Uttarakhand lal chawal (red rice)
It is a common and widely cultivated crop in Purola, Mori, and surrounding areas in Uttarkashi district.[1][2][3][4] Under its Geographical Indication tag, it is referred to as "Uttarakhand Lal Chawal (Red Rice)".[1] Uttarakhand Lal Chawal (Red Rice) from the Himalayas is distinct in taste, texture, color, aroma, and flavor.[7] These conditions nourish the rice, resulting in a firm texture, nutty flavor, and distinct aroma.[5][8][9] Bhagirathi Annapurna Sabji Utpadak Swayat Sahakarita from Uttarkashi, proposed the GI registration of Uttarakhand Lal Chawal (Red Rice).