Alaska Territorial Guard

[1] The ATG brought together for the first time into a joint effort members of these ethnic groups: Aleut, Athabaskan, White, Inupiaq, Haida, Tlingit, Tsimshian, Yupik, and most likely others.Before World War II, Alaska was regarded by US military decision makers as too distant from the contiguous United States to effectively protect, and of little strategic importance.[13] "...the mainland of Alaska is so remote from the strategic areas of the Pacific that it is difficult to conceive of circumstances in which air operations therefrom would contribute materially to the national defense."In the face of an encroaching enemy, the defense of nearly 34,000 miles (55,000 km) of US coastline was left to the best efforts of unorganized local citizens and already overworked seasonal laborers.[17] Enemy aircraft and submarine sightings were common, inspiring great fear among the locals,[18] and culminating in the raid on Dutch Harbor and the occupation of the Aleutian Islands of Attu, Kiska and Adak that June.By the time of the Dutch Harbor bombing, Major Marvin R Marston had submitted a new plan to defend the entire Alaska coast by enlisting the local citizens.[16] Motivated by the recent Dutch Harbor attack, the Alaska Command assigned Major Marston and Captain Carl Schreibner within days to serve as military aides to Governor Gruening.[7] The enrollment drive continued into early 1943, the organizers travelling in all kinds of weather and by every available mode of transport, including airplane, boat, snowmobile, foot, and the most reliable means in the region, dogsled.When a promised plane failed to arrive after a week, Major Marston set out by dogsled on an epic 680-mile (1,090 km) trip around the Seward Peninsula, during the coldest winter in 25 years.[23] Thanks to Marston and Mogg's heroic effort, the ATG stood as a first line of defense for the terrain around the Lend-Lease route from America to the Soviet Union, against an attack by Japan and the Axis Powers.Explicit within the ATG mission was that of protecting the terrain around the American terminus of the Lend-Lease air route to Russia on which warplanes were flown from Great Falls, Montana to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada, then to Ladd Field, Alaska (now Fort Wainwright) and on to Nome.The ATG actively and successfully promoted racial integration in the US Army by proving the worth of native Americans as soldiers within US military forces[51] much as the Navajo, Comanche and Choctaw Code talkers did elsewhere during World War II.
The original Alaska Territorial Guard patch created in 1942. [ 12 ]
Plaque honoring the ATG and the Alaska National Guard at the Alaska Veterans Memorial .
Discharge ceremony, 2008
U.S. government poster from World War II.
United States of AmericaUnited States ArmyMilitary reserve forceJuneauAlaska TerritoryUnited StatesWorld War IIAleutian Islands campaignHawaiiAlaskaAthabaskanInupiaqTlingitTsimshiansharpshooterrifleryconscriptionreconnaissanceAlliedstrategicplatinumWestern HemisphereLend-Leaseair routeracial integrationracial equalityAlaska StatehoodAlaska Constitutional ConventionAlaska Army National Guardcontiguous United StatesMalin CraigCold WarJames F HollingsworthUnited States Army AlaskaAlaska National GuardWashington statemilitary reservesHome GuardJapanese NavyDutch HarborSaint Lawrence IslandErnest GrueningAlaska CommandairplanesnowmobiledogsledSeward PeninsulasurvivalOffice of Strategic ServicesAxis PowersOperation BarbarossaAdjutant GeneralPacific Ocean AreasCold BayAnchorageGreat Falls, MontanaWhitehorse, Yukon Territory, CanadaLadd Field, Alaska (now Fort Wainwright)Russian Far EastSelawikGambellGlacier HighwayDouglasKetchikanPalmerHoonahAthabascanYup'ikUS Army rank structurefield hospitalKotzebueLaura Beltz WrightHaycockArcticUS NavyNew DealGreat DepressionWorks Progress Administration (WPA)artistsWar DepartmentAleutian Campaignwartime postersMagnus Colcord "Rusty" HeurlinHenry Varnum Poorthe PentagonFlorence Nupok MalewotkukSiberian YupikOtto GeistGeorge Aden AhgupukShishmarefAlaska Veterans MemorialUS ArmynativeUS military forcesNavajoComancheChoctawCode talkersUS SenatorTed StevensSecretary of DefenseHonorable DischargesArmy Air CorpsBill ClintonAlaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairshonorable dischargestate legislatureAlaska Native Regional CorporationsImperial Japanese Armyuses it to invade northeast ChinaAsia-PacificBilly MitchellUS militarycourt-martialledmilitary air powerair baseUS PresidentNational GuardUS HouseNorwayDenmarkGreenlandUS CongresscommissionedImperial Japanese NavyPearl HarborUS Pacific FleettundraMuktukVJ DayEmpire of JapanAlaska Air National GuardAtwood, RobertAnchorage TimesEgan, William A.Geist, Otto WilliamarchaeologistUniversity of Alaska MuseumGruening, ErnestHeurlin, Magnus Colcord "Rusty"University of Alaska FairbanksFred MachetanzIpalook, PercyPeratrovich, Frank J.Reader, Peter L.Wright, Laura BeltzFormer United States special operations unitsShadow WolvesNative Americans and World War IIVan T. BarfootJerry C. BegaySamuel Nathan BlatchfordPappy BoyingtonJohn Brown Jr.Charles ChibittyErnest ChildersThomas ClawErnest E. EvansEdmond HarjoRoy W. HarmonIra HayesGilbert Horn Sr.Philip JohnstonAllen Dale JuneJoe Hosteen KellwoodJoe KieyoomiaJeff KingPeter MacDonaldJack C. MontgomeryJoe Morris Sr.Alfred K. NewmanChester NezLloyd OliverWillard Varnell OliverJohn N. Reese Jr.Merril SandovalFrank Tsosie ThompsonFrank Chee WilletoApacheBlackfeetCherokeeChitimachaIroquoisLakotaMenomineeMeskwakiMuscogeeOjibweAkimel O'odhamTohono O'odhamPawneePotawatomiSeminoleShoshone1st PhilippinesSolomon IslandsNew GuineaAleutian IslandsGilbert and Marshall IslandsMarianas and Palau IslandsNormandy2nd PhilippinesThe BulgeVolcano and Ryukyu IslandsNagasakiApache ScoutsArizona during World War IICastner's CutthroatsChoctaw code talkersGreat Papago EscapeMachita incidentMilitary history of the United States during World War IINew Mexico during World War IIState defense forcesnaval militiaAlaska State Defense ForceCalifornia State GuardConnecticut State GuardFlorida State GuardGeorgia State Defense ForceIndiana Guard ReserveLouisiana State GuardMaryland Defense ForceMichigan Defense ForceMississippi State GuardNew Mexico State Defense ForceNew York GuardOhio Military ReserveOregon Civil Defense ForcePuerto Rico State GuardSouth Carolina State GuardTennessee State GuardTexas State GuardVermont State GuardVirginia Defense ForceWashington State GuardAlaska Naval MilitiaNew York Naval MilitiaOhio Naval MilitiaSouth Carolina Naval MilitiaAlabama State Defense ForceArkansas State GuardColorado State Defense ForceConnecticut Naval MilitiaDelaware State GuardFlorida Naval MilitiaGeorgia Naval MilitiaHawaii Naval MilitiaHawaii Territorial GuardIdaho State GuardIllinois Naval MilitiaIllinois Reserve MilitiaIndiana Naval MilitiaIowa State GuardKansas State GuardKentucky Active MilitiaLouisiana Naval MilitiaMaine State GuardMaryland Naval MilitiaMassachusetts Naval MilitiaMassachusetts State Defense ForceMichigan Naval MilitiaMinnesota Naval MilitiaMinnesota State GuardMissouri Naval MilitiaMissouri State Defense ForceNebraska State GuardNew Hampshire State GuardNew Jersey Naval MilitiaNew Jersey State GuardNorth Carolina Naval MilitiaNorth Carolina State Defense MilitiaOklahoma State GuardOregon Naval MilitiaPennsylvania State GuardPennsylvania NavyRhode Island Naval MilitiaRhode Island State GuardSouth Dakota State GuardUtah State Defense ForceWashington Naval MilitiaWisconsin Naval MilitiaWisconsin State Defense Force