Copyright Term Directive 2006

The Copyright Term Directive 2006/116/EC is a consolidated version of the former EU Directive harmonising the term of copyright protection, including all amendments made up to and including 2006.Article 1 states that a copyright "shall run for the life of the author and for 70 years after his death, irrespective of the date when the work is lawfully made available to the public", or for jointly made works, after the death of the last surviving author.[1] Article 4 states, where a Member of State provides for particular provisions on copyright in respect of collective works or for a legal person to be designated as the rightholder, the term of protection shall be calculated according to the provisions of paragraph[1] Article 5 states, when work is published in volumes, parts, instalments, issues or episodes and the term of protection runs from the time when the work was lawfully made available to the public, the term of protection shall run for each such item separately.[1] Article 6 states, in the case of works for which the term of protection is not calculated from the death of the author or authors and which have not been lawfully made available to the public within 70 years from their creation, the protection shall terminate.This article relating to European Union law is a stub.
European Union directiveEuropean ParliamentCouncilJournalDirective 93/98/EECDirective 2011/77/EUDirective harmonising the term of copyright protectionEuropean Union lawEU intellectual property lawIntellectual property lawsEuropean UnionCopyrightDirectivesComputer Programs DirectiveRental DirectiveSatellite and Cable DirectiveCopyright Duration DirectiveDatabase DirectiveConditional Access DirectiveElectronic Commerce Directive 2000Information Society DirectiveResale Rights DirectiveDirective on the re-use of public sector informationEnforcement DirectiveCopyright Term DirectiveDirective on Copyright in the Digital Single MarketCustoms Regulation 1383/2003FranceGermanyIrelandNetherlandsPolandRomaniaSwedenUnited KingdomTrade markEuropean Union trade markTrade Marks DirectiveSociété des Produits Nestlé S.A. v. Cadbury UK LimitedPatentThe NetherlandsDirective on the legal protection of biotechnological inventionsEuropean patent lawUnified Patent CourtUnitary patentDesignsHague AgreementDirective on the legal protection of designsRegulation on Community designsCommunity designGeographical indicationsProtected designation of originTraditional speciality guaranteedDirective on the Protection of Trade SecretsGerman Law on the Protection of Trade SecretsBerne ConventionLisbon AgreementMadrid systemParis Convention for the Protection of Industrial PropertyRome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting OrganisationsTRIPS AgreementWIPO Copyright TreatyWIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty