Paulette Caveat

In 1973, Fort Smith Chief Francois Paulette, along with sixteen NWT chiefs, attempted to file a caveat in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, to gain a legal interest in 400,000 square miles (1,000,000 km2) of land in the Northwest Territories.The chiefs claimed the land, by virtue of their aboriginal rights, and sought to prevent the construction of the proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline.Justice Morrow agreed with these witnesses and ruled that the chiefs had established a case for claiming Aboriginal rights sufficiently to warrant the filing of a caveat.[1] The Paulette case resulted in the initiation of the Dene/Metis comprehensive land claim process.The Paulette and Calder cases prompted the Government of Canada to hold public hearings on the proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline (hearings that become known as the Berger Inquiry).
Indigenous peoplesin CanadaFirst NationsMétisTimelinePre-colonizationGeneticsSettler colonialismGenocideResidential schoolsIndian hospitalsReconciliationIndigenous lawBritish Columbia Treaty ProcessCrown and Indigenous peoplesHealth PolicyIdle No MoreIndian ActIndigenous and Northern Affairs CanadaLand BackLand claimsLand defenderLand titleMissing and Murdered Indigenous WomenNumbered TreatiesRoyal CommissionSelf-governmentSpecific claimsTreaty rightsIndigenous personalitiesCountry foodIndian reservesTerritoriesPacific CoastInuit languagesChinuk WawaIndigenous English DialectsAboriginal syllabicsChinuk pipaInuit grammarTraditional beliefsInuit religionIndex of articlescaveatTreaty 8Treaty 11Government of CanadaDenesolineNorthwest TerritoriesFort SmithYellowknifeaboriginal rightsMackenzie Valley PipelineSupreme Court of the Northwest TerritoriesextinguishedSupreme Court of CanadaBerger InquiryCanadian Aboriginalcustomary lawAboriginal land title in CanadaRoyal Proclamation of 1763Section 25 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsSection 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ActConfederationCovenant ChainGreat Peace of MontrealNanfan TreatyPeace and Friendship TreatiesDouglas TreatiesGradual Civilization ActToronto PurchasePenetanguishene Bay PurchaseLake Simcoe–Lake Huron PurchaseTreaty 45Saugeen Tract AgreementRobinson TreatiesGradual Enfranchisement ActWhite PaperJames Bay and Northern Quebec AgreementNunavut Land Claims AgreementNisga'a Final AgreementPaix des BravesDuty to consult and accommodateJordan's PrincipleOngoing treaty negotiations in British ColumbiaAttorney General of Canada v LavellR v BadgerCalder v British ColumbiaChippewas of Sarnia Band v CanadaCorbiere v CanadaDaniels v CanadaDelgamuukw v British ColumbiaNative Women's Assn of Canada v CanadaKruger v RR v Marshall; R v BernardR v MarshallMitchell v MNRPaul v British ColumbiaPowley rulingR v DrybonesR v GladstoneR v GladueGladue reportR v GonzalesR v GuerinR v JimR v PamajewonR v SparrowRe EskimosSt Catharines Milling and Lumber Co v RR v Van der PeetTsilhqot'in Nation v British ColumbiaRestoule v CanadaIndigenous customary lawGrand CouncilMiꞌkmaqGreat Law of PeaceHaudenosauneePittailiniitWahkohtowinPlains CreeIndex of articles related to Indigenous CanadiansCanadian law