Pjetër Bogdani

Bogdani is said to have received his initial schooling from the Franciscans at Chiprovtsi in modern northwestern Bulgaria and then studied at the Illyrian College of Loreto near Ancona, as had his predecessors Pjetër Budi and Frang Bardhi.[11] His religious zeal and patriotic fervour kept him at odds with Ottoman forces, and in the atmosphere of war and confusion which reigned, he was obliged to flee to Ragusa, from where he continued on to Venice and Padua, taking his manuscripts with him.After arranging for the publication of the Cuneus Prophetarum, Bogdani returned to the Balkans in March 1686 and spent the next years promoting resistance to the armies of the Ottoman Empire, in particular in Kosovo.Bogdani had finished the Albanian version ten years earlier but was refused permission to publish it by the Propaganda Fide which ordered that the manuscript be translated first, no doubt to facilitate the work of the censor.The full title of the published version is: "Cvnevs prophetarvm de Christo salvatore mvndi et eivs evangelica veritate, italice et epirotice contexta, et in duas partes diuisa a Petro Bogdano Macedone, Sacr.Fide alvmno, Philosophiae & Sacrae Theologiae Doctore, olim Episcopo Scodrensi & Administratore Antibarensi, nunc vero Archiepiscopo Scvporvm ac totivs regni Serviae Administratore" (The Band of the Prophets Concerning Christ, Saviour of the World and his Gospel Truth, edited in Italian and Epirotic and divided into two parts by Pjetër Bogdani of Macedonia, student of the Holy Congregation of the Propaganda Fide, doctor of philosophy and holy theology, formerly Bishop of Shkodra and Administrator of Antivari and now Archbishop of Skopje and Administrator of all the Kingdom of Serbia.The first volume, which is preceded by dedications and eulogies in Latin, Albanian, Serbian and Italian, and includes two eight-line poems in Albanian, one by his cousin Luca Bogdani and one by Luca Summa, deals primarily with themes from the Old Testament: i) How God created man, ii) The prophets and their metaphors concerning the coming of the Messiah, iii) The lives of the prophets and their prophecies, iv) The songs of the ten Sibyls.The corpus of his verse are the Songs of the Ten Sibyls (the Cumaean, Libyan, Delphic, Persian, Erythraean, Samian, Cumanian, Hellespontic, Phrygian, and Tiburtine), which are imbued with the Baroque penchant for religious themes and Biblical allusions.
Frontispiece showing Pjetër Bogdani at prayer. From Bogdani's "Cuneus Prophetarum", Padua 1685.
The title page of the Cuneus Profetarum, 1685
Stained glass depiction of Pjetër Bogdani at the Catholic Cathedral in Pristina
Petar BogdanPrizrenOttoman EmpireKosovoPristinaAndrea BogdaniLlukë BogdaniItalianOld AlbanianliteratureCuneus ProphetarumAlbanianRobert ElsieGjonajCatholic churchArchbishop of SkopjegrammarBogdaniAlbanian surnameBogdanSlavicFranciscansChiprovtsiBulgariaAnconaPjetër BudiFrang BardhiCollege of the Propaganda FidephilosophytheologyBishop of ShkodraArchdiocese of AntivariOttoman - AustrianPropaganda FideKrasniqjablood feudsRagusaVeniceGregorio BarbarigoBishop of PaduaBarbarigoLevantHebrewArabicArmenianBalkansToma RaspasaniGreat Turkish WarTurkishAlbanian cultureCatholic CathedralLatin alphabetCyrillicBuzuku's missalSerbianOld TestamentprophetsmetaphorsMessiahpropheciesChristNew TestamentBook of DanielSyriacAntichrist1000 LekëAlbanian literaturesciencegeographyastronomyphysicshistoryBaroque AgeAristotleSt AugustineSt Thomas AquinasobverseCulture of AlbaniaWayback MachineAlbanian languageList of Albanian writersAlbanian folkloreHistory of AlbaniaAlbanian National AwakeningAlbanologyZenel BastariConstantine of BeratGjon BuzukuJulije BalovićNicola ChettaNikollë FiljaNezim FrakullaDalip FrashëriShahin FrashëriTahir Efendi GjakovaHasan Zyko KamberiHaxhi Ymer KashariLuca MatrangaBranko MerxhaniEtëhem Bey MollajSulejman NaibiGiuseppe Schirò (archbishop)Tahir SkënderasiGiulio VaribobaMuçi ZadeAli AsllaniAndon Zako ÇajupiGabriele DaraSpiro DineAsdreniGjergj FishtaKristo FloqiNaim FrashëriSami FrashëriMihal GramenoLuigj GurakuqiMilto Sotir GurraJolanda KodraMusine KokalariErnest KoliqiFaik KonitzaLoni LogoriMigjeniNdre MjedaPapa Kristo NegovaniNdoc NikajFan NoliFoqion PostoliGirolamo de RadaFrancesco Antonio SantoriGiuseppe SchiròGiuseppe SerembeLazër ShantojaFilip ShirokaStefan ShundiRisto SiliqiVaso PashaJani VretoPjetër ZarishiDritëro AgolliMimoza AhmetiYlljet AliçkaAg ApolloniFatos ArapiLindita ArapiEqrem BashaDomenico BellizziBen BlushiMaria Antonia BraileFlora BrovinaDionis BubaniAleks ÇaçiMartin CamajSelfixhe CiuSpiro ÇomoraDiana ÇuliIbrahim DalliuRidvan DibraTeki DervishiElvira DonesMirko GashiFatmir GjataNdoc GjetjaSabri GodoOdhise GrilloErvin HatibiHelena KadareIsmail KadareKarmel KandrevaTeodor KekoSkifter KëlliçiAnastas KondoFatos KongoliVath KoreshiRifat KukajTeodor LaçoNatasha LakoLuljeta LleshanakuSejfulla MalëshovaGjekë MarinajPetro MarkoDin MehmetiEsad MekuliBetim MuçoBesnik MustafajFaruk MyrtajJeton NezirajFadil PaçramiLudmilla PajoDhimitër PaskoArshi PipaAli PodrimjaLasgush PoradeciGiuseppe Schirò Di MaggioDhimitër ShuteriqiAzem ShkreliDrago SiliqiLlazar SiliqiNokë SinishtajXhevahir SpahiuSterjo SpasseLuan StarovaHaki StërmilliParid TeferiçiKasëm TrebeshinaHajro UlqinakuArdian VehbiuOrnela VorpsiBilal XhaferriDhimitër XhuvaniJakov XoxaInjac ZamputiPetraq Zoto