Washington State Route 515

The highway travels north on a four-lane section of 104th Avenue Southeast, passing Kent-Meridian High School and several suburban neighborhoods.SR 515 then diverts northeast onto 108th Avenue and crosses Harrison Creek, leaving Kent city limits near Panther Lake.[3] The highway then supersedes a section of Talbot Road and crosses under I-405, which it intersects in a half diamond interchange at the south edge of downtown Renton.[4] Talbot Road continues into downtown Renton, passing several big-box stores and SR 515 turns northeast onto Grady Way near the city hall.[13] Suburban development of the Kent and Renton areas in the 1960s and 1970s brought higher traffic volumes to the highway, necessitating an expansion project.
SR 516RentonSR 900United StatesWashingtonState highways in WashingtonInterstateScenicPre-19641964 renumberingFormerSR 513state highwayU.S. stateKing CountyInterstate 405coal mines1964 state highway renumberingbypass roadhalf diamond interchangeKent-Meridian High Schoolcity limitsSR 167big-box storescity hallembankedone-way streetsstreet runningCedar RiverRenton Public LibraryKing County MetroKent's train stationWashington State Department of Transportationannual average daily trafficPrimary State Highway 2bypassgas taxBellevueIssaquahGoogle MapsWashington State Department of Archaeology and Historic PreservationThe Seattle TimesWashington State LegislatureWashington State Highway CommissionUnited States Geological SurveyRenton ReporterSR 500SR 501SR 502SR 503SR 504SR 505SR 506SR 507SR 508SR 509SR 510SR 512SR 513SR 516SR 518SR 519SR 520SR 522SR 523SR 524Edmonds SpurLynnwood SpurSR 525SR 526SR 527SR 528SR 529SR 530SR 531SR 532SR 534SR 536SR 538SR 539SR 542SR 543SR 544SR 546SR 547SR 548SR 599SR 514SR 537SR 540