Kruger v R

Jacob Kruger and Robert Manuel were Penticton First Nations people in British Columbia who killed deer outside hunting season.Since the hunting violated the provincial Wildlife Act, they were charged, but they appealed citing their Aboriginal rights under the Royal Proclamation, 1763.Dickson first found that if hunting rights have been denied, it is not necessarily true that compensation must be provided in turn.As Dickson quoted another judge as saying, "no statute of the Provincial Legislature dealing with Indians or their lands as such would be valid and effective; but there is no reason why general legislation may not affect them.As Professor Peter Hogg writes, Indianness (primary Aboriginal issues under federal jurisdiction), should include hunting on a reserve.
Supreme Court of CanadaCourt of Appeal for British ColumbiaBora LaskinRonald MartlandWilfred JudsonRoland RitchieWishart SpenceLouis-Philippe PigeonBrian DicksonJean BeetzLouis-Philippe de GrandpréIndian Actgame lawsBritish North America Act, 1867Aboriginal peoples in CanadaPentictonFirst NationsBritish ColumbiahuntingRoyal Proclamation, 1763British Columbia Court of AppealCalder v. Attorney General of British Columbiapith and substanceburden of proofPeter HoggreserveR. v. JimList of Supreme Court of Canada cases (Laskin Court)The Canadian Crown and First Nations, Inuit and MétisNumbered TreatiesSection Thirty-five of the Constitution Act, 1982Indian Health Transfer Policy (Canada)Canadian AboriginalIndigenous lawcustomary lawAboriginal land title in CanadaRoyal Proclamation of 1763Section 25 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsSection 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982Treaty rightsUnited Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ActConfederationCovenant ChainGreat Peace of MontrealNanfan TreatyPeace and Friendship TreatiesDouglas TreatiesGradual Civilization ActToronto PurchasePenetanguishene Bay PurchaseLake Simcoe–Lake Huron PurchaseTreaty 45Saugeen Tract AgreementRobinson TreatiesGradual Enfranchisement ActWhite PaperJames Bay and Northern Quebec AgreementNunavut Land Claims AgreementNisga'a Final AgreementPaix des BravesDuty to consult and accommodateJordan's PrincipleLand claimsspecific claimsOngoing treaty negotiations in British ColumbiaAttorney General of Canada v LavellR v BadgerCalder v British ColumbiaChippewas of Sarnia Band v CanadaCorbiere v CanadaDaniels v CanadaDelgamuukw v British ColumbiaNative Women's Assn of Canada v CanadaR v Marshall; R v BernardR v MarshallMitchell v MNRPaul v British ColumbiaPaulette CaveatPowley rulingR v DrybonesR v GladstoneR v GladueGladue reportR v GonzalesR v GuerinR v JimR v PamajewonR v SparrowRe EskimosSt Catharines Milling and Lumber Co v RR v Van der PeetTsilhqot'in Nation v British ColumbiaRestoule v CanadaIndigenous customary lawSelf-governmentGrand CouncilMiꞌkmaqGreat Law of PeaceHaudenosauneePittailiniitWahkohtowinPlains CreeIndex of articles related to Indigenous Canadians