Sustainable development

Attempts towards universal sustainable development need to account for the extremely varied challenges, circumstances, and choices that shape prospects and prosperity for all, everywhere.[7] The discourse of sustainable development is highly influential in global and national governance frameworks, though its meaning and operationalization are context-dependent and have evolved over time.In 1713, Hans Carl von Carlowitz, a senior mining administrator in the service of Elector Frederick Augustus I of Saxony published Sylvicultura economics, a 400-page work on forestry.Building upon the ideas of Evelyn and French minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert, von Carlowitz developed the concept of managing forests for sustained yield.[12] His work influenced others, including Alexander von Humboldt and Georg Ludwig Hartig, eventually leading to the development of the science of forestry.Describing the desirable "state of global equilibrium", the authors wrote: "We are searching for a model output that represents a world system that is sustainable without sudden and uncontrolled collapse and capable of satisfying the basic material requirements of all of its people.[22]: 5  In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment and Development published the Earth Charter, which outlines the building of a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.During the MDG era (year 2000 to 2015), the key objective of sustainable development was poverty reduction to be reached through economic growth and participation in the global trade system.Out of the 17 SDGs, for example, 11 goals contain targets related to equity, equality or inclusion, and SDG 10 is solely devoted to addressing inequality within and among countries.[38] Important operational principles of sustainable development were published by Herman Daly in 1990: renewable resources should provide a sustainable yield (the rate of harvest should not exceed the rate of regeneration); for non-renewable resources there should be equivalent development of renewable substitutes; waste generation should not exceed the assimilative capacity of the environment.It recommended that human civilization will need a transformative change, including sustainable agriculture, reductions in consumption and waste, fishing quotas and collaborative water management.[47] This way of thinking is expressed in the concept of circular economy, which employs reuse, sharing, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing and recycling to create a closed-loop system, minimizing the use of resource inputs and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions.[48] The European Commission has adopted an ambitious Circular Economy Action Plan in 2020, which aims at making sustainable products the norm in the EU.[49][50] It has been suggested that because of the rural poverty and overexploitation, environmental resources should be treated as important economic assets, called natural capital.[54] Scientists in many fields have highlighted The Limits to Growth,[55][56] and economists have presented alternatives, for example a 'steady-state economy', to address concerns over the impacts of expanding human development on the planet.[59] Several studies have noted that efficient policies for renewable energy and pollution are compatible with increasing human welfare, eventually reaching a golden-rule[clarification needed] steady state.[60][61][62][63] A meta review in 2002 looked at environmental and economic valuations and found a "lack of concrete understanding of what "sustainability policies" might entail in practice".It has been argued that there is no such thing as sustainable use of a non-renewable resource, since any positive rate of exploitation will eventually lead to the exhaustion of earth's finite stock;[73]: 13  this perspective renders the Industrial Revolution as a whole unsustainable.[74]: 20f [75]: 61–67 [57]: 22f The sustainable development debate is based on the assumption that societies need to manage three types of capital (economic, social, and natural), which may be non-substitutable and whose consumption might be irreversible.The aim of these global goals is "peace and prosperity for people and the planet"[79][80] – while tackling climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests.It is defined as education practices that encourage changes in knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to enable a more sustainable and just society for humanity.ESD aims to empower and equip current and future generations to meet their needs using a balanced and integrated approach to sustainable development's economic, social, and environmental dimensions.It seeks to define new ways to adjust to a changing biosphere, as well as engage individuals to address societal issues that come with them [88] In the International Encyclopedia of Education, this approach to education is seen as an attempt to "shift consciousness toward an ethics of life-giving relationships that respects the interconnectedness of man to his natural world" to equip future members of society with environmental awareness and a sense of responsibility to sustainability.It also requires participatory teaching and learning methods that motivate and empower learners to change their behaviours and take action for sustainable development.
Three visual representations of sustainability and its three dimensions: the left image shows sustainability as three intersecting circles. In the top right, it is a nested approach. In the bottom right it is three pillars. [ 28 ] The schematic with the nested ellipses emphasizes a hierarchy of the dimensions, putting environment as the foundation for the other two.
Sustainability Venn diagram , where sustainability is thought of as the area where the three dimensions overlap
Sustainable development requires six central capacities. [ 37 ]
Ecological footprint for different nations compared to their Human Development Index (2007)
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
human developmentplanetary integrityeconomyenvironmentBrundtland Reportsustainabilitynormative conceptUNESCOEarth SummitSustainable Development GoalsUnited Nations General Assemblypovertyclimate changebiodiversity lossoxymoronWorld Commission on Environment and DevelopmentOur Common Futureeconomic developmentenvironmental protectionsocial well-beingdiscoursegovernance frameworksMillennium Development Goalssustainable forest managementJohn Evelynexploitation of natural resourcesHans Carl von CarlowitzFrederick Augustus I of SaxonyJean-Baptiste Colbertsustained yieldAlexander von HumboldtGeorg Ludwig HartigGifford PinchotUS Forest ServiceAldo Leopoldland ethicenvironmental movementRachel CarsonSilent Springenvironmental degradationKenneth E. BouldingSpaceship EarthGarrett Hardintragedy of the commonsLimits to GrowthDennisDonella MeadowsMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyA Blueprint for SurvivalUS CongressInternational Union for Conservation of NatureWorld Charter for Natureconservationinclusivesustainable economic growthUN Conference on Environment and DevelopmentEarth CharterAgenda 21The Rio Protocolglobal governancepoverty reductionenvironmental problemssocietyVenn diagramUnited Nations Conference on Environment & Development – Earth Summit (1992)economic growthglobal trade17 SDGsHuman impact on the environmentEcological footprintnatural capitalcarrying capacityHerman Dalysustainable yieldlargest, most comprehensive study to datebiodiversityecosystem servicesIntergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Servicessustainable agricultureconsumptionindustrial agricultureagribusinessorganic farmingsustainable business practicessustainable food systemslocal foodslow foodsustainable gardeningorganic gardeningHuman Development Indexresource consumptiondematerializationcircular material flowcircular economysharingremanufacturingrecyclingresource inputsEuropean CommissionCircular Economy Action PlanCorporate sustainabilitySustainable businessrural povertyoverexploitationThe Limits to Growthsteady-state economyEdward BarbierWorld Bankresource depletionhuman capitalmacroeconomicsclimate economicsWorld Business Council for Sustainable Developmentplanetary boundariesThe Guardiangreenhouse gas emissionsvalue-action gappublic goodscompetitive marketconsumerismshort-termismWeak and strong sustainabilityDegrowthEco-economic decouplingnon-renewable resourceIndustrial RevolutioncohereUnited NationsprosperitySDG 10SDG 11SDG 12Climate actionSDG 13SDG 14SDG 15SDG 16SDG 17COVID-19 pandemicSustainable Development Goal 12disaster risk reductionsustainable consumptionList of sustainability topicsOutline of sustainabilityPolicy coherence for developmentSustainability measurementUnited Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable remediationDigital public goodsWayback MachineBibcodeBioScienceThe Geographical JournalAnnual Review of Environment and ResourcesStivers, R.Westminster PressDaly, Herman E.CiteSeerXSustainability ScienceNature CommunicationsGeorgescu-Roegen, NicholasRifkin, JeremyOutlineAnthropoceneEnvironmentalismAnthropizationAnti-consumerismDurable goodEarth Overshoot DayEthicalGreen consumptionMicro-sustainabilityOver-consumptionProduct stewardshipSimple livingSocial return on investmentAdvertisingMarketing myopiaSustainableConsumer behaviourMarketSystemic change resistanceWorld populationDemographic transitionFamily planningControlSustainable populationAppropriateEnvironmental technologyNatural buildingSustainable architectureSustainable designSustainable industriesSustainable packagingBiosecurityBiosphereConservation biologyEndangered speciesHolocene extinctionInvasive speciesEnergyCarbon footprintRenewable energySustainable energyCivic agricultureClimate-smart agricultureCommunity-supported agricultureCultured meatSustainable dietSustainable fisheryAir well (condenser)BioretentionBioswaleBlue roofCatchwaterConstructed wetlandDetention basinDew pondFootprintHydroelectricityHydropowerInfiltration basinIrrigation tankMarine energyMicro hydroOcean thermal energy conversionPico hydroRain gardenRainwater harvestingRainwater tankReclaimed waterRetention basinRun-of-the-river hydroelectricityScarcitySecuritySmall hydroSustainable drainage systemTidal powerTidal stream generatorTree box filterWater conservationWater heat recyclingWater recycling showerWater-sensitive urban designCorporate environmental responsibilityCorporate social responsibilityEnvironmental accountingEnvironmental full-cost accountingEnvironmental planningAccountingMeasurementMetrics and indicesReportingStandards and certificationBusinessClimate financeCommunityDisinvestmentEco-capitalismEco-citiesEco-investingEco-socialismEcovillageEnvironmental financeGreen economyConstructionFashionFinanceGardeningGeoparkDevelopmentInfrastructureMarketingGreen roofGreeningImpact investingLandscapeLivelihoodLivingOrganic movementOrganizationsProcurementRefurbishmentSocially responsible businessSocially responsible marketingSanitationSourcingSustainability organizationTourismTransportUrban drainage systemsUrban infrastructureSustainable managementEnvironmentalFisheriesForestHumanistic capitalismMaterialsNatural resourcePlanetaryUN Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm 1972)Brundtlandt Commission Report (1983)Our Common Future (1987)Earth Summit (1992)Rio Declaration on Environment and DevelopmentAgenda 21 (1992)Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)Lisbon PrinciplesUN Millennium Declaration (2000)Earth Summit 2002UN Conference on Sustainable DevelopmentScienceStudiesDegreesEnvironmental impact assessmentEnvironmental issueslist of issuesHuman impacton marine lifeList of global issuesImpact assessmentSocial ecology (ethics)Causes of climate changeAgricultureanimal agriculturecannabis cultivationirrigationmeat productioncocoa productionpalm oilBitcoinCorporate behaviorDeforestation and climate changeEnergy industrybiofuelsbiodieselelectricityfracking (US)nuclear poweroil shalepetroleumreservoirsGenetic pollutionEnvironmental crimeExplosivesIndustrialisationManufacturingcleaning agentsconcretenanotechnologypesticidespharmaceuticals and personal careMarine lifefishingfishing down the food webmarine pollutionoverfishingMiningOverconsumptionOverdraftingOvergrazingParticulatesPollutionQuarryingaviationshippingUrbanizationurban sprawlBiodiversity threatsdecline in amphibian populationsdecline in insect populationsrunaway climate changein the United StatesDeforestationDefaunationDesertificationEcocideEcological crisisEffects of climate changeEffects of climate change on agricultureMultiple breadbasket failureEffects of climate change on livestockEnvironmental insecurityEnvironmental issues in the United StatesCoral reefsExternalityForest diebackErosionFreshwater cycleHabitat destructionNitrogen cycleLand degradationLand consumptionLand surface effects on climateLoss and damageLoss of green beltsOzone depletionTropical cyclones and climate changeWater degradationWater pollutionWater scarcityAlternative fuel vehicle propulsionBirth controlCleaner productionClimate change mitigationCommunity resilienceDecouplingEcological engineeringEnvironmental engineeringEnvironmental mitigationIndustrial ecologyMitigation bankingReforestationRestoration ecologyWaste minimizationPopulationDemographics of the worldEstimates of historical world populationPopulation growthPopulation momentumProjections of population growthPopulationbiologyPopulation declinePopulation densityPhysiological densityPopulation dynamicsPopulation modelPopulation pyramidPopulationecologyBiocapacityI = P × A  × TKaya identityMalthusian growth modelOvershoot (population)World3 modelEugenicsDysgenicsHuman overpopulationMalthusian catastropheHuman population planningCompulsory sterilizationOne-child policyTwo-child policyPolitical demographyPopulation ethicsAntinatalismMere addition paradoxNatalismNon-identity problemReproductive rightsZero population growthPopulation and EnvironmentPopulation and Development ReviewPopulation and housing censuses by countryLargest citiesWorld population milestones6 billionPopulation concern organizations7 Billion ActionsChurch of EuthanasiaInternational Conference on Population and DevelopmentPopulation Action InternationalPopulation ConnectionPopulation MattersUnited Nations Population FundUnited Nations world population conferencesVoluntary Human Extinction MovementWorld Population ConferenceWorld Population DayWorld Population FoundationBennett's lawGreen RevolutionMigration