Mady Hornig

[3] Along with CII director W. Ian Lipkin and colleague Thomas Briese, she is currently investigating measles virus RNA sequences in bowel biopsies of children with autism spectrum disorders.[9] Regarding this study, Hornig said that its results "are consistent with other research suggesting that autism may be a system-wide disorder, and provide insight into why changes in diet or the use of antibiotics may help alleviate symptoms in some children.[11][12] In the 1990s, Hornig helped to develop an infection-based model of neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism and depression, based on neonatal rat infection with Borna disease virus.[5][13] In 2004, Hornig published a controversial paper concluding that, in a highly inbred strain of mice which is unusually susceptible to autoimmune disease, administration of thimerosal resulted in the development of autism-like symptoms; specifically, "growth delay; reduced locomotion; exaggerated response to novelty; and densely packed, hyperchromic hippocampal neurons with altered glutamate receptors and transporters.[20] In 2009, Hornig published another study using mice to examine the mechanism by which Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infections might cause Tourette's syndrome, OCD and tics, in line with the PANDAS hypothesis.
BrooklynCornell UniversityThe New SchoolMedical College of PennsylvaniaPANDASBiological psychiatryepidemiologyMailman School of Public HealthpsychiatristColumbia Universityautismrelated neurodevelopmentalBorna diseasemental illnessautism spectrumBeijing UniversityBeijingW. Ian Lipkinmeaslesautism spectrum disordersgeneticsdevelopmental neurobiologybrain damageneurotoxinscentral nervous systemschizophreniaattention deficit hyperactivity disorderobsessive compulsive disordersmood disordersNew School for Social ResearchPhiladelphiaUniversity of Vermontmeasles vaccinechronic fatigue syndromecytokinesautoimmune diseasethimerosalLos Angeles TimesPaul OffitUniversity of California, Davisgold saltsGroup A beta-hemolytic streptococcusTourette's syndromeHarvard Medical SchoolMolecular PsychiatryBibcodePLoS ONECambridge University PressBuie, T.ABC NewsWall Street JournalScienceDailyEurekalert!Offit, Paul A.Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a CureColumbia University PressMedscapeScientific AmericanPhilly.comCausesDiagnosisEpigeneticsHeritabilityHistoryMemoryPathophysiologySex and genderSocietal and cultural aspectsTherapiesPervasive developmental disorderAutistic disorderAsperger syndromePervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specifiedChildhood disintegrative disorderHigh-functioning autismAlexithymiaAutism and LGBTQ identitiesAutistic burnoutAutistic catatoniaAutistic maskingAutistic meltdownEcholaliaEchopraxiaEmotional dysregulationHyperlexiaInfodumpingLate talkerMonotropismNonverbal autismPathological demand avoidancePronoun reversalSavant syndromeSpecial interestsStimmingSensory overloadComorbid conditionsAvoidant/restrictive food intake disorderAnxiety disorderobsessive–compulsive disorderDevelopmental coordination disorderEpilepsyIntellectual disabilitySensory processing disorderGlobal developmental delayDevelopmental verbal dyspraxiaAssociated syndromes22q13 deletion syndromeAngelman syndromeCHARGE syndromeCohen syndromeCornelia de Lange syndromeDiGeorge syndromeDown syndromeFetal valproate spectrum disorderFragile X syndromeMECP2 duplication syndromeNeurofibromatosis type INoonan syndromeMultiple hamartoma syndromeRett syndromeSmith–Lemli–Opitz syndromeTimothy syndromeTuberous sclerosisWilliams syndromeAutism rights movementCritical autism studiesDiscriminationDouble empathy problemEmploymentMultiple complex developmental disorderNeurodiversityTEACCH programTwice exceptionalViolence and autismControversiesFacilitated communicationLancet MMR autism fraudMMR vaccineRapid prompting methodThiomersalChelationCombating Autism ActAutistic supremacismAutism Diagnostic InterviewAutism Diagnostic Observation ScheduleChildhood Autism Rating ScaleGilliam Asperger's disorder scaleAutism-spectrum quotientChildhood Autism Spectrum TestRitvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic ScaleAutism-related topicsFictional charactersSchoolsAutism-friendlySensory friendly