By that time Egypt experienced a massive economic development and prosperity, French and British investments (i.e. the Suez Canal), modernization, and opportunity for entrepreneurship.Together with his nephew Milo Duçi, he emerged as an important player in the economic development of Egypt's Delta region directed by Lord Cromer's office.By 1901, he started working with his well-connected uncle Loni Logori on projects that explicitly tied the commercial interest of the British administration and the local landowners.In fact, one of its first attempts was called "Royal Anthem" (Alb: Hymni Mbretnor) and was found in the catalogs of Victor Records.It was recorded on 28 March 1918, in New York City, interpreted by the tenor Giuseppe Mauro, while the performing orchestra was directed by Nathaniel Shilkret, and the lyrics by Logori.