R v Guerin

In 1970, the band discovered the true terms and protested on the basis that the government had a duty to properly explain the full extent of the deal.[1] Dickson J., with Beetz, Chouinard, and Lamer concurring, held that the nature of Aboriginal title imposes an enforceable fiduciary duty upon the Crown.Aboriginal Title was held to be a pre-existing legal right, not created by the Royal Proclamation of 1763, by s. 18(1) of the Indian Act, or by any other executive order or legislative provision.As a result the majority held that it would be unconscionable to permit the Crown to simply ignore the terms promised to the First Nation's Band.The Crown had breached their fiduciary obligation and thus the damages awarded by the lower court should be adopted to compensate for the Band's loss.
Supreme Court of CanadaGertrude GuerinBora LaskinRoland RitchieBrian DicksonJean BeetzWillard EsteyWilliam McIntyreJulien ChouinardAntonio LamerBertha WilsonAboriginalfiduciary dutyFirst NationsCanadaAboriginal titlesui generisMusqueamVancouverShaughnessy Heights Golf ClubRoyal Proclamation of 1763Indian ActSection 35Constitution Act, 1982Monarchy of Canada and the Indigenous peoples of CanadaCalder v British Columbia (AG)R v SparrowDelgamuukw v British ColumbiaTsilhqot'in Nation v British ColumbiaGrassy Narrows First Nation v. Ontario (Natural Resources)Aboriginal land title in CanadaCanadian AboriginalIndigenous lawcustomary lawSection 25 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsSection 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982Treaty rightsUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ActConfederationCovenant ChainGreat Peace of MontrealNanfan TreatyPeace and Friendship TreatiesDouglas TreatiesGradual Civilization ActToronto PurchasePenetanguishene Bay PurchaseLake Simcoe–Lake Huron PurchaseTreaty 45Saugeen Tract AgreementRobinson TreatiesGradual Enfranchisement ActNumbered TreatiesWhite PaperJames Bay and Northern Quebec AgreementNunavut Land Claims AgreementNisga'a Final AgreementPaix des BravesDuty to consult and accommodateJordan's PrincipleLand claimsspecific claimsOngoing treaty negotiations in British ColumbiaAttorney General of Canada v LavellR v BadgerCalder v British ColumbiaChippewas of Sarnia Band v CanadaCorbiere v CanadaDaniels v CanadaNative Women's Assn of Canada v CanadaKruger v RR v Marshall; R v BernardR v MarshallMitchell v MNRPaul v British ColumbiaPaulette CaveatPowley rulingR v DrybonesR v GladstoneR v GladueGladue reportR v GonzalesR v JimR v PamajewonRe EskimosSt Catharines Milling and Lumber Co v RR v Van der PeetRestoule v CanadaIndigenous customary lawSelf-governmentGrand CouncilMiꞌkmaqGreat Law of PeaceHaudenosauneePittailiniitWahkohtowinPlains CreeIndex of articles related to Indigenous Canadians