
This voltage accelerated the electrons coming from the cathode to a high enough velocity that they created X-rays when they struck the anode or the glass wall of the tube.In 1885, he presented a paper to the Royal Society of London describing the effects of passing electrical currents through a partially evacuated glass tube, producing a glow created by X-rays.On 22 February after the end of their experiments two coins were left on a stack of photographic plates before Goodspeed demonstrated to Jennings the operation of Crookes tubes.[11] Also in 1890, Roentgen's assistant Ludwig Zehnder noticed a flash of light from a fluorescent screen immediately before the covered tube he was switching on punctured.His letter of 6 January 1893 to the Physical Review was duly published[13] and an article entitled Without Lens or Light, Photographs Taken With Plate and Object in Darkness appeared in the San Francisco Examiner.[14] In 1894, Nikola Tesla noticed damaged film in his lab that seemed to be associated with Crookes tube experiments and began investigating this invisible, radiant energy.[28] This was probably a conservative estimate, if one considers that nearly every paper around the world extensively reported about the new discovery, with a magazine such as Science dedicating as many as 23 articles to it in that year alone.They are still referred to as such in many languages, including German, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Danish, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese, Estonian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, Russian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Albanian, Japanese, Dutch, Georgian, Hebrew, Icelandic, and Norwegian.[33] News (and the creation of "shadowgrams") spread rapidly with Scottish electrical engineer Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton being the first after Röntgen to create an X-ray photograph (of a hand).[33] The first use of X-rays under clinical conditions was by John Hall-Edwards in Birmingham, England on 11 January 1896, when he radiographed a needle stuck in the hand of an associate.[34] In early 1896, several weeks after Röntgen's discovery, Ivan Romanovich Tarkhanov irradiated frogs and insects with X-rays, concluding that the rays "not only photograph, but also affect the living function".On 3 February 1896, Gilman Frost, professor of medicine at the college, and his brother Edwin Frost, professor of physics, exposed the wrist of Eddie McCarthy, whom Gilman had treated some weeks earlier for a fracture, to the X-rays and collected the resulting image of the broken bone on gelatin photographic plates obtained from Howard Langill, a local photographer also interested in Röntgen's work.On 5 February 1896, live imaging devices were developed by both Italian scientist Enrico Salvioni (his "cryptoscope") and William Francis Magie of Princeton University (his "Skiascope"), both using barium platinocyanide.American inventor Thomas Edison started research soon after Röntgen's discovery and investigated materials' ability to fluoresce when exposed to X-rays, finding that calcium tungstate was the most effective substance.A worried McKinley aide sent word to inventor Thomas Edison to rush an X-ray machine to Buffalo to find the stray bullet.While the shooting itself had not been lethal, gangrene had developed along the path of the bullet, and McKinley died of septic shock due to bacterial infection six days later.[41] With the widespread experimentation with X‑rays after their discovery in 1895 by scientists, physicians, and inventors came many stories of burns, hair loss, and worse in technical journals of the time.[citation needed] In August 1896, H. D. Hawks, a graduate of Columbia College, suffered severe hand and chest burns from an X-ray demonstration.[citation needed] The use of X-rays for medical purposes (which developed into the field of radiation therapy) was pioneered by Major John Hall-Edwards in Birmingham, England.For technical and political reasons, the overall project (including the X-ray laser) was defunded (though was later revived by the second Bush Administration as National Missile Defense using different technologies).[75] These methods provide higher contrast compared to normal absorption-based X-ray imaging, making it possible to distinguish from each other details that have almost similar density.This allows the photon energy to be adjusted for the application so as to give sufficient transmission through the object and at the same time provide good contrast in the image.[92] Short nanosecond bursts of X-rays peaking at 15 keV in energy may be reliably produced by peeling pressure-sensitive adhesive tape from its backing in a moderate vacuum.[96] In laboratory discharges with a gap size of approximately 1 meter length and a peak voltage of 1 MV, X-rays with a characteristic energy of 160 keV are observed.One area where projectional radiographs are used extensively is in evaluating how an orthopedic implant, such as a knee, hip or shoulder replacement, is situated in the body with respect to the surrounding bone.In medical diagnostic applications, the low energy (soft) X-rays are unwanted, since they are totally absorbed by the body, increasing the radiation dose without contributing to the image.As of recent, modern fluoroscopy utilizes short bursts of x-rays, rather than a continuous beam, to effectively lower radiation exposure for both the patient and operator.[111][112] X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation, and are classified as a carcinogen by both the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer and the U.S.[104][113] Diagnostic X-rays (primarily from CT scans due to the large dose used) increase the risk of developmental problems and cancer in those exposed.The knowledge that X-rays are actually faintly visible to the dark-adapted naked eye has largely been forgotten today; this is probably due to the desire not to repeat what would now be seen as a recklessly dangerous and potentially harmful experiment with ionizing radiation.
Natural color X-ray photogram of a wine scene. Note the edges of hollow cylinders as compared to the solid candle.
William Coolidge explains medical imaging and X-rays.
Example of a Crookes tube , a type of discharge tube that emitted X-rays
Hand mit Ringen (Hand with Rings): print of Wilhelm Röntgen's first "medical" X-ray, of his wife's hand, taken on 22 December 1895 and presented to Ludwig Zehnder of the Physik Institut, University of Freiburg , on 1 January 1896 [ 25 ] [ 26 ]
Taking an X-ray image with early Crookes tube apparatus, late 1800s. The Crookes tube is visible in center. The standing man is viewing his hand with a fluoroscope screen. The seated man is taking a radiograph of his hand by placing it on a photographic plate . No precautions against radiation exposure are taken; its hazards were not known at the time.
Surgical removal of a bullet whose location was diagnosed with X-rays (see inset) in 1897
Images by James Green, from "Sciagraphs of British Batrachians and Reptiles" (1897), featuring (from left) Rana esculenta (now Pelophylax lessonae ), Lacerta vivipara (now Zootoca vivipara ), and Lacerta agilis
1896 plaque published in "Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpetrière" , a medical journal. In the left a hand deformity, in the right same hand seen using radiography . The authors named the technique Röntgen photography .
A patient being examined with a thoracic fluoroscope in 1940 , which displayed continuous moving images. This image was used to argue that radiation exposure during the X-ray procedure would be negligible.
Chandra's image of the galaxy cluster Abell 2125 reveals a complex of several massive multimillion-degree-Celsius gas clouds in the process of merging.
Phase-contrast X-ray image of a spider
X-rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum , with wavelengths shorter than UV light . Different applications use different parts of the X-ray spectrum.
Ionizing radiation hazard symbol
Attenuation length of X-rays in water showing the oxygen absorption edge at 540 eV, the energy −3 dependence of photoabsorption , as well as a leveling off at higher photon energies due to Compton scattering . The attenuation length is about four orders of magnitude longer for hard X-rays (right half) compared to soft X-rays (left half).
Spectrum of the X-rays emitted by an X-ray tube with a rhodium target, operated at 60 kV . The smooth, continuous curve is due to bremsstrahlung , and the spikes are characteristic K lines for rhodium atoms.
Patient undergoing an X-ray exam in a hospital radiology room
A chest radiograph of a female patient, demonstrating a hiatal hernia
Plain radiograph of the right knee
Head CT scan ( transverse plane ) slice – a modern application of medical radiography
Abdominal radiograph of a pregnant woman
An X-ray protective window at Birmingham Dental Hospital , England. The maker's sticker states that it is equivalent to 2.24mm of lead at 150Kv.
Each dot, called a reflection, in this diffraction pattern forms from the constructive interference of scattered X-rays passing through a crystal. The data can be used to determine the crystalline structure.
Using X-ray for inspection and quality control: the differences in the structures of the die and bond wires reveal the left chip to be counterfeit. [ 144 ]
X-ray fine art photography of needlefish by Peter Dazeley
RadiologyX-ray (disambiguation)photogramWilliam Coolidgeelectromagnetic radiationwavelengthultravioletgamma raysnanometerspicometersfrequenciespetahertzexahertzWilhelm Conrad Röntgenradiographymedical diagnosticsbroken bonesmaterial sciencechemical elementsionizing radiationradiation sicknessCrookes tubedischarge tuberadiationdischarge tubescathode rayselectronCrookes tubesionizationvoltagekilovoltscathodeWilliam MorganRoyal Society of Londonelectrical currentsHumphry DavyMichael Faradayelectromagnetic theory of lightWilliam JenningsUniversity of PennsylvaniaLudwig ZehnderStanford UniversityFernando SanfordPhysical ReviewSan Francisco ExaminerNikola Teslaradiant energyWilhelm RöntgenWürzburgGreek letter Chilab notesfluorescentplatinocyanideUniversity of FreiburgOtto GlasserScienceGermanHungarianUkrainianDanishPolishBulgarianSwedishFinnishPortugueseEstonianSlovakSlovenianTurkishRussianLatvianLithuanianAlbanianJapaneseGeorgianHebrewIcelandicNorwegianNobel Prize in Physicsfluoroscoperadiographphotographic plateAlan Archibald Campbell-SwintonJohn Hall-EdwardsPelophylax lessonaeZootoca viviparaLacerta agilisIvan Romanovich TarkhanovGeorge Albert BoulengerZoological Society of LondonIvan PulujDartmouth Collegegelatin photographic platesWilliam Francis MagiePrinceton UniversityThomas Edisoncalcium tungstateClarence Madison DallyamputatedMihajlo PupinU.S. President William McKinley was shot twicePan American ExpositionBuffalo, New YorksternumabdomenX-ray machinegangreneseptic shockWilliam Lofland DudleyVanderbilt UniversityElihu ThomsonWilliam J. MortonElizabeth FleischmanBirmingham Universityradiation exposurecold cathodeRuhmkorff coilJohn Ambrose Flemingthermionic diodevacuum tubehot cathodeelectric currentvacuumCharles BarklaX-ray spectrumMax von LauediffractionPaul Peter EwaldWilliam Henry BraggWilliam Lawrence BraggX-ray crystallographyHenry MoseleyMoseley's lawWilliam D. Coolidgeradiation therapyBirminghamX-ray dermatitismotion picture camerasMarie CurieWorld War IX-ray microscopeChandra X-ray Observatoryuniversevisible lightblack holesgalactic collisionsneutron starsplasmaexplodeX-ray laserReagan AdministrationStrategic Defense Initiativedeath rayBush AdministrationNational Missile DefensePhase-contrast X-ray imagingTalbotsynchrotronX-ray opticselectromagnetic spectrumUV lightphoton energiesmedical radiographyairport securitymetonymicallyradiographicattenuation lengthelectronsatomic nucleusphotonsX-ray tubesradioactivenucleiradiotherapyionizemolecular bondstissueradiation doseradiation-induced cancercancer treatmentmalignantX-ray spectroscopyabsorbedscatteredindustrial radiographyindustrial CT scanningpenetration depthorders of magnitudetransmissioncontrastmicroscopeX-ray microscopycrystalsabsorption edgephotoabsorptionCompton scatteringRayleigh scatteringatomic numberabsorption edgesabsorption coefficientspenetration depthscalciumAuger electronAuger electron spectroscopyinelastic scatteringhigh-energy X-raysKlein–Nishina formulaconservation of energymomentumelastic scatteringrhodiumbremsstrahlungcharacteristic K linesX-ray tubetungstenrheniummolybdenumcobaltX-ray photoelectron spectroscopyphotonCharacteristic X-rayelectron shellemission spectrumcontinuous spectrumelectric powersynchrotron radiationparticle acceleratorscollimationlinear polarizationtriboelectric chargingtriboluminescenceparticle-induced X-ray emissioncross sectionterrestrial gamma-ray flashesstreamersrun-away electronsX-ray detectorphotographic platesphotographic filmdigitalimage platesflat panel detectorsradiation protectionionization chambersdosimetersspectraspectrometersX-ray diffractionhybrid photon counting detectorschest radiographhiatal herniamedical imagingProjectional radiographypathologyskeletal systemsoft tissuechest X-raypneumoniapulmonary edemaabdominal x-raybowel (or intestinal) obstructionascitesgallstonesradiopaquekidney stonesmuscleimplantDental radiographycavitiesX-ray filterangiographycontrast agentradiologistCT scantransverse planeComputed tomographytomographic imagesthree-dimensionalFluoroscopyradiation therapistsX-ray image intensifiervideo cameracoronary artery blockageshemorrhoidal artery embolizationesophageal disorderspalliationAbdominal radiographcarcinogenInternational Agency for Research on Cancerthreshold dose of radiationbackground radiationnuclear medicineBirmingham Dental Hospitalfiber diffractionRosalind Franklindouble helicalX-ray astronomyastronomyX-ray microscopicX-ray fluorescenceRadiography of cultural objectsunderdrawingpentimentipigmentslead whitevan GoghIndustrial CTBorder controldomestic police departmentsneedlefishPeter Dazeleyfine art photographyStane Jagodičhair removalShoe-fitting fluoroscopesRoentgen stereophotogrammetryphotoelectric effectsurface scienceRadiation implosionA-bombH-bombrhodopsinphosphorescencewigglerEuropean Synchrotron Radiation Facilityionizingcoulombroentgenelectrostatic unitchargeabsorbed doseequivalent doseRoentgen equivalent mansieverteffective doseActivitybecquerelrutherfordExposurekilogramröntgenröntgen equivalent manBackscatter X-rayNeutron radiationNuSTARRadiographerResonant inelastic X-ray scatteringSmall-angle X-ray scatteringX-ray absorption spectroscopyX-ray reflectivityX-ray visionX-ray weldingTesla coilNatureBibcodeRutgers University PressWayback MachineEbert UHerman GTMedscapeVisibleInfraredMicrowavewavelengthsVery-high-energy gamma rayUltra-high-energy gamma raySoft X-rayHard X-rayExtreme ultravioletVacuum ultravioletLyman-alphaVisible (optical)VioletYellowOrangeMicrowavesW bandV bandQ bandKa bandK bandKu bandX bandC bandS bandL bandShortwaveMedium waveLongwaveWater windowK-edgeL-edgeSiegbahn notationBetatronSynchrotron light sourceFree-electron laserAuger effectPhotoionizationPhotodisintegrationRadiation damageAnomalous X-ray scatteringX-ray radiographyPanoramic radiographyTomosynthesisHelical CTSoft x-ray microscopyPtychographyDiffraction tomographyX-Ray Fluorescence ImagingX-ray telescopeScatteringGISAXSHistoryX-ray lithographyNuclear technologyOutlineChemistryEngineeringPhysicsFissionFusionbrakingTritiumDeuteriumHelium-3Fertile materialFissile materialIsotope separationNuclear materialUraniumenricheddepletedPlutoniumThoriumNeutronActivationCapturePoisonGeneratorReflectorTemperatureThermalby countryPower plantEconomicsAccidents and incidentsPolicyRadioisotope thermoelectric (RTG)PropulsionrocketSafety and securityNuclear meltdownMedicineImagingAutoradiographRadBallScintigraphySingle-photon emission (SPECT)Positron-emission tomography (PET)TherapyFast-neutronNeutron capture therapy of cancerTargeted alpha-particleProton-beamTomotherapyBrachytherapyRadiosurgeryRadiopharmacologyProcessingAtomic gardeningElectron-beam processingFood irradiationGemstone irradiationWeaponsArms raceDeliveryDesignDisarmamentEthicsExplosioneffectsProliferationTestinghigh-altitudeundergroundWarfareStates with nuclear weaponsHistorical stockpiles and testsTests in the United StatesWMD treatiesWeapon-free zonesActinideReprocessed uraniumReactor-grade plutoniumMinor actinideActinide chemistryFuel cycleHigh-level (HLW)Low-level (LLW)Nuclear decommissioningRepositoryReprocessingSpent fuelTransmutationNuclear powerNuclear weaponsBlue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear FutureAnti-nuclear movementUranium miningNuclear power phase-outNuclear reactorsModeratorLight waterAqueous homogeneousBoilingKerenaNatural fissionPressurizedAP1000APR-1400ATMEA1CAP1400CPR-1000HPR-1000ACPR1000ACP1000IPWR-900Supercritical (SCWR)Heavy watercoolantACR-1000IPHWR-220IPHWR-700PHWR KWUR4 MarvikenSteam-generating (SGHWR)OrganicKS 150LucensGraphiteUranium Naturel Graphite Gaz (UNGG)MagnoxAdvanced gas-cooled (AGR)UHTREXVHTR (HTGR)PBR (PBMR)HTR-10HTR-PMTHTR-300Molten-saltFluoridesFuji MSRLiquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR)Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE)Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR)TMSR-500TMSR-LF1Breeder (FBR)Integral (IFR)Liquid-metal-cooled (LMFR)Small sealed transportable autonomous (SSTAR)Traveling-wave (TWR)Energy Multiplier Module (EM2)Reduced-moderation (RMWR)Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR)Dual fluid reactor (DFR)Generation IVSodium (SFR)BN-350BN-600BN-800BN-1200CFR-600PhénixSuperphénixFBR-600Helium gas (GFR)Stable Salt Reactor (SSR)Organic nuclear reactorAircraft Reactor ExperimentMagneticField-reversed configurationLevitated dipoleReversed field pinchSpheromakStellaratorTokamakInertialBubble (acoustic)electrostaticLaser-drivenMagnetized-targetZ-pinchDense plasma focusMuon-catalyzedPolywellPyroelectricNon-ionizing radiationAcoustic radiation forceStarlightSunlightRadio wavesRadioactive decayCluster decayAlpha particleBeta particleGamma rayCosmic rayNuclear fissionNuclear fusionRadioactive materialsEarth's energy budgetThermal radiationBlack-body radiationParticle radiationGravitational radiationCosmic background radiationCherenkov radiationAskaryan radiationUnruh radiationDark radiationchronicHealth physicsDosimetryElectromagnetic radiation and healthLaser safetyLasers and aviation safetyRadioactivity in the life sciencesRadioactive contaminationRadiobiologyBiological dose units and quantitiesWireless device radiation and healthWireless electronic devices and healthRadiation heat-transferLinear energy transferList of civilian radiation accidents1996 Costa Rica accident1987 Goiânia accident1984 Moroccan accident1990 Zaragoza accidentHalf-lifeNuclear physicsRadioactive sourceRadiation hardening