R v Van der Peet

This is the first of three cases known as the Van der Peet trilogy which included R v NTC Smokehouse Ltd and R v Gladstone.Van der Peet was visited by Marie Lugsdin, a non-Indigenous person, who offered to purchase ten fish at $5 a piece, for a total of $50.The issue before the Court was whether the law preventing sale of the fish infringed Van der Peet's Aboriginal rights under section 35."[4] The exchange of fish for money or other goods did not constitute a practice, custom or tradition that was integral to Sto:lo culture.The Court developed an "Integral to a Distinctive Culture Test" to determine how to define an Aboriginal right as protected by s.35(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982.
Supreme Court of CanadaAntonio LamerGérard La ForestClaire L'Heureux-DubéJohn SopinkaCharles GonthierPeter CoryBeverley McLachlinFrank IacobucciJohn C. MajorR. v. SparrowAboriginalsection 35Constitution Act, 1982Supreme CourtR v GladstoneChilliwackBritish Columbia Court of AppealThe Canadian Crown and Aboriginal peoplesNumbered TreatiesIndian ActSection Thirty-five of the Constitution Act, 1982Indian Health Transfer Policy (Canada)Canadian AboriginalIndigenous lawcustomary lawAboriginal land title in CanadaRoyal Proclamation of 1763Section 25 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsSection 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982Treaty rightsUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ActConfederationCovenant ChainGreat Peace of MontrealNanfan TreatyPeace and Friendship TreatiesDouglas TreatiesGradual Civilization ActToronto PurchasePenetanguishene Bay PurchaseLake Simcoe–Lake Huron PurchaseTreaty 45Saugeen Tract AgreementRobinson TreatiesGradual Enfranchisement ActWhite PaperJames Bay and Northern Quebec AgreementNunavut Land Claims AgreementNisga'a Final AgreementPaix des BravesDuty to consult and accommodateJordan's PrincipleLand claimsspecific claimsOngoing treaty negotiations in British ColumbiaAttorney General of Canada v LavellR v BadgerCalder v British ColumbiaChippewas of Sarnia Band v CanadaCorbiere v CanadaDaniels v CanadaDelgamuukw v British ColumbiaNative Women's Assn of Canada v CanadaKruger v RR v Marshall; R v BernardR v MarshallMitchell v MNRPaul v British ColumbiaPaulette CaveatPowley rulingR v DrybonesR v GladueGladue reportR v GonzalesR v GuerinR v JimR v PamajewonR v SparrowRe EskimosSt Catharines Milling and Lumber Co v RTsilhqot'in Nation v British ColumbiaRestoule v CanadaIndigenous customary lawSelf-governmentGrand CouncilMiꞌkmaqGreat Law of PeaceHaudenosauneePittailiniitWahkohtowinPlains CreeIndex of articles related to Indigenous Canadians