUnitary patentDesignsHague AgreementDirective on the legal protection of designsRegulation on Community designsCommunity designGeographical indicationsProtected designation of originTraditional speciality guaranteedDirective on the Protection of Trade SecretsGerman Law on the Protection of Trade SecretsBerne ConventionLisbon AgreementMadrid systemParis Convention for the Protection of Industrial PropertyRome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting OrganisationsTRIPS AgreementWIPO Copyright TreatyWIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty