Chaldean Catholic Patriarchate of Baghdad

The Patriarchate is based in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Sorrows, Baghdad, Iraq.He is assisted by the archbishop of Erbil Shlemon Warduni and the Auxiliary Bishop of Baghdad, Basel Yaldo.[4][5][6] Chaldean Catholics are the majority of Assyrians in Iraq, an indigenous people of Upper Mesopotamia.[7][8][9][10][11] In 1552, there was a schism within the Church of the East, caused by discontent among the bishops (metropolitans) over actions of the patriarch Shemʿon VII Ishoʿyahb following the tradition of previous patriarch Shemʿon IV Basidi who made the patriarchal succession hereditary, normally from uncle to nephew.His successor, Joseph II (1696–1713), was officially bestowed with the symbolic title Patriarch of Babylon.
Louis Raphaël I SakoBaghdadSaint Thomas the ApostleShimun VIII Yohannan SulaqaChaldean Catholic ChurchEast Syriac RiteApostolic EraSeleucia-CtesifontePatriarchateCathedral of Our Lady of Sorrowsarchbishop of ErbilShlemon WarduniAuxiliary BishopChaldean CatholicsAssyrians in IraqUpper MesopotamiaschismChurch of the EastShemʿon VII IshoʿyahbJoseph IMetropolitan of AmidDiyarbakırCatholic ChurchJoseph IIBabylonList of Chaldean Catholic Patriarchs of BaghdadCouncil of Catholic Patriarchs of the EastWayback MachineWigram, William AingerMetropolitan archeparchiesKirkuk-SulaimaniyaTehranUrmyāOther archeparchiesDiyarbakirEparchiesAleppoAlqoshAqra (Akra)BeirutMar Addai of TorontoSaint Peter the Apostle of San DiegoSaint Thomas the Apostle of DetroitSaint Thomas the Apostle of SydneySalmas (suffragan of Urmya)Amadiyah and ZakuJerusalemJordanTitular seesRew-ArdashirKaškarNisibisMardinAmadiaGazirehPerat-MaishanSulaimaniyaDioceses of the Church of the East after 1552PatriarchatesChristianityprimatesapostolicEastern Orthodox ChurchOriental OrthodoxyNestorianismpre-schismEarlyChristianityAntiquityPentarchyapostolicseesPatriarch1st cent.Holy SeeConstantinopleEcumenical Patriarchate of ConstantinopleLatin Patriarchate of ConstantinopleArmenian Patriarchate of ConstantinopleAutocephalous Turkish Orthodox PatriarchateAntiochPatriarchate of AntiochSyriac Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of AntiochMaronite PatriarchateLatin Patriarchate of AntiochSyriac Catholic Patriarchate of AntiochMelkite Catholic Patriarchate of AntiochArmenian Catholicosate of CiliciaPatriarchate of CiliciaAlexandriaPatriarchate of AlexandriaGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of AlexandriaCoptic Orthodox Patriarchate of AlexandriaLatin Patriarchate of AlexandriaCoptic Catholic Patriarchate of AlexandriaGreek Orthodox Patriarchate of JerusalemArmenian Patriarchate of JerusalemLatin Patriarchate of JerusalemCarthage2nd cent.Patriarch of CarthageSeleucia-CtesiphonPatriarch of Seleucia-CtesiphonAssyrian Church of the East Patriarchate of Seleucia-CtesiphonAncient Church of the East Patriarchate of Seleucia-CtesiphonArmeniaCatholicos of All Armenians (Patriarch of Etchmiadzin)Middle AgesPatriarchate of AquileiaPatriarchate of GradoPatriarchate of BulgariaPatriarchate of GeorgiaPrimate of BulgariaTarnovo PatriarchateSerbian Orthodox Patriarchate of PećPatriarchate of VeniceCatholicate of AbkhaziaEarly Modern eraPatriarchate of the West IndiesLatin Patriarchate of EthiopiaPatriarchate of the East IndiesPatriarchate of MoscowPatriarchate of LisbonLate Modern eraPatriarchate of RomaniaPatriarchate of CroatiaEthiopian Orthodox Patriarchate of EthiopiaPatriarchate of KyivEritrean Orthodox Patriarchate of EritreaApostolic ThroneEpiscopal seeSui iurisparticular churchesecclesiastical jurisdictionPatriarchal churchesCopticMaroniteMelkiteSyriacChaldeanArmenianMajor archiepiscopal churchesUkrainianSyro-MalabarSyro-MalankaraRomaniaEthiopianRuthenianSlovakEritreanHungarianAlbanianBelarusianBulgarianCroat and SerbianItalo-AlbanianMacedonianRussian