Metenolone enanthate
Metenolone enanthate, or methenolone enanthate, sold under the brand names Primobolan Depot and Nibal Injection, is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure.[6] As an AAS, metenolone enanthate is antigonadotropic and can suppress the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis and produce reversible hypogonadism and infertility.[2][3][6] Metenolone enanthate was introduced for medical use in 1962 in the United States under the brand name Nibal Depot.[6] It was soon discontinued in the United States and was marketed instead in Europe in the 1960s and 1970s under the brand name Primobolan Depot.[2][3][4][5] Metenolone enanthate is or has been marketed under the brand names Nibal Injection and Primobolan Depot.