Although Endiang enjoyed fair prosperity in the early years of the 20th century, the Great Depression, World War II, and better transportation have led to the depopulation of the local farming community, and with it, of the hamlet.An interesting bit of history is that the original settlement of Endiang was located about 5 kilometers northeast of the present hamlet and was established by William Foreman on his homestead in 1910.When the CNR built a railroad through the area in 1925, it missed the original settlement, so with the aid of horse power, the buildings were moved to the new site of Endiang.NHL hockey player Darcy Tucker, who played for Montreal, Tampa Bay, Toronto, and Colorado, was raised in Endiang, and his family still resides there.Its geography and climate is similar to that of most other prairie areas of East-Central and Southern Alberta, experiencing cold winters broken up by Chinook winds, and warm, dry summers.