List of patriarchs of the Church of the East

According to tradition, the Church of the East was founded by the apostles Thomas, Addai, Aggai, and Mari in the first century AD.[1] At the end of the third century or beginning of the fourth century AD, Papa bar Aggai, as bishop of Seleucia-Ctesiphon, was recognised as the first supreme head of the Church of the East, according to the Chronicle of Arbela.[4] In the Schism of 1552, the Church of the East was split into two separate lines of patriarchs following the election of Shimun VIII Yohannan Sulaqa as patriarch and his establishment of union with the Catholic Church in 1553.[5] However, the Shimun line formally dissolved the union with the Catholic Church in 1672 and thus a third line of patriarchs in union with Rome was formed with the appointment of Joseph I as patriarch in 1681.[8] Unless otherwise stated, all information is from the list provided in The Church of the East: An Illustrated History of Assyrian Christianity, as noted in the bibliography below.
Eastern ChristianityEastern OrthodoxyOriental OrthodoxyCopticOrthodox TewahedoEthiopianEritreanArmenianCiliciaSyriacIndianEastern CatholicismChurch of the EastAssyrianAncientOld BelieversSpiritual RussianEastern ProtestantismArmenian Evangelical ChurchAssyrian Evangelical ChurchAssyrian Pentecostal ChurchBelievers Eastern Church of IndiaEvangelical Church of Egypt (Synod of the Nile)Evangelical Church of RomaniaEvangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in SloveniaEvangelical Orthodox ChurchKosovo Protestant Evangelical ChurchMar Thoma Syrian ChurchP'ent'ay - Ethiopian and Eritrean Evangelical ChurchesSt. Thomas Evangelical Church of IndiaUkrainian Lutheran ChurchAlexandrianAntiocheneWest SyriacMalankaraByzantineEast SyriacMalabarEastern Catholic liturgyArianismNestorianismMonophysitismMiaphysitismDyophysitismHenotikonCaesaropapismThree ChaptersMonoenergismMonothelitismDyoenergismDyothelitismIconoclasmFilioquePaulicianismBogomilismHesychasmMelkiteAntiochian GreekMaronitesChristian mysticismChristologyDivine LiturgyEastern Christian historyMonasticismIndex of related articlesWestern ChristianityPatriarch of the Church of the EastThomasPapa bar AggaiChronicle of Arbelametropolitan seeCouncil of Seleucia-CtesiphoncatholicosSchism of 1552Shimun VIII Yohannan SulaqaCatholic ChurchJoseph IYohannan VIII HormizdChaldean Catholic ChurchThoma DarmoAncient Church of the EastAssyrian Church of the EastThomas the ApostleMari IAbraham IYaqob IAhadabuiShahlufaShemon bar SabbaeShahdostBarba'shminTomarsaQayyomaYahballaha IFarbokhtDadishoBabowaiAcaciusElishaNarsaiJosephEzekielIshoyahb ISabrisho IGregoryIshoyahb IIMaremmehIshoyahb IIIGiwargis IYohannan IHnanisho IYohannan the LeperSliba-zkhaPethionAba IIYaqob IIHnanisho IITimothy IIsho Bar NunGiwargis IISabrisho IIAbraham IITheodosiusSargisIsrael of KashkarYohannan IIYohannan IIIYohannan IVAbraham IIIEmmanuel IIsraelAbdisho IMari IIYohannan VYohannan VIIshoyahb IVEliya IYohannan VIISabrisho IIIAbdisho IIMakkikha IEliya IIBar SawmaAbdisho IIIIshoyahb VEliya IIIYahballaha IISabrisho IVSabrisho VMakkikha IIDenha IYahballaha IIITimothy IIDenha IIShemon IIEliya IVShemon IIIShemon IVShemon VEliya VShemon VIShemon VII IshoyahbEliya VIEliya VIIEliya VIIIEliya IXEliya XEliya XIEliya XIIAbdisho IV MaronYahballaha IVShimun IX DinkhaShimun X EliyahShimun XI EshuyowShimun XII YoalahaShimun XIII DinkhaShimun XIV ShlemonShimun XV Maqdassi MikhailShimun XVI YohannanShimun XVII AbrahamJoseph IIJoseph IIIJoseph IVJoseph V Augustine HindiShimun XVIII RubilShimun XIX BenyaminShimun XX PaulosShimun XXIII EshaiDinkha IVGewargis IIIAwa IIIAddai II GiwargisList of Chaldean Catholic patriarchs of BaghdadBar HebraeusMari ibn SuleimanAmr ibn MattaAdiabeneEliya ibn ʿUbaidActs of Mar MariAssemani, Giuseppe LuigiBaum, WilhelmWinkler, Dietmar W.Fiey, Jean MauriceKohlhammer VerlagMeyendorff, JohnMooken, ApremTisserant, EugèneWigram, William AingerWalker, WillistonCultural areaChristian traditionsEarly ChristianityMiddle EastEastern EuropeEast AfricaAsia MinorSouth IndiaFar EastMain divisionsCommunionsEastern Orthodox ChurchOriental Orthodox ChurchesEastern Catholic ChurchesSpiritual ChristianityTrue Orthodox churchesTolstoyansProtestantismHagia SophiaHistoryChristianization of ArmeniaChristianization of GeorgiaRoman EmpireByzantine EmpireProto-orthodoxyEcumenical councilSichuanMongolsCouncil of ChalcedonSaint Thomas ChristiansMalankara ChurchArab ChristiansAntiochian Greek ChristiansGhassanidsChristianization of BulgariaChristianization of Kievan Rus'Turkic ChristiansEast–West SchismRaskol15th–16th centuries schism1996 schism2018 schismOld TestamentNew TestamentDeuterocanonSeptuagintPeshittaApophaticismFilioque clauseTheosisPhronemaPhilokaliaPraxisTheotokosHypostasisEssence–energies distinctionMetousiosisSign of the crossIconographyAsceticismOmophorion