List of abunas of Eritrea

The Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church is part of the Oriental Orthodox communion, and it was granted autocephaly by Shenouda III, Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, in 1994 — a year after Eritrea gained its independence from Ethiopia.Shenouda III ordained five Eritrean high-ranking clergy as Bishops of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church on 19 June 1994 in Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Cairo, Egypt.Shenouda III also agreed that a newly elected Patriarch would be able to consecrate on his own new bishops and metropolitans for the Eritrean Church.The Patriarch of Eritrea also carries the title of Abuna in line with the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.After declaration of autocephaly of the church in 1994, the position of Patriarch of Eritrea remained vacant until 1999 when Phillipos became the first Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Coptic crossBasilosPhilliposEnda Mariam CathedralAsmaraOriental OrthodoxyCopticSyriacArmenianIndianCiliciaOrthodox TewahedoEthiopianEritreanBritishMalabar IndependentFrench Coptic Orthodox ChurchConstantinopleJerusalemJacobite Syrian Christian ChurchHistory of Oriental OrthodoxyCoptic historyTewahedo historySyriac historySaint Thomas ChristiansNicaea IConstantinople IEphesus IEphesus IIEphesus IIIDvin IDvin IIDvin IIIDvin IVManzikertCapharthuthaShirakavanHromklaMiaphysitismOriental Orthodox TheologyNon-Chalcedonian ChristianityAlexandrian RiteAnaphora of Saint GregoryArmenian RiteWest Syriac RiteLiturgy of Saint JamesLiturgy of Saint BasilLiturgy of Saint CyrilMalankara RiteHoly QuroboJulianGregorianPeshittaCoptic BibleArmenian BibleOrthodox Tewahedo BibleArmenian CrossSt. Thomas CrossEthiopian crossCyril of AlexandriaMor AddaiAbgar VGregory the IlluminatorNine Saints of EthiopiaTiridates IIIMar AwginAthanasius of AlexandriaEphrem the SyrianEzana of AxumFrumentiusShenouteMesrop MashtotsDioscorus of AlexandriaSeverus of AntiochAbraham of FarshutSimon the TannerGregory of NarekNerses IVMichael the SyrianBar HebraeusTekle HaymanotGiyorgis of SeglaMar Thoma IGregorios Abdal JaleelGeevarghese GregoriosCatholicosCatholicos of India Patriarch of AntiochMaphrianEthiopian titlesApostolic Church-OrdinanceCoptic monasticismCoptic saintsDebteraCoonan Cross OathEthiopian chantFast of NinevehCoptic fastingTewahedo fastingTimkatEritrean Orthodox Tewahedo ChurchOriental OrthodoxautocephalyShenouda IIIPope of the Coptic Orthodox ChurchEritreaEthiopiaSaint Mark's Coptic Orthodox CathedralHoly SynodEthiopian Orthodox Tewahedo ChurchEndadekoAntoniosHembrtiDioskorosQerlosCoptic ChristianityList of abunas of EthiopiaPatriarchatesChristianityprimatesapostolicCatholic ChurchEastern Orthodox ChurchNestorianismpre-schismEarlyChristianityAntiquityPentarchyapostolicseesPatriarch1st cent.Holy SeeEcumenical Patriarchate of ConstantinopleLatin Patriarchate of ConstantinopleArmenian Patriarchate of ConstantinopleAutocephalous Turkish Orthodox PatriarchateAntiochPatriarchate of AntiochSyriac Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochMaronite PatriarchateLatin Patriarchate of AntiochSyriac Catholic Patriarchate of AntiochMelkite Catholic Patriarchate of AntiochArmenian Catholicosate of CiliciaPatriarchate of CiliciaAlexandriaPatriarchate of AlexandriaGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of AlexandriaCoptic Orthodox Patriarchate of AlexandriaLatin Patriarchate of AlexandriaCoptic Catholic Patriarchate of AlexandriaGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of JerusalemArmenian Patriarchate of JerusalemLatin Patriarchate of JerusalemCarthage2nd cent.Patriarch of CarthageSeleucia-CtesiphonPatriarch of Seleucia-CtesiphonChaldean Catholic Patriarchate of BaghdadAssyrian Church of the East Patriarchate of Seleucia-CtesiphonAncient Church of the East Patriarchate of Seleucia-CtesiphonArmeniaCatholicos of All Armenians (Patriarch of Etchmiadzin)Middle AgesPatriarchate of AquileiaPatriarchate of GradoPatriarchate of BulgariaPatriarchate of GeorgiaPrimate of BulgariaTarnovo PatriarchateSerbian Orthodox Patriarchate of PećPatriarchate of VeniceCatholicate of AbkhaziaEarly Modern eraPatriarchate of the West IndiesLatin Patriarchate of EthiopiaPatriarchate of the East IndiesPatriarchate of MoscowPatriarchate of LisbonLate Modern eraPatriarchate of RomaniaPatriarchate of CroatiaEthiopian Orthodox Patriarchate of EthiopiaPatriarchate of KyivApostolic ThroneEpiscopal see