South Carolina State Guard

Units are occasionally sent out of state by order of the Governor, as in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, after Hurricane Katrina and during the Mexican-American War in the mid-1800s.All members being paid receive an equal amount regardless of rank and hours logged so long as the minimum time requirement has been fulfilled for that month.Some Federal and State agencies and private employers provide pay continuance to employees during training during work hours under orders.Guard members also receive certain tax and mileage deductions and, when authorized, reimbursement for travel or special training.These State Guardsmen receive continuous and rigorous training for law enforcement augmentation and other missions as directed.The outbreak of World War II in Europe pushed the U.S. government and military to prepare for possible conflict.[3][4] In September 2018, 285 State Guardsmen were activated to serve alongside the National Guard during Hurricane Florence.[6] In Charleston, the SCSG assisted the Medical University of South Carolina by transforming a wellness facility into a 250-bed field hospital for potential patients.[7] The State Guard currently wears standard US Army OCPs with modified black and grey nametapes.
Members of the South Carolina State Guard in formation at the SC State House in Columbia, SC
Cpl. Paul Herring, a security augmentee assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Brigade of the South Carolina State Guard, guarding the front gate at McCrady Training Center, S.C.
United StatesSouth CarolinaState Defense ForceColumbia, South CarolinaGovernorHenry McMasterMajor GeneralLeon LottCommand Sergeant MajorColumbiaCharlestonFountain InnSeptember 11 attacksHurricane KatrinaMexican-American Warfederal military reservesSouth Carolina Army National GuardSouth Carolina Air National GuardFrancis MarionAndrew PickensThomas SumterWilliam WashingtonNathanael GreeneWar with MexicoCivil WarSpanish–American WarWorld War IIEuropeNational Guardactive dutyNational Defense Act of 1916South Carolina Legislatureenabling actBurnet R. MaybankheadquartersregimentsbattalionsenlistcommissionedConfederateM1917 Enfield rifleriflesshotgunsThompson submachine gunsvolunteersStrom Thurmondsecond lieutenantinternal securitysearch and rescueland forcessubmarinedrilledcrashed aircraftnatural disasterGovernor of South CarolinacontrabandSouth Carolina Department of CorrectionsHurricane FlorenceExploring (Learning for Life)COVID-19 pandemicUnited States Army Corps of EngineersMedical University of South Carolinadress uniformsU.S. Army Service Uniformleave of absenceSouth Carolina National GuardSouth Carolina Naval MilitiaSouth Carolina Wing Civil Air PatrolEnglishSouth Carolina General AssemblyState defense forcesnaval militiaAlaska State Defense ForceCalifornia State GuardConnecticut State GuardFlorida State GuardGeorgia State Defense ForceIndiana Guard ReserveLouisiana State GuardMaryland Defense ForceMichigan Defense ForceMississippi State GuardNew Mexico State Defense ForceNew York GuardOhio Military ReserveOregon Civil Defense ForcePuerto Rico State GuardTennessee State GuardTexas State GuardVermont State GuardVirginia Defense ForceWashington State GuardAlaska Naval MilitiaNew York Naval MilitiaOhio Naval MilitiaAlabama State Defense ForceAlaska Territorial GuardArkansas State GuardColorado State Defense ForceConnecticut Naval MilitiaDelaware State GuardFlorida Naval MilitiaGeorgia Naval MilitiaHawaii Naval MilitiaHawaii Territorial GuardIdaho State GuardIllinois Naval MilitiaIllinois Reserve MilitiaIndiana Naval MilitiaIowa State GuardKansas State GuardKentucky Active MilitiaLouisiana Naval MilitiaMaine State GuardMaryland Naval MilitiaMassachusetts Naval MilitiaMassachusetts State Defense ForceMichigan Naval MilitiaMinnesota Naval MilitiaMinnesota State GuardMissouri Naval MilitiaMissouri State Defense ForceNebraska State GuardNew Hampshire State GuardNew Jersey Naval MilitiaNew Jersey State GuardNorth Carolina Naval MilitiaNorth Carolina State Defense MilitiaOklahoma State GuardOregon Naval MilitiaPennsylvania State GuardPennsylvania NavyRhode Island Naval MilitiaRhode Island State GuardSouth Dakota State GuardUtah State Defense ForceWashington Naval MilitiaWisconsin Naval MilitiaWisconsin State Defense Force