
Carnaroli is an Italian medium-grained rice grown in the Pavia, Novara, and Vercelli provinces of northern Italy.Carnaroli is used for making risotto, differing from the more common arborio rice due to its higher starch content and firmer texture, as well as having a longer grain.The history of Carnaroli is not well defined,[2] the sources date its birth to 1945 thanks to the crossing between Vialone and Lencino, following the numerous attempts made in various provinces.This variety was named after Professor Emiliano Carnaroli, President of the "Ente Nazionale Risi" (National Rice Body) at that time.[3] The first registration of the Carnaroli variety in the Varietal Register is from 1974 and the responsibility for the conservation in purity was entrusted to Achille De Vecchi.
Grains of dried Carnaroli rice
NovaraVercellirisottoarborio riceamyloseArborioVialone NanoHistory of rice cultivationAfrican riceAsian riceVarietiesAdamchini ChawalAjara Ghansal riceAmbemoharAndaman Karen MusleyArunachal Pradesh Khaw Tai (Khamti Rice)Balaghat ChinnorBhandara ChinoorBasmatiBhutanese red riceBomba riceBoka ChaulBora saulCalasparra riceCalrose riceCamargue red riceChampa riceChak-Hao (Black rice)Chokuwa saulDubraj riceGobindobhogGolden riceJapanese riceJaponica riceJasmatiJasmine riceJeeraphoolJoha riceKalonuniaKoraput KalajeeraKoshihikariMaratelliMarchaMatta riceMolakolukuluMushqbudjiNàng Thơm Chợ Đào riceNavara riceNishiki ricePatna ricePaw hsan hmwePokkaliPonni ricePusa Basmati 1121Red Cargo riceRiceberrySasanishikiSemi-dwarf IR36Sona masuri riceTulaipanjiUttarakhand Lal ChawalWayanad GandhakasalaWayanad JeerakasalaWehani riceYamada NishikiCarolina GoldNew Rice for AfricaAromatic riceHybrid ricePerennial riceGlutinous riceWeedy riceFlattened ricePuffed riceBroken riceBrown riceRed riceBlack riceGerminated brown riceParboiled riceWhite riceArroz con polloAsopaoBiryaniChamporadoCongeeGimbapLampraisMexican ricePaellaTahchinTuwon shinkafaYellow rice