
He also worried that the effect of contraceptive use would be too powerful in curbing growth, conflicting with the common 18th century perspective (to which Malthus himself adhered) that a steadily growing population remained a necessary factor in the continuing "progress of society", generally.[14][15][3][16] Many critics believe Malthusianism has been discredited since the publication of Principle of Population, often citing advances in agricultural techniques and modern reductions in human fertility.[18][19][better source needed] In spite of the variety of criticisms against it, the Malthusian argument remains a major discourse based on which national and international environmental regulations are promoted."[20] However, the propensity for population increase also leads to a natural cycle of abundance and shortages: We will suppose the means of subsistence in any country just equal to the easy support of its inhabitants.The situation of the labourer being then again tolerably comfortable, the restraints to population are in some degree loosened; and the same retrograde and progressive movements with respect to happiness are repeated.Famine seems to be the last, the most dreadful resource of nature.Should success be still incomplete, gigantic inevitable famine stalks in the rear, and with one mighty blow levels the population with the food of the world.Malthus faced opposition from economists both during his life and since.Principle of Population was specifically written as a rebuttal to thinkers like William Godwin and the Marquis de Condorcet, and Malthus's own father who believed in the perfectibility of humanity.The act was described by opponents as "a Malthusian bill designed to force the poor to emigrate, to work for lower wages, to live on a coarser sort of food",[25] which initiated the construction of workhouses despite riots and arson.[1] According to Dan Ritschel of the Center for History Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, The great Malthusian dread was that "indiscriminate charity" would lead to exponential growth in the population in poverty, increased charges to the public purse to support this growing army of the dependent, and, eventually, the catastrophe of national bankruptcy.[1] Although a "conservationist" movement in the United States concerned itself with resource depletion and natural protection in the first half of the twentieth century, Desrochers and Hoffbauer write, "It is probably fair to say ... that it was not until the publication of Osborn's and Vogt's books [1948] that a Malthusian revival took hold of a significant segment of the American population".To manage population growth with respect to food supply, Malthus proposed methods which he described as preventive or positive checks: Malthusian theory is a recurrent theme in many social science venues.[11] Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Party and the main architect of the Soviet Union was a critic of Neo-Malthusian theory (but not of birth control and abortion in general).[36] There was a general "neo-Malthusian" revival in the mid-to-late 1940s, continuing through to the 2010s after the publication of two influential books in 1948 (Fairfield Osborn's Our Plundered Planet and William Vogt's Road to Survival).The neo-Malthusian revival has drawn criticism from writers who claim the Malthusian warnings were overstated or premature because the green revolution has brought substantial increases in food production and will be able to keep up with continued population growth.Responding to Simon, Al Bartlett reiterates the potential of population growth as an exponential (or as expressed by Malthus, "geometrical") curve to outstrip both natural resources and human ingenuity.[46] From approximately 2004 to 2011, concerns about "peak oil" and other forms of resource depletion became widespread in the United States, and motivated a large if short-lived subculture of neo-Malthusian "peakists".[52] The more recent emergence of bio-energy with carbon capture (BECCS) as a prevalent "negative emissions" strategy for reaching Paris Climate Accord goals is another such pressure.Some researchers contend that a British breakout occurred due to technological improvements and structural change away from agricultural production, while coal, capital, and trade played a minor role.This in turn led to sustained "downward mobility": the descendants of the rich becoming more populous in British society and spreading middle-class values such as hard work and literacy.In response, the growth rate of the world's population accelerated rapidly, resulting in predictions by Paul R. Ehrlich, Simon Hopkins,[64] and many others of an imminent Malthusian catastrophe.[71] In Ireland, where applying his thesis, Malthus proposed that "to give full effect to the natural resources of the country a great part of the population should be swept from the soil",[72] there were early refutations.In Chartism (1839), he denied the possibility that "twenty-four millions" of English "working people[s]", "scattered over a hundred and eighteen thousand square miles of space", could collectively "take a resolution" to diminish the supply of labourers "and act on it".[86] Barry Commoner believed in The Closing Circle (1971) that technological progress will eventually reduce the demographic growth and environmental damage created by civilisation.While short-term trends, even on the scale of decades or centuries, cannot prove or disprove the existence of mechanisms promoting a Malthusian catastrophe over longer periods, due to the prosperity of a major fraction of the human population at the beginning of the 21st century, and the debatability of the predictions for ecological collapse made by Paul R. Ehrlich in the 1960s and 1970s, some people, such as economist Julian L. Simon who wrote The Ultimate Resource which it contends is human technology and medical statistician Hans Rosling questioned its inevitability.[90]Joseph Tainter asserts that science has diminishing marginal returns[92][incomplete short citation] and that scientific progress is becoming more difficult, harder to achieve, and more costly, which may reduce efficiency of the factors that prevented the Malthusian scenarios from happening in the past.
Thomas Robert Malthus , after whom Malthusianism is named
The Malthusian catastrophe simplistically illustrated
Global deaths in conflicts since the year 1400
A chart of estimated annual growth rates in world population, 1800–2005. Rates before 1950 are annualized historical estimates from the US Census Bureau. [ 62 ] Red = USCB projections to 2025.
Growth in food production has historically been greater than the population growth. Food per person increased since 1961. The graph runs up to slightly past 2010. [ 63 ]
Wheat yields in developing countries since 1961, in kg/ ha Largely due to effects of the "Green Revolution". In developing countries maize yields are also still rapidly rising. [ 91 ]
Thomas Robert Malthustheorypopulation growthMalthusian growth modelfood supplyresourceslinearpopulation declineoutpacesagriculturalproductionfaminepovertyinequalityassetscommoditiesdepopulationbirth ratessocial unrestrevolutionSocietal collapsepopulation controlAn Essay on the Principle of Populationstandard of livingIndustrial Revolutionextreme povertydeveloping countrieshuman overpopulationhuman population planningfamily planningMalthusian Leaguebirth controlenvironmental degradationGeorgistsMarxistssocialistslibertariansfree marketfeministsCatholicshuman rightsmisanthropicThomas MalthusFriedrich EngelsWilliam GodwinMarquis de Condorcetworking classpaternalismPoor Law Amendment Act 1834workhousesnational bankruptcyEugenicsLex Papia PoppaeaJewish views on incestIncest in the BibleEugenic feminismNazi eugenicsRacial hygieneLaw for the Prevention of HereditarilyDiseased OffspringHereditary Health CourtsLebensbornRomani HolocaustDoctors' TrialUS eugenicsSlave breeding in the USEugenics Survey of VermontOneida stirpicultureImmigration Act of 1924Sterilization law in the United StatesBuck v. BellDoe ex. rel. Tarlow v. District of ColumbiaMadrigal v. QuilliganPoe v. Lynchburg Training School & HospitalSkinner v. OklahomaStump v. SparkmanVirginia Sterilization Act of 1924The Famous FiveSexual Sterilization ActJapanese eugenicsHispanic eugenicsMexican eugenicsSwedish sterilization program (1906–1975)Peruvian sterilization program (1990–2000)Population planning in SingaporeNeo-eugenicsHe Jiankui genome editing incidentHuman genetic enhancementReligious response to assistedreproductive technologyBrighamBurbankCarrellDavenportDarwin (Leonhard)DeCourcy WardEldertonFisherGaltonGoldscheidGruberGüntherHerseniJenningsKraepelinMagnussenManuilăMittmannMoreiraNordauOsborn (Henry Fairfield)PerkinsPérezPloetzQueteletSchallmayerScharffenbergSerebrovskySlaterSouthardStoddardVacher de LapougeVerschuerKarl EvangBell (Julia)BlackerCarterCattellFigueredoFleischmanGarrettHardinHananiaHerndonItzkoffKallmannKirkconnellLederbergLundmanMacEachranMiller (Geoffrey)Miller (Edward M.)MullerMurrayNijenhuisNyborgOsborn (Frederick)Pearson (Roger)PendellPitt-RiversPopenoeRostandShapiroSloterdijkVining Jr.Hereditary GeniusInquiries into Human Faculty and Its DevelopmentDegenerationThe Training of the Human PlantEssays in EugenicsHeredity in Relation to EugenicsMankind at the CrossroadsDaedalus; or, Science and the FutureLa raza cósmicaMarriage and MoralsMan, the UnknownAfter UsEugenics manifestoNew Bottles for New WineThe Marching MoronsThe Dance with the DevilCivilized Man's Eight Deadly SinsBeyondismRules for the Human ParkJewish EugenicsSelective Breeding and the Birth ofPhilosophyAlberta Eugenics BoardAASPIMCo-operative Women's GuildCarrel FoundationGalton LaboratoryGerman Society for Racial HygieneHeredity CommissionHuman Betterment LeagueImmigration Restriction LeagueInternational Eugenics ConferenceKaiser Wilhelm InstituteRace Betterment FoundationRockefeller FoundationState Institute for Racial BiologyThe Eugenics ReviewJ. Soc. Political Econ. Stud.Mankind QuarterlyOpenPsychProject PreventionRepository for Germinal ChoiceUlster Institute for Social ResearchDemographic engineeringDysgenicsGenetic discriminationHistory of eugenicsIdiocracyPedigree chartRaymond Cattell bibliographyRonald Fisher bibliographySelective breedingHarriet MartineauCharles Darwininception of Darwin's theory of evolutionDarwin's ideasHenry Fairfield Osborn Jr.conservationistOded Galorreproductive successlimiting factorper capitaplagueJohn Maynard Keynespopulation pressureVladimir LeninBolshevik PartySoviet Unionoverpopulationoverconsumptionresource depletionecological collapsehazardspre-industrial societiesFairfield OsbornOur Plundered PlanetWilliam VogtRoad to SurvivalPaul R. EhrlichThe Population BombGarrett Hardin"The Tragedy of the Commons"Club of RomeThe Limits to Growthecological economistHerman Dalygreen revolutionJulian SimoncornucopianAl Bartlett2007–2008 world food price crisisUnited Nations Food and Agriculture Organizationeffects of global warmingbiofuelsParis Climate AccordClassical AthensBlack DeathBritish Agricultural RevolutionWalter Scheideleconomic inequalityRobert FogelEast AfricaJared DiamondRwandan GenocideGregory ClarkA Farewell to Almsmiddle-class valuesWorld War IImechanized agriculturedemographic transitiontotal fertility ratesfertility factorsinfant mortalityurbanizationless developed countriesUnited Nations Population FundSub-Saharan AfricaKenneth ArrowDavid RicardoIrelandWhitley StokesGeorge EnsorWilliam HazlittThomas Carlylesophistrylaissez-faireKarl MarxJames SteuartTownsendFranklinrelative surplus populationaccumulationHenry GeorgeBarry CommonerEster BoserupEcomodernismStewart BrandJulian L. SimonThe Ultimate ResourceHans RoslingSimon–Ehrlich wagerFactfulnessJoseph Tainterunified growth theoryDemographic trapOvershoot (population)AntinatalismEcofascismJohn B. CalhounBehavioral sinkPolitical demographyCliodynamicsPopulation cyclePopulation dynamicsNational Security Study Memorandum 200Jevons paradoxFood RaceResource warThe Electronic Journal of Sustainable DevelopmentA Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the WorldPrinceton University PressKorotayev, AndreyUniversity of QueenslandGoogle BooksScienceBibcodeVanderbilt University PressKunstler, James HowardGrove PressCambridge University PressMalthus, Thomas RobertEngels, FriedrichFogel, Robert W.M.E. SharpeDesmond, AdrianUniversity of Chicago PressAmerican Economic ReviewFrenchDaedalusFinancial TimesLenin, V. I.Marxists Internet ArchivePeter TurchinWayback MachineKorotayevHardin, GarrettDaly, Herman E.Universidad Autónoma de BarcelonaEhrlich, Paul R.Foreign PolicyFood and Agriculture OrganizationThe New York TimesScheidel, WalterViking PressEuropean Review of Economic HistoryUnited NationsJournal of Economic PerspectivesRicardo, DavidFairleigh Dickinson University PressPenguinGreenwood PressPopulationQuarterly Journal of EconomicsCiteSeerXKorotayev, A.Turchin, P.Social Evolution & HistoryHuman impact on the environmentAnthropoceneEcological footprintEnvironmental impact assessmentEnvironmental issueslist of issuesHuman impacton marine lifeList of global issuesImpact assessmentPlanetary boundariesSocial ecology (ethics)Causes of climate changeAgricultureanimal agriculturecannabis cultivationirrigationmeat productioncocoa productionpalm oilBitcoinCorporate behaviorDeforestation and climate changeEnergy industrybiodieselelectricityenergyfashionfracking (US)nuclear poweroil shalepetroleumreservoirstransportGenetic pollutionEnvironmental crimeExplosivesIndustrialisationManufacturingcleaning agentsconcretenanotechnologypesticidespharmaceuticals and personal careMarine lifefishingfishing down the food webmarine pollutionoverfishingMiningOverdraftingOverexploitationOvergrazingParticulatesPollutionQuarryingTourismaviationshippingurban sprawlBiodiversity threatsbiodiversity lossdecline in amphibian populationsdecline in insect populationsClimate changerunaway climate changein the United StatesDeforestationDefaunationDesertificationEcocideEcological crisisEffects of climate changeEffects of climate change on agricultureMultiple breadbasket failureEffects of climate change on livestockEnvironmental insecurityEnvironmental issues in the United StatesCoral reefsExternalityForest diebackErosionFreshwater cycleGreenhouse gas emissionsHabitat destructionHolocene extinctionNitrogen cycleLand degradationLand consumptionLand surface effects on climateLoss and damageLoss of green beltsOzone depletionTropical cyclones and climate changeWater degradationWater pollutionWater scarcityAlternative fuel vehicle propulsionCleaner productionClimate change mitigationCommunity resilienceCultured meatDecouplingEcological engineeringEnvironmental engineeringEnvironmental mitigationIndustrial ecologyMitigation bankingOrganic farmingRecyclingReforestationRestoration ecologySustainabilitySustainable consumptionWaste minimizationDemographics of the worldEstimates of historical world populationPopulation momentumProjections of population growthWorld populationPopulationbiologyPopulation densityPhysiological densityPopulation modelPopulation pyramidPopulationecologyBiocapacityCarrying capacityI = P × A  × TKaya identityWorld3 modelCompulsory sterilizationOne-child policyTwo-child policyPopulation ethicsMere addition paradoxNatalismNon-identity problemReproductive rightsSustainable populationZero population growthPopulation and EnvironmentPopulation and Development ReviewPopulation and housing censuses by countryLargest citiesWorld population milestones6 billionPopulation concern organizations7 Billion ActionsChurch of EuthanasiaInternational Conference on Population and DevelopmentPopulation Action InternationalPopulation ConnectionPopulation MattersUnited Nations world population conferencesVoluntary Human Extinction MovementWorld Population ConferenceWorld Population DayWorld Population FoundationBennett's lawMigrationLists of countriespopulation statisticsGlobalCurrent populationContinents/subregionsAfricaAntarcticaEuropeNorth AmericaCaribbeanOceaniaSouth AmericaAmericasArab worldCommonwealth of NationsEurasiaEuropean UnionIslandsLatin AmericaMiddle EastWorld citiesNational capitalsMegacitiesMegalopolisesPast and future populationWorld population estimatesPopulation milestonesCurrent densityPast and future population densityPerson-to-arable land ratioPopulation growth rateNatural increaseNet reproduction rateNumber of birthsNumber of deathsBirth rateMortality rateFertility ratePast fertility rateLife expectancyworld regionspast life expectancydemographicsAge at childbearingAge at first marriageAge structureDependency ratioDivorce rateEthnic and cultural diversity levelEthnic compositionImmigrant populationLinguistic diversityMedian ageNet migration rateNumber of householdsReligionIrreligionSex ratioUrban populationHealthAntidepressant consumptionAntiviral medications for pandemic influenzaHIV/AIDS adult prevalence rateInfant and under-five mortality ratesMaternal mortality rateObesity ratePercentage suffering from undernourishmentHealth expenditure by country by type of financingSuicide rateTotal health expenditure per capitaTotal healthcare spending as % of GDPBody mass indexBloomberg Innovation IndexEducation IndexGlobal Innovation IndexInternational Innovation IndexLiteracy rateProgramme for the International Assessment of Adult CompetenciesProgramme for International Student AssessmentProgress in International Reading Literacy StudyTrends in International Mathematics and Science StudyTertiary education attainmentWorld Intellectual Property IndicatorsEconomicAccess to financial servicesDevelopment aid donorsOfficial Development Assistance receivedEmployment rateIrrigated land areaHuman Development Indexby countryinequality-adjustedplanetary pressures–adjusted HDIHuman Poverty IndexImportsExportsIncome equalityLabour forceShare of income of top 1%Number of millionaires (US dollars)Number of billionaires (US dollars)Percentage living in povertyPublic sectorUnemployment rateWealth inequalityList of international rankingsLists by countryHierarchy of lifeBiosphereEcosystemBiocoenosisOrganismOrgan systemTissueOrganelleBiomolecular complexMacromoleculeBiomoleculeGlobalizationJournalsOutlineStudiesAlter-globalizationAnti-globalization movementCultural globalizationDeglobalizationDemocratic globalizationEconomic globalizationEnvironmental globalizationGlobal citizenshipeducationGlobal financial systemGlobal governanceGlobal healthGlobal migrationGlobal politicsGlobal workforceGlobalityHistory ofarchaicearly modernMilitary globalizationPolitical globalizationTrade globalizationClimate justiceDiseaseCOVID-19 pandemicDigital divideLabor arbitrageMultilingualismTax havensOffshore financial centresTax inversionsWater crisisBrain drainreverseCare drainDevelopment aidEndangered languagesFair tradeForced displacementIllicit financial flowsImperialismacademicculturallinguisticscientificsocialInvasive speciesInvestor-state disputesMcDonaldizationNew international division of labourNorth–South divideOffshoringRace to the bottompollution havensTransnational crimeWesternizationWorld warCapital accumulationDependencyDevelopmentEarth systemFiscal localismModernizationecologicalPrimitive accumulationSocial changeWorld historyWorld-systemsDavid AutorRichard BaldwinRavi BatraJagdish BhagwatiRobert BrennerJayati GhoshMichael HudsonBranko MilanovićKevin O'RourkeThomas PikettyDani RodrikJeffrey SachsAmartya SenJoseph StiglitzSamir AminGiovanni ArrighiRobert W. CoxAndre Gunder FrankStephen GillPeter GowanDavid HarveyRonen PalanSusan StrangeRobert WadeArjun AppaduraiDaniele ArchibugiK. Anthony AppiahUlrich BeckWalden BelloJean BaudrillardZygmunt BaumanManuel CastellsChristopher Chase-DunnAlfred CrosbyNancy FraserSusan GeorgeAnthony GiddensMichael HardtDavid HeldPaul HirstL. H. M. LingAntonio NegriGeorge RitzerSaskia SassenJohn UrryImmanuel WallersteinNoam ChomskyThomas FriedmanNaomi KleinJohn R. SaulVandana ShivaGlobal catastrophic risksFuture of the EarthFuture of an expanding universeUltimate fate of the universeChemical warfareCyberattackCyberwarfareCyberterrorismCybergeddonGray gooKinetic bombardmentKinetic energy weaponNuclear warfareMutual assured destructionDead HandDoomsday ClockDoomsday deviceAntimatter weaponElectromagnetic pulseSafety of high-energy particle collision experimentsMicro black holeStrangeletSynthetic intelligenceArtificial intelligenceAI takeoverExistential risk from artificial intelligenceTechnological singularityTranshumanismAnthropogenic hazardCollapsologyDoomsday argumentSelf-indication assumption doomsday argument rebuttalSelf-referencing doomsday argument rebuttalEconomic collapseNew World Order (conspiracy theory)Nuclear holocaustcobaltwinterState collapseWorld War IIIAnoxic eventMass mortality eventCascade effectCataclysmic pole shift hypothesisClimate change and civilizational collapseExtinction risk from climate changeTipping points in the climate systemFlood basaltGlobal dimmingGlobal terrestrial stillingGlobal warmingHypercaneIce ageOcean acidificationSea level riseSupervolcanoVerneshotEarth Overshoot DayExtinctionExtinction eventHuman extinctionList of extinction eventsGenetic erosionBiotechnology riskBiological agentBiological warfareBioterrorismColony collapse disorderInterplanetary contaminationPandemicPollinator declineBig CrunchBig RipCoronal mass ejectionCosmological phase transitionGeomagnetic stormFalse vacuum decayGamma-ray burstHeat death of the universeProton decayVirtual black holeImpact eventAsteroid impact avoidanceAsteroid impact predictionPotentially hazardous objectNear-Earth objectRogue planetRogue starNear-Earth supernovaHypernovaMicronovaSolar flareStellar collisionEschatologicalBuddhistMaitreyaThree AgesKali YugaLast JudgementSecond Coming1 EnochDanielAbomination of desolationProphecy of Seventy WeeksMessiahChristianFuturismHistoricismInterpretations of Revelation IdealismPreterism2 Esdras2 ThessaloniansMan of sinKatechonAntichristBook of RevelationEventsFour Horsemen of the ApocalypseLake of fireNumber of the BeastSeven bowlsSeven sealsThe BeastTwo witnessesWar in HeavenWhore of BabylonGreat ApostasyNew EarthNew JerusalemOlivet DiscourseGreat TribulationSon of perditionSheep and GoatsIslamicAl-Qa'imBeast of the EarthDhu al-QarnaynDhul-SuwayqataynDajjalIsrafilSufyaniJewishWar of Gog and MagogThird TempleZoroastrianSaoshyant2011 end times prediction2012 phenomenonApocalypseApocalyptic literatureApocalypticismArmageddonBlood moon prophecyEarth ChangesEnd timeGog and MagogList of dates predicted for apocalyptic eventsMessianismMessianic AgeMillenarianismMillennialismPremillennialismAmillennialismPostmillennialismNemesis (hypothetical star)Nibiru cataclysmRapturePosttribulation raptureResurrection of the deadWorld to comeAlien invasionApocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fictionList of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fictionList of apocalyptic filmsClimate fictionDisaster filmsList of disaster filmsZombie apocalypseZombieCentre for the Study of Existential RiskFuture of Humanity InstituteFuture of Life InstituteNuclear Threat InitiativeRansomwareDisasterDepressionFinancial crisisSocial crisisSurvivalismSchools of economic thoughtAncient schoolsMedieval IslamicScholasticismCameralismMercantilismPhysiocratsSchool of SalamancaLate modernAmerican (National)AustrianBirminghamClassicalRicardianDistributistEnglish historicalFrench liberalGeorgismGerman historicalManchesterMarginalismMarxist economicsMarxian critique of political economyMutualismNeoclassicalLausanneSocialistBehavioralCapability approachCarnegieChartalismModern Monetary TheoryChicagoConstitutionalCracovianDisequilibriumEvolutionaryFeministFreiburgGenevaInstitutionalKeynesianNeoclassical–Keynesian synthesisCircuitismMonetarismMarketNeo-MalthusianNeo-MarxianNeo-RicardianNeo-SchumpeterianNeoliberalismNew classicalRational expectations theoryReal business-cycle theoryNew institutionalNew neoclassical synthesisOrganizationalPublic choiceRegulationSaltwater/freshwaterStockholmStructuralistSupply-sideTechnocracy movementThermoeconomicsVirginiaSocial creditCritique of political economyHistory of economic thoughtHistory of macroeconomic thoughtEconomicsPolitical economyMainstream economicsHeterodox economicsPost-autistic economicsDegrowthWorld-systems theoryEconomic systems