Lists of planets

A planet is a large, rounded astronomical body that is neither a star nor its remnant.The best available theory of planet formation is the nebular hypothesis, which posits that an interstellar cloud collapses out of a nebula to create a young protostar orbited by a protoplanetary disk.There are eight planets within the Solar System; planets outside of the solar system are also known as exoplanets.[1] Most of these were discovered by the Kepler space telescope.There are an additional 1,982 potential exoplanets from Kepler's first mission yet to be confirmed, as well as 975 from its "Second Light" mission and 4,706 from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission.
Artist's concept of the potentially habitable exoplanet Kepler-186f
Transit: 4,333 (74.5%) Radial velocity: 1,096 (18.8%) Microlensing: 235 (4.0%) Direct imaging: 82 (1.4%) Transit-timing variation: 33 (0.6%) Eclipse timing variation: 17 (0.3%) Orbital brightness modulation: 9 (0.2%) Pulsar timing variation: 8 (0.1%) Astrometry: 3 (0.1%) Pulsation timing variation: 2 (0.0%) Disk kinematics: 1 (0.0%)
Distribution of confirmed exoplanets with respect to distance from the Sun
The Sun, the planets, their moons, and several trans-Neptunian objects The Sun Mercury Venus The Moon Earth Mars Phobos and Deimos Ceres The main asteroid belt Jupiter Moons of Jupiter Rings of Jupiter Saturn Moons of Saturn Rings of Saturn Uranus Moons of Uranus Rings of Uranus Neptune Moons of Neptune Rings of Neptune Pluto Moons of Pluto Haumea Moons of Haumea Makemake S/2015 (136472) 1 The Kuiper Belt Eris Dysnomia The Scattered Disc The Hills Cloud The Oort Cloud
Solar SystemKepler-186fexoplanetsplanetary systemshaving more than one planetKepler space telescopeTransiting Exoplanet Survey SatelliteObservation methodList of gravitationally rounded objects of the Solar SystemList of former planetsList of hypothetical Solar System objectsList of directly imaged exoplanetsList of exoplanet extremesList of exoplanet firstsList of exoplanets discovered by the Kepler space telescopeList of exoplanets observed during Kepler's K2 missionList of extrasolar candidates for liquid waterList of hottest exoplanetsList of coolest exoplanetsList of multiplanetary systemsList of nearest exoplanetsList of nearest terrestrial exoplanet candidatesList of potentially habitable exoplanetsList of proper names of exoplanetsList of largest exoplanetsList of smallest exoplanetsList of transiting exoplanetsList of exoplanets and planetary debris around white dwarfsList of extrasolar planetary collisionsList of exoplanets discovered before 2000List of exoplanets discovered between 2000–2009List of exoplanets discovered in 2010List of exoplanets discovered in 2011List of exoplanets discovered in 2012List of exoplanets discovered in 2013List of exoplanets discovered in 2014List of exoplanets discovered in 2015List of exoplanets discovered in 2016List of exoplanets discovered in 2017List of exoplanets discovered in 2018List of exoplanets discovered in 2019List of exoplanets discovered in 2020List of exoplanets discovered in 2021List of exoplanets discovered in 2022List of exoplanets discovered in 2023List of exoplanets discovered in 2024List of exoplanets discovered in 2025List of exoplanets discovered using the Kepler space telescopeList of stars with proplydsList of exoplanets detected by radial velocityList of exoplanets detected by microlensingList of exoplanets detected by timingPlanets in astrologyPlanetary objects proposed in religion, astrology, ufology and pseudoscienceFictional planets of the Solar SystemList of Star Wars planets and moonsList of planet typesLists of astronomical objectsClassical planetDefinition of planetList of exoplanet search projectsNASA Exoplanet ArchiveNASA Exoplanet Science InstituteBibcodePlanetDefinitionPlanetary scienceExoplanetExoplanet orbital and physical parametersMethods of detecting exoplanetsPlanetary systemPlanet-hosting starsTerrestrialCarbon planetCoreless planetDesert planetDwarf planetHycean planetIce planetIron planetLava planetOcean worldMega-EarthSub-EarthSuper-EarthGaseousEccentric JupiterMini-NeptuneHelium planetHot JupiterHot NeptuneGas giantIce giantSuper-JupiterSuper-NeptuneSuper-puffUltra-hot JupiterUltra-hot NeptuneBlanetBrown dwarfChthonian planetCircumbinary planetCircumtriple planetDisrupted planetDouble planetEcumenopolisEyeball planetGiant planetMesoplanetPlanemoPlanetesimalProtoplanetPulsar planetSub-brown dwarfSub-NeptuneToroidal planetUltra-cool dwarfUltra-short period planet (USP)Formation and evolutionAccretionAccretion diskAsteroid beltCircumplanetary diskCircumstellar discCircumstellar envelopeCosmic dustDebris diskDetached objectExozodiacal dustExtraterrestrial materialsExtraterrestrial sample curationGiant-impact hypothesisGravitational collapseHills cloudInternal structureInterplanetary dust cloudInterplanetary mediumInterplanetary spaceInterstellar cloudInterstellar dustInterstellar mediumKuiper beltList of interstellar and circumstellar moleculesMolecular cloudNebular hypothesisOort cloudOuter spacePlanetary migrationProtoplanetary diskRing systemRubble pileSample-return missionScattered discStar formationSystemsExocometInterstellarExomoonTidally detachedRogue planetPulsarDetectionAstrometryMicrolensingPolarimetryRadial velocityTransit-timing variationHabitabilityAstrobiologyAstrooceanographyCircumstellar habitable zoneEarth analogExtraterrestrial liquid waterGalactic habitable zoneHabitability of binary star systemsHabitability of F-type main-sequence star systemsHabitability of K-type main-sequence star systemsHabitability of natural satellitesHabitability of neutron star systemsHabitability of red dwarf systemsHabitability of yellow dwarf systemsHabitable zone for complex lifeTholinSuperhabitable planetNearby Habitable SystemsExoplanet Data ExplorerExtrasolar Planets EncyclopaediaNASA Star and Exoplanet DatabaseOpen Exoplanet CatalogueHost starsMultiplanetary systemsStars with proto-planetary discsDiscoveriesExtremesFirstsNearestLargestHeaviestTerrestrial candidatesKeplerPotentially habitableProper namesbefore 20002000–2009Carl Sagan InstituteExoplanet naming conventionExoplanetary Circumstellar Environments and Disk ExplorerExtragalactic planetExtrasolar planets in fictionGeodynamics of terrestrial exoplanetsNeptunian desertNexus for Exoplanet System ScienceSmall planet radius gapSudarsky's gas giant classificationDiscoveries of exoplanetsSearch projectsExoplanet search projectsExoplanetologyCORALIEEAPSNetELODIEESPRESSOFINDS Exo-EarthsGenevaHARPS-NHATNetHiCIAOMagellanMARVELSMASCARAMEarthMicroFUNMINERVAAustralisPlanetPolProject 1640SOPHIESPECULOOSSPHERESuperWASPSystemicXO TelescopeZIMPOL/CHEOPSSWEEPSDeep Impactdetected exoplanetsASTERIACHEOPSHayabusa2James Webb Space TelescopeNancy Grace Roman Space TelescopeEXCEDELUVOIRNautilus Deep Space ObservatoryNew Worlds MissionPEGASEDarwinEddingtonSpace Interferometry MissionTerrestrial Planet FinderDetection methodsLists of exoplanetsHeliospherePlanetsMercury1 moon2 moonsPhobosDeimosJupiter95 moonsGanymedeCallistoEuropaSaturn146 moonsIapetusTethysEnceladusUranus28 moonsTitaniaOberonUmbrielMirandaNeptune16 moonsTritonMinorplanetsDwarf planets5 moonsCharonKerberosHaumeaHiʻiakaNamakaQuaoarWeywotMakemakeGonggongXiangliuDysnomiaAsteroids(Small SolarSystem bodies)Notable asteroidsGaspraApophisKalliopePallasHygieaNear-Earth objectsTrojansCentaursActive asteroidsAsteroid moonsMeteoroidsMeanings of asteroid namesTrans-Neptunian(Distant minorplanets)PlutinosCubewanos2002 UX25VarunaAlbion2002 TX3002002 AW197Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà2002 TC3022004 XR190Sednoids2012 VP113Detached objectsDamocloidsOort cloud objectsCometsLists of cometsPeriodic cometsNon-periodic cometsSungrazingExtinctSolar System objects by orbitBy sizeBy discovery dateGeological featuresCratersMinor planetsGravitationally rounded objectsPossible dwarf planetsNatural satellitesSpace probesTallest mountainsLargest cratersLargest valleysLargest lakesPlanet NineFive-planet Nice modelVulcanoidsNemesisPlanets beyond NeptuneClaimed moons of EarthFormation and evolution of the Solar Systemby orbitby radius or mass