Daakaka language
Most children in the region still acquire Daakaka as a first language, but it is under threat by significant socio-economic changes and the dominant use of Vanuatu's official languages, Bislama, English and French, in education and in official contexts.The difference between bilabial consonants with and without a labio-velar release is relevant only before front vowels.The distinction between mid and open-mid vowels is only phonemic after alveolar consonants, as in tee [tɛː] "axe" vs. téé [teː] "see".By contrast, mur can only take a singular subject, while the subject of tesi always refers to more than one entity (starred examples, in red cells, are ungrammatical): ócoconutswaonemuREALmurfall(SG)ó swa mu murcoconut one REAL fall(SG)"one coconut fell down"* ócoconutswaonemaREALtesifall(N-SG){* ó} swa ma tesicoconut one REAL fall(N-SG)intend.A few examples are given below: na=m1S=kuelireturnmecomena=m kueli me1S= return come"I have returned"sinigreen pigeonmaREALkekeismallsini ma kekei{green pigeon} REAL small"the green pigeon is small"s-okCL3-1S.POSSnaanamothermw=iREAL=COPtyotyosnakes-ok naana mw=i tyotyoCL3-1S.POSS mother REAL=COP snake"my mother is a snake"There are two kinds of personal pronouns, subject pronouns and non-subject pronouns.