The minister of education, Ro Teimumu Kepa, has also supported appeals to Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs Ratu Ovini Bokini.Similar appeals have been made by Misiwini Qereqeretabua, Director of the Institute of Language and Culture, and by Apolonia Tamata, a linguistics professor at the University of the South Pacific in Suva.They have stated that recognition of the Fijian language is essential for the basic identity of the nation and acts as a unifying factor for the multicultural society of Fiji.Mahendra Chaudhry, the leader of the Fiji Labour Party, also supported the cause to make Fijian a national language and a compulsory subject in schools with the same status as Fiji Hindi, a position echoed by Krishna Vilas of the National Reconciliation Committee.The glottal stop /ʔ/ occurs in the Boumaa Fijian used to illustrate this article, but is not found in the standard language.Note the difference in place of articulation between the voiced-voiceless fricative pairs: bilabial [β] vs. labiodental [f], and dental [ð] vs. alveolar [s].In addition, the digraph ⟨dr⟩ stands for retroflex [ᶯɖ], or a prenasalized trill [ɳɖr] in careful pronunciation, or more commonly for some people and in some dialects.[13] ꞌua ~ waaꞌua can take a NP as its subject, but most commonly takes the ni complement as a subject,[14] which is demonstrated below: e3SGaaPASTtaqo.-makinidefend-TRau1SGoARTJonePersonme+ushould+1SGkuanotnithatlau-.vacuPASS-punche aa taqo.-makini au o Jone me+u kua ni lau-.vacu3SG PAST defend-TR 1SG ART Person should+1SG not that PASS-punch"John defended me from being punched (lit: that I should not be punched)"[14]An example of ꞌua ~ waaꞌua used in imperative structure can be seen here: au1SGsaaASPvei-.vutuni.-takinarepent-TRsaraMODIFme+ushould+1SGsaaASPwaakuanotniINTvaka-.yaco-ramake-happen-TRtaleagainaARTcaka.cakaREDUP-doyaiINTi+naon+ARTsiga.tabuSundayau saa vei-.vutuni.-takina sara me+u saa waakua ni vaka-.yaco-ra tale a caka.caka yai i+na siga.tabu1SG ASP repent-TR MODIF should+1SG ASP not INT make-happen-TR again ART REDUP-do INT on+ART Sunday"I repented (of hunting pigs on the sabbath) so that I won't ever again do this activity on Sunday"[15]In the case of pronouns, they can only be negated when they form part of the NP, when acting as the predicate head.[16] Therefore, pronouns cannot be the NP subject of semi-auxiliary verbs sega or ꞌua ~ waaꞌua in the way that general nouns can.[16] Sega and ꞌua ~ waaꞌua can be combined with other auxiliary verbs to produce diverse constructions.[18] Two main modifiers, soti 'a lot' and sara 'very; (go) right on, immediately' play key roles in negation in Fijian, and work in conjunction with semi-auxiliary verbs.[21] Four numbers are represented; singular, dual, paucal, and plural—'paucal' refers to more than two people who have some relationship, as a family or work group; if none, 'plural' is used.If the possessor is a pronoun, the possessed noun must be marked by one of the pronominal markers which specify person, number and inclusivity/exclusivity (see table).The classes of free and bound nouns roughly correspond with the concept, common in Austronesian languages, of alienable and inalienable possession, respectively.Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1 MODIF:modifier In May and June 2005, a number of prominent Fiji Islanders called for the status of Fijian to be upgraded.It was not an official language before the adoption of the 1997 Constitution, which made it co-official with English and Fiji Hindi.], but then Education Minister, Ro Teimumu Kepa, had endorsed calls for that to change, as had the former Great Council of Chiefs Chairman Ratu Ovini Bokini.Similar calls also came from Misiwini Qereqeretabua, the former Director of the Institute of Fijian Language and Culture, and from Apolonia Tamata, a linguistics lecturer at Suva's University of the South Pacific, both of whom said that recognition of the Fijian language is essential to the nation's basic identity and as a unifying factor in Fiji's multicultural society.The Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra Chaudhry also endorsed the call for Fijian to be made a national language and a compulsory school subject if the same status was given to Fiji Hindi, a position that was echoed by Krishna Vilas of the National Reconciliation Committee.