
This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly "reappears" (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.[7] Notable extinct animal species include non-avian dinosaurs, palaeotheres, saber-toothed cats, dodos, mammoths, ground sloths, thylacines, trilobites, golden toads, and passenger pigeons.[15] A 2018 report indicated that the phylogenetic diversity of 300 mammalian species erased during the human era since the Late Pleistocene would require 5 to 7 million years to recover.[17][18][19] In a subsequent report, IPBES listed unsustainable fishing, hunting and logging as being some of the primary drivers of the global extinction crisis.The main cause of the extinctions is the destruction of natural habitats by human activities, such as cutting down forests and converting land into fields for farming.Species listed under this status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) are not known to have any living specimens in the wild and are maintained only in zoos or other artificial environments.A 2018 study indicated that the sixth mass extinction started in the Late Pleistocene could take up to 5 to 7 million years to restore mammal diversity to what it was before the human era.The coelacanth, a fish related to lungfish and tetrapods, is an example of a Lazarus taxon that was known only from the fossil record and was considered to have been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous Period.[32] Attenborough's long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus attenboroughi) is an example of a Lazarus species from Papua New Guinea that had last been sighted in 1962 and believed to be possibly extinct, until it was recorded again in November 2023.Population bottlenecks can dramatically reduce genetic diversity by severely limiting the number of reproducing individuals and make inbreeding more frequent.Extinction is likeliest for rare species coming into contact with more abundant ones;[48] interbreeding can swamp the rarer gene pool and create hybrids, depleting the purebred gene pool (for example, the endangered wild water buffalo is most threatened with extinction by genetic pollution from the abundant domestic water buffalo).Recently in geological time, humans have become an additional cause of extinction of some species, either as a new mega-predator or by transporting animals and plants from one part of the world to another.Such introductions have been occurring for thousands of years, sometimes intentionally (e.g. livestock released by sailors on islands as a future source of food) and sometimes accidentally (e.g. rats escaping from boats).[63] There have been at least five mass extinctions in the history of life on earth, and four in the last 350 million years in which many species have disappeared in a relatively short period of geological time."[69] Biologist E. O. Wilson estimated[15] in 2002 that if current rates of human destruction of the biosphere continue, one-half of all plant and animal species of life on earth will be extinct in 100 years.Biologists Paul R. Ehrlich and Stuart Pimm, among others, contend that human population growth and overconsumption are the main drivers of the modern extinction crisis.[75][76][39][77] In January 2020, the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity drafted a plan to mitigate the contemporary extinction crisis by establishing a deadline of 2030 to protect 30% of the Earth's land and oceans and reduce pollution by 50%, with the goal of allowing for the restoration of ecosystems by 2050.[80] The report warned that biodiversity will continue to decline if the status quo is not changed, in particular the "currently unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, population growth and technological developments".They added that failure of the global community to reach these targets is hardly surprising given that biodiversity loss is "nowhere close to the top of any country's priorities, trailing far behind other concerns such as employment, healthcare, economic growth, or currency stability.As a result, the scientific community embarked on a voyage of creative rationalization, seeking to understand what had happened to these species within a framework that did not account for total extinction.In October 1686, Robert Hooke presented an impression of a nautilus to the Royal Society that was more than two feet in diameter,[90] and morphologically distinct from any known living species.[87] Similarly, in 1695, Sir Thomas Molyneux published an account of enormous antlers found in Ireland that did not belong to any extant taxa in that area.When parts of the world had not been thoroughly examined and charted, scientists could not rule out that animals found only in the fossil record were not simply "hiding" in unexplored regions of the Earth.[92] Georges Cuvier is credited with establishing the modern conception of extinction in a 1796 lecture to the French Institute,[85][89] though he would spend most of his career trying to convince the wider scientific community of his theory.Instead of the catastrophic floods inferred by Cuvier, Lyell demonstrated that patterns of saltwater and freshwater deposits, like those seen in the Paris basin, could be formed by a slow rise and fall of sea levels.[103][104] Biogeographer Jared Diamond notes that while big business may label environmental concerns as "exaggerated", and often cause "devastating damage", some corporations find it in their interest to adopt good conservation practices, and even engage in preservation efforts that surpass those taken by national parks.People who live close to nature can be dependent on the survival of all the species in their environment, leaving them highly exposed to extinction risks.[110] Anthropologist Jason Hickel speculates that the reason humanity seems largely indifferent to anthropogenic mass species extinction is that we see ourselves as separate from the natural world and the organisms within it.In addition, anti-malarial and mosquito control programs offer little realistic hope to the 300 million people in developing nations who will be infected with acute illnesses this year.[124] This attempt failed: of the 285 embryos reconstructed, 54 were transferred to 12 Spanish ibexes and ibex–domestic goat hybrids, but only two survived the initial two months of gestation before they, too, died.
Skeleton of various extinct dinosaurs ; some other dinosaur lineages still flourish in the form of birds
The dodo of Mauritius , shown here in a 1626 illustration by Roelant Savery , is an often-cited example of modern extinction . [ 25 ]
The passenger pigeon , one of the hundreds of species of extinct birds, was hunted to extinction over the course of a few decades.
Scorched land resulting from slash-and-burn agriculture
The golden toad was last seen on May 15, 1989. Decline in amphibian populations is ongoing worldwide.
The large Haast's eagle and moa from New Zealand
Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene
Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Paleogene Neogene
The changing distribution of the world's land mammals in tonnes of carbon. The biomass of wild land mammals has declined by 85% since the emergence of humans. [ 66 ]
Tyrannosaurus , one of the many extinct dinosaur genera. The cause of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event is a subject of much debate amongst researchers.
Georges Cuvier's 1812 unpublished version of the skeletal reconstruction of Anoplotherium commune with muscles. Today, the Paleogene mammal is thought to have gone extinct from the Grande Coupure extinction event in western Europe. [ 84 ]
Georges Cuvier compared fossil mammoth jaws to those of living elephants, concluding that they were distinct from any known living species. [ 85 ]
A great hammerhead caught by a sport fisherman. Human exploitation now threatens the survival of this species. Overfishing is the primary driver of shark population declines, which have fallen over 71% since 1970. [ 98 ] [ 99 ]
The Pyrenean ibex , the only animal to have been brought back from extinction and the only one to go extinct twice.
Extinct (disambiguation)Extinction (disambiguation)Lists of extinct speciesthylacinespeciesPalaeotheriumhominidsConservation statusExtinct in the Wild (EW)ThreatenedCritically Endangered (CR)Endangered (EN)Vulnerable (VU)Lower RiskNear Threatened (NT)Conservation Dependent (CD)Least Concern (LC)Data Deficient (DD)Not Evaluated (NE)International Union forConservation of Nature (IUCN)IUCN Red ListNatureServe statusLists of organisms by populationEvolutionary biologyDarwin's finchesJohn GouldIntroductionOutlineGlossaryEvidenceHistoryPopulation geneticsVariationDiversityMutationNatural selectionAdaptationPolymorphismGenetic driftGene flowSpeciationAdaptive radiationCo-operationCoevolutionCoextinctionContingencyDivergenceConvergenceParallel evolutionOrigin of lifeCommon descentHistory of lifeTimeline of evolutionHuman evolutionRecent human evolutionPhylogenyBiodiversityBiogeographyClassificationEvolutionary taxonomyCladisticsTransitional fossilExtinction eventOverviewRenaissanceBefore DarwinDarwinOrigin of SpeciesBefore synthesisModern synthesisMolecular evolutionEvo-devoCurrent researchHistory of speciationHistory of paleontologytimelineApplications of evolutionBiosocial criminologyEcological geneticsEvolutionary aestheticsEvolutionary anthropologyEvolutionary computationEvolutionary ecologyEvolutionary economicsEvolutionary epistemologyEvolutionary ethicsEvolutionary game theoryEvolutionary linguisticsEvolutionary medicineEvolutionary neuroscienceEvolutionary physiologyEvolutionary psychologyExperimental evolutionInvasion geneticsIsland biogeographyPhylogeneticsPaleontologySelective breedingSpeciation experimentsSociobiologySystematicsUniversal DarwinismEugenicsEvolution as fact and theoryDysgenicsSocial effectsCreation–evolution controversyTheistic evolutionObjections to evolutionLevel of supportNature-nurture controversylast memberfunctionally extinctreproduceLazarus taxafossil recordeukaryotesmicroorganismsbacterianon-avian dinosaurspalaeotheressaber-toothed catsmammothsground slothsthylacinestrilobitesgolden toadspassenger pigeonsevolutionecological nichecompetitionliving fossilsmorphologicalMass extinctionsphylogenetic diversityLate PleistoceneGlobal Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Servicesdagger symbolSteller's sea cowChinese paddlefishGreat aukHobart ZooKauai O'oMohoidaeSpectacled cormorantCarolina parakeetPassenger pigeonMarthaTasmanian emuJapanese Sea LionSchomburgk's deerextinct in the wildQuaggaNatura Artis MagistraLepidodendronUpper Carboniferoussexually reproducingpseudoextinctionclear definition of that speciespunctuated equilibriumStephen Jay GouldNiles Eldredgedinosaursecologylocal extinctionwolf reintroductionextantendangered speciesMauritiusRoelant Saverymodern extinction"extinct in the wild" (EW)International Union for Conservation of Naturezoologicalviable populationreintroductionbreeding programskeystone speciessixth mass extinctionanagenesiscladogenesisHyracotheriumdonkeyevolved into more modern horse speciesLazarus taxoncoelacanthlungfishtetrapodsCretaceous PeriodChalumna RiverCalliostoma bullatumsea snailAttenborough's long-beaked echidnaPapua New GuineaJapanese wolfAmerican ivory-billed woodpeckerslender-billed curlewStephen C. Stearnssurvivepollutionhabitatextinction debtnature and nurturefossilconservation biologyextinction vortexhuman extinctionMartin ReesOur Final Hourclimate changetechnologicalconservationoverharvestinghabitat destructioninvasive speciespredatorscompetitorspopulation growthincreasing per capita consumptionGenetic erosionMutational meltdownfitnessenvironmental degradationmutationsevolvabilitybalancing selectioncryptic genetic variationphenotypic plasticityrobustnessgene poolgenetic diversityPopulation bottlenecksinbreedingGenetic pollutionhybridizationintrogressionout-competitionor hybridselectively bredrare speciesinterbreedingwild water buffalothe abundant domestic water buffalopopulationselectionslash-and-burnurban sprawlfitness landscapecontaminationsterilizingtropical rainforestsbottom trawlingGlobal warmingIsland restorationgolden toadDecline in amphibian populationsinterspecific competitiontransportinganimalsplantslivestockinvasive alien speciesnativepathogensparasitesmegafaunaSouth AmericaMadagascarHawaiiHaast's eagleparasiticpollinatorfood chainbiodiversity losstrophic levelsmutualisticExtinction risk from climate changeEffect of climate change on plant biodiversityEffects of climate change on marine mammalsCarboniferous Rainforest CollapseCape Floristic RegionCaribbean Basinhabitat lossdesertificationsexual dimorphismsexual selectionPhanerozoicK–PgTr–JP–TrLate DanimalgeneraCapitanian mass extinction eventtephraPermian–Triassic extinction eventOlson's ExtinctionCretaceous–Paleogene extinction eventCretaceousHolocene extinctionAnthropoceneDefaunationDeforestationbiomassNew YorkAmerican Museum of Natural HistoryScienceE. O. WilsonevolutionaryPaul R. EhrlichStuart Pimmhuman population growthoverconsumptionConvention on Biological DiversityUnited NationsTyrannosaurusAnoplotheriumPaleogeneGrande CoupureGeorges Cuviermammothgreat chain of beingThomas Jeffersonwoolly mammothRobert HookenautilusRoyal SocietySir Thomas MolyneuxIrelandBritish IslesMegalocerosFrench InstituteParis BasinRobert de LamanonruminantsrhinocerosesAlexandre BrongniartGeoffroy Saint-HilairestratauniformitarianismJean-Baptiste LamarckgradualistCharles Lyellindigenous horsesdepositssea levelsCharles DarwinOn the Origin of Speciesbackground extinctionDavid RaupJack Sepkoskigreat hammerheadOverfishingzoologybiologyWorldwide Fund for NatureGovernmentsvirusespoachingAmerican bisonNative AmericansBruce Walshgenetic resourcesethicsHomo sapiensBiogeographerJared Diamondbig businessnational parksecotourismNature preservesBiodiversity Action Planhuman overpopulationdeveloping countriessubsistence agricultureAntinatalistDavid BenatarJason HickelcapitalismEradication of infectious diseasessmallpoxrinderpestinfected domestic cattlepoliovirusDracunculus medinensisdracunculiasisCarter CenterTreponema pallidum pertenueOlivia JudsonmosquitoThe New York Timesrecessiveknockout genesAnophelesmalariadengue feveryellow feverelephantiasisCulicidaeecosystemdeveloping nationsAnopheles gambiaetsetse fliestrypanosomesPríncipePyrenean ibexDe-extinctionGeorge M. ChurchbioethicalphilosophicalSpanish ibexesBioeventEmpty forestEndlingGenocideHabitat fragmentationLists of extinct animalsList of extinct birdsLiving Planet IndexRefugium (population biology)Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation CentreVoluntary Human Extinction MovementBibcodeYale University PressNational Science FoundationYouTubePBS Digital StudiosBarnosky, Anthony D.Science Advances"World Scientists' Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice"BioScienceWilson, E.O.Leakey, RichardThe GuardianIntergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesDiamond, JaredGuns, Germs, and SteelWayback MachineBiological ConservationCBS NewsWorld Conservation UnionProc. Natl. Acad. Sci.subspeciesNew Scientistinvasions by alien speciesRitchie, HannahOur World in DataOxford UniversityDasgupta, ParthaHooker, Jerry J.Molyneux, ThomasPeter WatsonCuvier, GeorgesWalsh, BruceBenatar, DavidHickel, JasonJudson, OliviaLisbonBaillière TindallNatureNature ResearchPLOS MedicinePublic Library of ScienceNelson, Michael PaulAmerican Institute of Biological SciencesLos Angeles TimesNicholas WadeThe IndependentDirzo, RodolfoEhrlich, Paul R.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society BElizabeth PennisiPelley, ScottWikisourceNew International EncyclopediaBackground extinction rateEcological extinctionFunctional extinctionClimate variability and changeHuman impact on the environmentMuller's ratchetOverabundant speciesOverexploitationOvershootParadox of enrichmentExtinction thresholdQuasi-extinctionField of BulletsHypothetical speciesLatent extinction riskLiving fossilExtinction eventsOrdovician–SilurianLate DevonianPermian–TriassicTriassic–JurassicCretaceous–PaleogeneHoloceneGreat OxidationEnd-EdiacaranEnd-BotomianDresbachianCambrian–OrdovicianIrevikenCarboniferousOlson'sEnd-CapitanianCarnian PluvialToarcianEnd-Jurassic or TithonianAptianCenomanian-TuronianEocene–OligoceneMiddle MioceneQuaternaryIUCN Species Survival CommissionExtinction RebellionDecline in insect populationsExtinction symbolGlobal catastrophic risksFuture of the EarthFuture of an expanding universeUltimate fate of the universeChemical warfareCyberattackCyberwarfareCyberterrorismCybergeddonGray gooKinetic bombardmentKinetic energy weaponNuclear warfareMutual assured destructionDead HandDoomsday ClockDoomsday deviceAntimatter weaponElectromagnetic pulseSafety of high-energy particle collision experimentsMicro black holeStrangeletSynthetic intelligenceArtificial intelligenceAI takeoverExistential risk from artificial intelligenceTechnological singularityTranshumanismAnthropogenic hazardCollapsologyDoomsday argumentSelf-indication assumption doomsday argument rebuttalSelf-referencing doomsday argument rebuttalEconomic collapseMalthusian catastropheNew World Order (conspiracy theory)Nuclear holocaustcobaltfaminewinterSocietal collapseState collapseWorld War IIIEcologicalAnoxic eventMass mortality eventCascade effectCataclysmic pole shift hypothesisClimate change and civilizational collapseTipping points in the climate systemFlood basaltGlobal dimmingGlobal terrestrial stillingHypercaneIce ageEcocideEcological collapsecoral reefson marine lifeLand degradationLand consumptionLand surface effects on climateOcean acidificationOzone depletionResource depletionSea level riseSupervolcanoVerneshotWater pollutionWater scarcityEarth Overshoot DayOverpopulationList of extinction eventsBiotechnology riskBiological agentBiological warfareBioterrorismColony collapse disorderInterplanetary contaminationPandemicPollinator declineBig CrunchBig RipCoronal mass ejectionCosmological phase transitionGeomagnetic stormFalse vacuum decayGamma-ray burstHeat death of the universeProton decayVirtual black holeImpact eventAsteroid impact avoidanceAsteroid impact predictionPotentially hazardous objectNear-Earth objectRogue planetRogue starNear-Earth supernovaHypernovaMicronovaSolar flareStellar collisionEschatologicalBuddhistMaitreyaThree AgesKali YugaLast JudgementSecond Coming1 EnochDanielAbomination of desolationProphecy of Seventy WeeksMessiahChristianFuturismHistoricismInterpretations of Revelation IdealismPreterism2 Esdras2 ThessaloniansMan of sinKatechonAntichristBook of RevelationEventsFour Horsemen of the ApocalypseLake of fireNumber of the BeastSeven bowlsSeven sealsThe BeastTwo witnessesWar in HeavenWhore of BabylonGreat ApostasyNew EarthNew JerusalemOlivet DiscourseGreat TribulationSon of perditionSheep and GoatsIslamicAl-Qa'imBeast of the EarthDhu al-QarnaynDhul-SuwayqataynDajjalIsrafilSufyaniJewishWar of Gog and MagogThird TempleZoroastrianSaoshyant2011 end times prediction2012 phenomenonApocalypseApocalyptic literatureApocalypticismArmageddonBlood moon prophecyEarth ChangesEnd timeGog and MagogList of dates predicted for apocalyptic eventsMessianismMessianic AgeMillenarianismMillennialismPremillennialismAmillennialismPostmillennialismNemesis (hypothetical star)Nibiru cataclysmRapturePosttribulation raptureResurrection of the deadWorld to comeAlien invasionApocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fictionList of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fictionList of apocalyptic filmsClimate fictionDisaster filmsList of disaster filmsZombie apocalypseZombieCentre for the Study of Existential RiskFuture of Humanity InstituteFuture of Life InstituteNuclear Threat InitiativeRansomwareDisasterDepressionFinancial crisisSocial crisisSurvivalismaquariumsaviariesAnimal sanctuaryAnimal theme parkAquariumAviaryBear pitButterfly houseDolphinariumHerpetariumInsectariumNature centerMarine mammal parkMenagerieNight safariOceanariumPenguinariumPheasantryPetting zooReptile centreSafari parkVirtual zooVivariumCaptive breedingEx situ conservationIn situ conservationSpecies reintroductionlargestAnimal sanctuariesButterfly housesDolphinariumsConservation topicsFormer zoos and aquariumsNature centersZoo associationsWAZA membersAnimal rightsAnimal crueltyAnimals in captivityAnimal trainingBehavioral enrichmentFrozen zooImmersion exhibitNocturnal houseWildlife conservationZookeeperZoo emergency response teamZoo keyZoological societyAssartingDeforestation and climate changeDeforestation by regionIllegal loggingMountaintop removalSlash-and-charAridificationHistoric desertificationMoisture recyclingSoil retrogression and degradationGobi DesertLebanonMauritaniaMongoliaAfforestationBiocharConservation grazingDesert greeningEcoforestryEcological engineeringFarmer-managed regenerationFlexible MechanismsGreat Green Wall (Africa)Great Green Wall (China)Managed intensive rotational grazingOasificationReforestationUnited Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationForest Landscape Integrity IndexForestryIntact forest landscapeLand use, land-use change and forestryList of global issuesNatural landscapeTerra pretaWildernessCell deathNecrosisAvascular necrosisCoagulative necrosisLiquefactive necrosisGangrenous necrosisCaseous necrosisFat necrosisFibrinoid necrosisTemporal lobe necrosisProgrammed cell deathAnoikisApoptosisAutophagyIntrinsic apoptosisNecroptosisParaptosisParthanatosPhenoptosisPseudoapoptosisPyroptosisAutolysisAutoschizisEscharImmunogenic cell deathIschemic cell deathPyknosisKaryorrhexisKaryolysisMitotic catastropheSuicide geneAbortionAccidental deathAutopsyBrain deathBrainstem deathClinical deathDeath by natural causesDeath rattleDysthanasiaEnd-of-life careEuthanasiaLazarus signLazarus syndromeOrgan donationTerminal illnessUnnatural deathCauses of death by rateNotable deaths by yearExpressions related to deathNatural disastersPeople by cause of deathPremature obituariesPreventable causes of deathUnusual deathsList of ways people dishonor the deadList of ways people honor the deadBirthday effectChild mortalityExcess mortalityGompertz–Makeham law of mortalityInfant mortalityKaroshiMaternal deathMaternal mortality in fictionMemento moriMicromortMortality rateMortality saliencePerinatal mortalityPallor mortisLivor mortisAlgor mortisRigor mortisPutrefactionDecompositionSkeletonizationFossilizationCryopreservationCryonicsNeuropreservationEmbalmingMacerationMummificationPlastinationProsectionTaxidermyDisposalBurialNatural burialSky burialCremationDismembermentExcarnationPromessionResomationBeating heart cadaverBody donationCadaveric spasmCoffin birthDeath erectionDissectionGibbetingPostmortem caloricityPost-mortem intervalCarrionCemeteryConsciousness after deathAfterlifeTukdamCrematoriumDesecration of gravesEternal oblivionExaminationFuneralInternetMidwifeMourningOnline mourningObituaryReincarnationPalingenesisSaṃsāraResurrectionUnderworldGhostsNear-death experienceNear-death studiesNecromancyOut-of-body experienceSéanceAbortion lawAdministrationCapital punishmentCause of deathCivil deathCoronerDeath-qualified juryDeath certificateDeclared death in absentiaDeath rowDying declarationInquestLegal deathMurderNecropoliticsProhibition of dyingRight to dieSuspicious deathTrust lawForensic pathologyFuneral directorMortuary scienceNecrobiologyPost-mortem chemistryPost-mortem photographyTaphonomyBiostratinomyThanatologyApparent deathChinese burial moneyCoins for the deadDark tourismDarwin AwardsDeath and cultureDeath anniversaryDeath anxietyDeath deityPersonification of deathDying-and-rising godPsychopompDeath campDeath driveDeath educationDeath from laughterDeath hoaxDeath knellDeath marchDeath messengerDeath notificationDeath panelDeath poemDeath poseDeath-positive movementDeath squadDeath threatDeath trajectoryDignified deathFestival of the DeadFascination with deathHierarchy of deathHomicideImmortalityLast ritesLongevityMartyrMuseum of DeathNecronymNecrophiliaNecrophobiaPhilosophy of deathPredationSacrificeSuicideAssisted suicideThanatosensitivity