Patriarch of All Bulgaria

Following two decisive victories over the Byzantines at Achelous (near the present-day city of Burgas) and Katasyrtai (near Constantinople), the autonomous Bulgarian archbishopric was proclaimed autocephalous and elevated to the rank of patriarchate at an ecclesiastical and national council held in 918 or 919.In 990 the seat of the patriarchy moved to Ohrid after the conquest of large parts of Bulgaria by the Byzantines.In 1186 a new archbishopric was established at Tarnovo by the Second Bulgarian Empire, and it was formally recognised as a patriarchate by the others in 1235.Conditions for the restoration of the Bulgarian Patriarchate were created after World War II.For an interim leader on 10 November 2012 was chosen Metropolitan Cyril of Varna and Veliki Preslav, who organized the election of a new patriarch.
DanielLeontiuspatriarchBulgarian Orthodox ChurchDaniilByzantinesAchelousBurgasKatasyrtaiConstantinopleautocephalouspatriarchateByzantine–Bulgarian war of 913–927Patriarchate of ConstantinopleDemetrius of BulgariaEcumenical Patriarch of ConstantinoplePentarchyAntiochAlexandriaJerusalemPreslavSilistraFirst Bulgarian EmpireTarnovoSecond Bulgarian EmpireOttomansEuthymiusWorld War IImetropolitanPlovdivLovechVeliki PreslavNeophyte of BulgariaList of patriarchs of the Bulgarian Orthodox ChurchOfficial visits by the Patriarch of BulgariaPatriarchatesChristianityprimatesapostolicCatholic ChurchEastern Orthodox ChurchOriental OrthodoxyNestorianismpre-schismEarlyChristianityAntiquityapostolicsees1st cent.Holy SeeEcumenical Patriarchate of ConstantinopleLatin Patriarchate of ConstantinopleArmenian Patriarchate of ConstantinopleAutocephalous Turkish Orthodox PatriarchatePatriarchate of AntiochSyriac Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochMaronite PatriarchateLatin Patriarchate of AntiochSyriac Catholic Patriarchate of AntiochMelkite Catholic Patriarchate of AntiochArmenian Catholicosate of CiliciaPatriarchate of CiliciaPatriarchate of AlexandriaGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of AlexandriaCoptic Orthodox Patriarchate of AlexandriaLatin Patriarchate of AlexandriaCoptic Catholic Patriarchate of AlexandriaGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of JerusalemArmenian Patriarchate of JerusalemLatin Patriarchate of JerusalemCarthage2nd cent.Patriarch of CarthageSeleucia-CtesiphonPatriarch of Seleucia-CtesiphonChaldean Catholic Patriarchate of BaghdadAssyrian Church of the East Patriarchate of Seleucia-CtesiphonAncient Church of the East Patriarchate of Seleucia-CtesiphonArmeniaCatholicos of All Armenians (Patriarch of Etchmiadzin)Middle AgesPatriarchate of AquileiaPatriarchate of GradoPatriarchate of BulgariaPatriarchate of GeorgiaPrimate of BulgariaTarnovo PatriarchateSerbian Orthodox Patriarchate of PećPatriarchate of VeniceCatholicate of AbkhaziaEarly Modern eraPatriarchate of the West IndiesLatin Patriarchate of EthiopiaPatriarchate of the East IndiesPatriarchate of MoscowPatriarchate of LisbonLate Modern eraPatriarchate of RomaniaPatriarchate of CroatiaEthiopian Orthodox Patriarchate of EthiopiaPatriarchate of KyivEritrean Orthodox Patriarchate of EritreaApostolic ThroneEpiscopal see