Alabama State Defense Force

[5] Prior to the modern National Guard, states would provide volunteer militia units to augment the federal army in times of war.In 1940, Governor Frank M. Dixon created the Alabama State Guard, recruiting primarily from World War I veterans in the American Legion."[8] By using an existing private organization as the framework for their state defense force, Alabama was able to achieve full readiness far sooner than might be expected.[10] On August 14, 2012, Governor Robert Bentley signed into law the Alabama State Defense Force bill (SB278), which added clarification to the role of the ASDF in relation to the Alabama National Guard, so that the two organizations can be better integrated in future stateside missions.The mission of the Alabama State Defense Force is to on order of the Adjutant General of Alabama provide trained and ready volunteer individuals and units to support the National Guard conducting Defense Support to Civil Authorities missions to mitigate and/or alleviate the effects of a natural or man-made disaster.
United StatesAlabamaState defense forceAlabama Military DepartmentMontgomery, AlabamaGov. Kay IveyConstitution of AlabamaAlabama National GuardNational GuardMexican–American WarAmerican Civil WarUnion unitsConfederate unitsSpanish–American WarWorld War IIstate defense forcesFrank M. DixonWorld War IAmerican LegionGeorge WallaceUnited States invasion of AfghanistanFort McClellanHurricane GustavRobert BentleyAlabama Wing Civil Air PatrolGovernor of AlabamaLegal Information InstituteJustiaTexas A&M University PressThe Anniston StarThe Tuscaloosa Newsnaval militiaAlaska State Defense ForceCalifornia State GuardConnecticut State GuardFlorida State GuardGeorgia State Defense ForceIndiana Guard ReserveLouisiana State GuardMaryland Defense ForceMichigan Defense ForceMississippi State GuardNew Mexico State Defense ForceNew York GuardOhio Military ReserveOregon Civil Defense ForcePuerto Rico State GuardSouth Carolina State GuardTennessee State GuardTexas State GuardVermont State GuardVirginia Defense ForceWashington State GuardAlaska Naval MilitiaNew York Naval MilitiaOhio Naval MilitiaSouth Carolina Naval MilitiaAlaska Territorial GuardArkansas State GuardColorado State Defense ForceConnecticut Naval MilitiaDelaware State GuardFlorida Naval MilitiaGeorgia Naval MilitiaHawaii Naval MilitiaHawaii Territorial GuardIdaho State GuardIllinois Naval MilitiaIllinois Reserve MilitiaIndiana Naval MilitiaIowa State GuardKansas State GuardKentucky Active MilitiaLouisiana Naval MilitiaMaine State GuardMaryland Naval MilitiaMassachusetts Naval MilitiaMassachusetts State Defense ForceMichigan Naval MilitiaMinnesota Naval MilitiaMinnesota State GuardMissouri Naval MilitiaMissouri State Defense ForceNebraska State GuardNew Hampshire State GuardNew Jersey Naval MilitiaNew Jersey State GuardNorth Carolina Naval MilitiaNorth Carolina State Defense MilitiaOklahoma State GuardOregon Naval MilitiaPennsylvania State GuardPennsylvania NavyRhode Island Naval MilitiaRhode Island State GuardSouth Dakota State GuardUtah State Defense ForceWashington Naval MilitiaWisconsin Naval MilitiaWisconsin State Defense Force