List of UNIVAC products

This is a list of UNIVAC products.It ends in 1986, the year that Sperry Corporation merged with Burroughs Corporation to form Unisys as a result of a hostile takeover bid[1] launched by Burrough's CEO W. Michael Blumenthal.[2][circular reference] These machines implemented a variant of the IBM System/360 architecture This is too small a list.
UNIVACSperry CorporationBurroughs CorporationUnisysUNIVAC 60UNIVAC 120UNIVAC IUNIVAC 1101UNIVAC 1102UNIVAC 1103UNIVAC 1104UNISERVOtape driveUNIVAC High speed printerUNIPRINTERprinterUNITYPERUNIVAC Card to Tape converterpaper tapeUNIVAC 1004AN/USQ-17Naval Tactical Data SystemAN/USQ-20AN/UYK-7UNIVAC 1108AN/UYK-8AN/UYK-20AN/UYK-43AN/UYK-44UNIVAC 1218UNIVAC 1230Eastern Air LinesUNIVAC Solid StateUNIVAC IIUNIVAC IIIUNIVAC 418UNIVAC 418-IIUNIVAC 418-IIIUNIVAC 490UNIVAC 492UNIVAC 494UNIVAC 1103AUNIVAC 1105UNIVAC 1100/2200 seriesUNIVAC 1106UNIVAC 1107UNIVAC 1110UNIVAC 1050IBM System/360UNIVAC 9000 seriesFASTRANDUNISERVO IUNISERVO IIUniscopeUNIVAC BPEXEC IEXEC IIEXEC 8Univac Text EditorSymbolic Stream GeneratorMAPPER (Software)UNIVAC 1100/60UNIVAC Series 90Article on Wikipedia on the Sperry CorporationMAPPERSystem Development CorporationConvergent TechnologiesEckert–Mauchly Computer CorporationRemington RandMainframesBurroughs Large SystemsOS 2200Burroughs B1700Burroughs B20Burroughs B2500 and B4900Command AND EditES7000HOLMES 2LINC 4GLMCP CompilerNew Executive Programming LanguageUnisys IconUNIVAC FASTRANDRobert S. BartonJ. Presper EckertPeter AltabefSILLIACWEIZACBESM-6PS-2000ElbrusIAS familyILLIACAVIDACIBM 701JOHNNIACORACLEORDVACMANIAC IMANIAC IIMISTICMUSASINO-1EDB-2/3CycloneUniversity of IllinoisILLIAC IILLIAC IIILLIAC IIIILLIAC IVHarvard UniversityHarvard Mark IHarvard Mark IIHarvard Mark IIIHarvard Mark IV305 RAMACAN/FSQ-7AN/FSQ-8University of PennsylvaniaRemingtonSperry RandRaytheonRAYDACColossus computerTransistor computerVacuum-tube computerHistory of computing hardwareHistory of computing hardware (1960s–present)List of pioneers in computer science