Home state regulation

Host state regulation is sometimes seen as hindering the single market, as firms need to be aware of 28 sets of national law.It is also sometimes intended to free providers of goods and service from the obligation to accommodate multiple regulatory regimes when trading across borders from a single location.The provision underlying the four freedoms (and therefore also the Home Country Control) is the prohibition of discrimination based on nationality: Article 12 (ex 6) of the EC Treaty.Over the course of years, this policy evolved to include prohibition on some behaviors that were non-discriminatory, based on the fact that their implementation created obstacles to trade between states.The only option for Britain to apply its law to this banking service is to justify it under the General Good test.
Country of originlaw of the European UnionEuropean Single Marketservicesdirectiveregulationfour freedomsEC TreatyCassisGebhardbankingfinancial servicesUnited KingdomFranceElectronic Commerce Directivelegal certaintyServices DirectiveCE markingEuropean Union lawHarmonisation of lawLast substantial transformationMutual recognition agreementRules of originCatherine Barnard