Initially established by Congress in the early 20th century and authorized in their current form in 1955, there are active SDFs in 19 states and Puerto Rico as of February 2024.With most of the PRNG being activated and mobilized during World War II, a secondary force was proposed to deal with the area of Puerto Rico.[4] The State Guard tried to promote itself in the media, publishing a government-sponsored magazine named Centinela Alerta and a column in the newspaper El Mundo.This group was formed to provide Puerto Rico a trained and organized military force in the event of a state security emergency or if the National Guard is deployed.The PRSG comprises retired, activewith , and reserve military personnel and selected professional persons who volunteer their time and talents in further service to their state.With the approved resources, the PRSG is able to recruit and train personnel to provide security and defense with the armories, as well as to assist civilian authorities in cases of natural disasters, emergencies, and serious disturbances of public order.In the PRSG, there is a large representation of veterans with extensive combat and command experience as well as non-priors with significant professional and paramilitary backgrounds which greatly enhances the organization.The PRSG comprises retired, active and reserve military personnel and selected professional persons who volunteer their time and talents in further service to their state.All PRSG appointments, commissions, warrants, and enlistments are recognized and authorized by the Governor of Puerto Rico through the Adjutant General of PR.This major command was formed to provide Puerto Rico with a trained and organized military force in the event of a state security emergency or if the National Guard is deployed.The PRSG comprises retired, active and reserve military personnel and selected professional persons who volunteer their time and talents in further service to their state.
Members of the 1st Air Base Group-Puerto Rico Air State Guard conduct visual inspections and minor repairs to facilities on
St. Croix
as part of a week-long assignment
Brigadier General Carlos M. Martínez, commander of the Puerto Rico State Guard, second from right, attends a State Guard Association conference in October 2015
A Puerto Rico State Guard soldier verifies vaccine information in San Juan, Puerto Rico during the COVID-19 pandemic