Jordan's Principle

[1]Jordan's Principle is reflective of the non-discrimination provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and Canadian domestic law that does not allow differential treatment on the basis of race or ethnic origin.Drawing on a team of over twenty researchers, the report provides a holistic and detailed review of the Government of Canada's First Nations child and family services policy and sets out recommendations for improvement."[9] Since January 2016, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal has issued several remedial non-compliance orders against Canada for failing to abide by the original decision and implement the proper definition of Jordan's Principle.[10][11] In September 2016, the Tribunal specified that Jordan's Principle applies to all First Nations children, not only those resident on reserve nor only those with "disabilities and those who present with a discrete, short-term issue.[17] The Government of Canada submitted a judicial review of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal compensation order to the Federal Court in October 2019.Canada sought an order to quash all financial compensation and a motion to stay the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal proceedings until the Federal Court makes a decision on the judicial review.It asserted further that Jordan's Principle is not a fixed budget program, but a legal obligation of the Government of Canada, meaning funding expands with the number of eligible children.Alanis Obomsawin's 2016 documentary film We Can't Make the Same Mistake Twice argues that the federal government has fought applying Jordan's Principle to such a degree that an $11-million fund set aside to cover its costs was never used.
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Jordan's Principle Information Poster June 29, 2018
Jordan River Anderson, the MessengerCanadaFirst Nationsreservesubstantive equalitycolonizationUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of the ChildCanadian domestic lawNorway House Cree NationCarey Fineman Ziter syndromefederal and provincial governmentsGovernment of Canadaprovincial/territorial governmentsHouse of Commons of CanadaAssembly of First NationsIndian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commissionmemorandum of understandingCanadian Human Rights TribunalCanadian Human Rights Actage of majorityFederal CourtIndian ActAlanis ObomsawinWe Can't Make the Same Mistake TwiceGlobal newsToronto StarBlackstock, C.MacDonald, NoniCanadian AboriginalIndigenous lawcustomary lawAboriginal land title in CanadaRoyal Proclamation of 1763Section 25 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsSection 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982Treaty rightsUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ActConfederationCovenant ChainGreat Peace of MontrealNanfan TreatyPeace and Friendship TreatiesDouglas TreatiesGradual Civilization ActToronto PurchasePenetanguishene Bay PurchaseLake Simcoe–Lake Huron PurchaseTreaty 45Saugeen Tract AgreementRobinson TreatiesGradual Enfranchisement ActNumbered TreatiesWhite PaperJames Bay and Northern Quebec AgreementNunavut Land Claims AgreementNisga'a Final AgreementPaix des BravesDuty to consult and accommodateLand claimsspecific claimsOngoing treaty negotiations in British ColumbiaAttorney General of Canada v LavellR v BadgerCalder v British ColumbiaChippewas of Sarnia Band v CanadaCorbiere v CanadaDaniels v CanadaDelgamuukw v British ColumbiaNative Women's Assn of Canada v CanadaKruger v RR v Marshall; R v BernardR v MarshallMitchell v MNRPaul v British ColumbiaPaulette CaveatPowley rulingR v DrybonesR v GladstoneR v GladueGladue reportR v GonzalesR v GuerinR v JimR v PamajewonR v SparrowRe EskimosSt Catharines Milling and Lumber Co v RR v Van der PeetTsilhqot'in Nation v British ColumbiaRestoule v CanadaIndigenous customary lawSelf-governmentGrand CouncilMiꞌkmaqGreat Law of PeaceHaudenosauneePittailiniitWahkohtowinPlains CreeIndex of articles related to Indigenous Canadians