Rhode Island State Guard

During the American Revolutionary War, the 1st Rhode Island Regiment was raised to serve in the Continental Army.Rhode Island raised multiple units to fight for the Union Army during the American Civil War.When the National Guard was deployed abroad during World War I, states were forced to raise replacement units to provide homeland security capabilities.[4] The authority to maintain independent chartered military organizations separate of the National Guard is recognized under Rhode Island Law.[6] Under Rhode Island law, no employer may fire an employee due to the employee's membership in the Rhode Island State Guard, or due to their obligation to perform military service, or attempt to hinder their ability to perform military service.
United StatesRhode IslandState defense forceMilitary reserve forceProvidence, RI.38 revolversSpringfield riflesKrag–Jørgensen riflesGovernor of Rhode IslandRhode Island National GuardNational Guard of the United StatesAmerican Revolutionary War1st Rhode Island RegimentContinental Armymultiple unitsUnion ArmyAmerican Civil WarSpanish–American WarMilitia Act of 1903World War I.45 caliber.30 caliberUnited States Codeindependent chartered military organizationsmisdemeanorRhode Island Independent Military OrganizationsArmory of the Kentish GuardsArtillery Company of NewportRhode Island Naval MilitiaRhode Island Wing Civil Air PatrolTexas A&M University PressThe Washington PostJustiaState defense forcesnaval militiaAlaska State Defense ForceCalifornia State GuardConnecticut State GuardFlorida State GuardGeorgia State Defense ForceIndiana Guard ReserveLouisiana State GuardMaryland Defense ForceMichigan Defense ForceMississippi State GuardNew Mexico State Defense ForceNew York GuardOhio Military ReserveOregon Civil Defense ForcePuerto Rico State GuardSouth Carolina State GuardTennessee State GuardTexas State GuardVermont State GuardVirginia Defense ForceWashington State GuardAlaska Naval MilitiaNew York Naval MilitiaOhio Naval MilitiaSouth Carolina Naval MilitiaAlabama State Defense ForceAlaska Territorial GuardArkansas State GuardColorado State Defense ForceConnecticut Naval MilitiaDelaware State GuardFlorida Naval MilitiaGeorgia Naval MilitiaHawaii Naval MilitiaHawaii Territorial GuardIdaho State GuardIllinois Naval MilitiaIllinois Reserve MilitiaIndiana Naval MilitiaIowa State GuardKansas State GuardKentucky Active MilitiaLouisiana Naval MilitiaMaine State GuardMaryland Naval MilitiaMassachusetts Naval MilitiaMassachusetts State Defense ForceMichigan Naval MilitiaMinnesota Naval MilitiaMinnesota State GuardMissouri Naval MilitiaMissouri State Defense ForceNebraska State GuardNew Hampshire State GuardNew Jersey Naval MilitiaNew Jersey State GuardNorth Carolina Naval MilitiaNorth Carolina State Defense MilitiaOklahoma State GuardOregon Naval MilitiaPennsylvania State GuardPennsylvania NavySouth Dakota State GuardUtah State Defense ForceWashington Naval MilitiaWisconsin Naval MilitiaWisconsin State Defense Force