Dhu al-Qarnayn

"The Owner of Two-Horns"[1]) is a leader who appears in the Qur'an, Surah al-Kahf (18), Ayahs 83–101, as one who travels to the east and west and sets up a barrier between a certain people and Gog and Magog (Arabic: يَأْجُوجُ وَمَأْجُوجُ, romanized: Yaʾjūj wa-Maʾjūj).Other apocalyptic writings predict that their destruction by God in a single night will usher in the Day of Resurrection (Arabic: یوم القيامة, romanized: Yawm al-Qiyāmah).[5] The verses of the chapter reproduced below show Dhu al-Qarnayn traveling first to the Western limit of travel where he sees the sun set in a muddy spring, then to the furthest East where he sees it rise from the ocean, and finally northward to a place in the mountains where he finds a people oppressed by Gog and Magog: The story of Dhu al-Qarnayn is related in chapter 18 of the Qur'an, al-Kahf, revealed to Muhammad when his tribe, Al-Quraysh, sent two men to discover whether the Jews, with their superior knowledge of the scriptures, could advise them on whether Muhammad was truly a prophet of God.[14] Cyril Glasse writes that the reference to "He of the two horns" also has a symbolical interpretation: “He of the two Ages”, which reflects the eschatological shadow that Alexander casts from his time, which preceded Islam by many centuries, until the end of the world.[31] Ernst claims that Dhu al-Qarnayn finding the sun setting in a "muddy spring" in the West is equivalent to the "poisonous sea" found by Alexander in the Syriac legend.In the East both the Syrian legend and the Quran, according to Ernst, have Alexander/Dhu al-Qarnayn find a people who live so close to the rising sun that they have no protection from its heat.[42][43][44] In this account, King Ṣaʿb was a conqueror who was given the epithet Dhu al-Qarnayn after meeting a figure named Musa al Khidr in Jerusalem.Following a detailed analysis, Nagel instead defines the milieu in which this version emerged as that of South Arabians in early eighth-century Egypt,[50] and observes that Southern Arabs were one of two factions who vied for power in the Umayyad empire.[52] In modern times, some Muslim scholars have argued in favour of Dhu al-Qarnayn being actually Cyrus the Great, the founder of the Achaemenid Empire and conqueror of Persia and Babylon.The cylinder states that idols that Nabonidus had brought to Babylon from various other Babylonian cities were reinstalled by Cyrus in their former sanctuaries and ruined temples reconstructed.[61] Among Muslim commentators, it was first promoted by Sayyed Ahmad Khan (d. 1889),[55] then by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,[62] and generated wider acceptance over the years.
Dhu al-Qarnayn building a wall with the help of the jinns to keep away Gog and Magog . Persian miniature from a book of Falnama copied for the Safavid emperor Tahmasp I ( r. 1524–1576 ), currently preserved in the Chester Beatty Library , Dublin.
The Caspian Gates in Derbent , Russia, part of the defence systems built by the Sasanian Empire , often identified with the Gates of Alexander .
Recitation of al-Kahf, verses 83-101
Silver tetradrachm of Alexander the Great shown wearing the horns of the ram-god Zeus-Ammon .
Zulkarnain (footballer)Gog and MagogPersian miniatureFalnamaSafavid emperorTahmasp IChester Beatty LibraryArabicromanizedQur'anSurah al-Kahf (18)end of the worldDay of ResurrectionAlexander the Greatpre-Islamic ArabianSa'b Dhu MarathidHimyaral-Mundhir III ibn al-Nu'manLakhmid kingdomCyrus the GreatDerbentSasanian EmpireGates of AlexanderMarmaduke Pickthallal-KahfAl-QurayshAl-QurtubiAl-SuhayliAbrahamtetradrachmZeus-AmmonTheories about Alexander the Great in the QuranSyriac Alexander LegendCaucasus MountainsScythiansal-TabariHellenisticGreat Wall of ChinaMuhammad al-IdrisiRoger II of SicilyMongoliaSasanianCaspian Seaal-AzraqiBeershebaAbimelechibn Kathiribn TaymiyyahNaser Makarem Shiraziworshipped only one GodHimyariteṢaʿb Dhu-MarāthidIbn HishamThe Book of Crowns on the Kings of HimyarWahb ibn MunabbihLand of DarknessAndalusia regionByzantiumdivision between the South Arabs and North ArabsBattle of Marj RahitPasargadaeHemhem crownAchaemenid EmpireDanielOld TestamentCyrus CylinderMardukPasagardaetutelary geniephilologistSayyed Ahmad KhanMaulana Abul Kalam AzadAl-BiruniThe Remaining Signs of Past CenturiesAfrīqiahonomasticsDhū NuwāsDhū YazanFereydunTarikhUmar bin KhattabImru'l-QaysLakhmidsMessiah ben JosephYemenite JewsDarius the GreatParthianAlexander the Great in Arabic traditionAlexander the Great in Islamic traditionAl-AndalusQissat DhulqarnaynHadith DhulqarnaynPersianAlexander's encounter with Indian sagestheologianal-GhazaliOne Thousand and One NightsMount QafIsrafilRaphaelHikayat Iskandar ZulkarnainMinangkabauCentral SumatraCholan emperorRajendra IMalay AnnalsIron Gate (Central Asia)ErgenekonMaududi, Syed Abul AlaGhamidi, Javed AhmedSeoharwi, Muhammad Hifzur RahmanShirazi, Naser MakaremWikisourceAgapiusCook, David B.Krämer, GudrunRowson, EverettWatt, W. MontgomeryBearman, P.Bianquis, Th.Bosworth, C.E.van Donzel, E.Heinrichs, W.P.CharactersAllāhbaqaraelephantDomesticated donkeyhoopoenāqatspiderBeast of the EarthWild assHoney beeQaswarahMalāʾikahAngelsMālikZabāniyahBearers of the ThroneHarut and MarutMunkar and NakirAr-RūḥHoly SpiritIsrāfīlQarīnShayāṭīnDemonsIblīsMāridGhilmānḤūrProphetsAl-YasaElishaAyyūbDāwūdDhūl-KiflHārūnIdrīsIsḥāqIsmāʿīlIshmaelLūṭṢāliḥShuʿaybSulaymānSolomonJohn the BaptistYaʿqūbYūsufJosephZechariahUlul-ʿAzmMuḥammadAḥmadnames and titles of MuhammadʿĪsāMessiahMūsā KalīmullāhIbrāhīm KhalīlullāhNūḥLuqmānMaryamṬālūtGideonSamuelMartyred sonBeliever of Ya-SinFather LamechIshmael's motherVizierBinyāminSimeonPotipharZulaykhahĀsiyá bint MuzāḥimWise, pious manMoses' wifeMoses' sister-in-lawFirʿawnPharaohHāmānAs-SāmirīAbū LahabAbrahaAbu BakrBarṣīṣāNebuchadnezzar IINimrodShaddadSabbathJesus' apostlesDisciples of JesusCompanions of Noah's ArkCompanions of the ElephantPeople of a township in Surah Ya-SinMedinaAr-RūmBanī IsrāʾīlPeople of IbrahimPeople of NuhPeople of Fir'aunCurrent Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad)Companions of MuhammadAnṣārMuhajirunWife of Abu LahabChildren of AyyubSons of AdamWife of NuhWife of LutAʿrābBedouinsCompanions of the RassPeople of Sabaʾ or ShebaQurayshThamūdStonelandLot's daughtersHousehold of Muhammadibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn HashimDaughters of MuhammadMuhammad's wivesAmalekBanu NadirBanu QaynuqaBanu QurayzaIranian peopleUmayyad DynastyKhazrajAhl al-DhimmahKāfirūnZoroastriansMunāfiqūnHypocritesMuslimsPeople of the BookChristianRuhban (Christian monks)Ahbār (Jewish scholars)Rabbani/RabbiPolytheistsMesopotamian polytheistsAl-Arḍ Al-MuqaddasahJannahParadiseJahannamDoor of HittahMidianArabian PeninsulaIram of the PillarsMadīnahʿArafātAl-ḤijrḤunaynBakkahḤaramanMaqām IbrāhīmSafa and MarwaSabaʾDam of ShebaSinai RegionValley of TuwaMount SinaiAl-Buqʿah Al-MubārakahMount TaborMesopotamiaAl-JūdiyyMunzalanm-MubārakanBabylonNinevehBayʿaMiḥrābMonasteryMosqueProstrationAl-Mashʿar Al-ḤarāmAl-AqsaSacred MosqueMasjid al-DirarQuba MosqueThe Prophet's MosqueSalat (Synagogue)AntiochAntakyaḤijāzAl-Ḥajar al-AswadAl-Hijr of Isma'ilCave of HiraHudaybiyyahBayt al-Muqaddas'ArihaBilād ar-RāfidaynCanaanJordan RiverLaylat al-QadrEvent of MubahalaSayl al-ʿArimMa'ribFarewell PilgrimageTreaty of HudaybiyyahBattle of al-AḥzābBattle of BadrBattle of HunaynBattle of KhaybarBattle of UhudExpedition of TabukConquest of MeccaJumuʿahDoomsdayIslamic calendarAsh-Shahr Al-ḤarāmRamaḍānḤajjDuʿāʾInvocationṢalāhTaḥmīdTakbīrTasbīḥʿIshāʾẒuhrMasāʾGhurūbʿAṣrGhadir KhummLaylat al-MabitFirst PilgrimageHoly booksInjīlGospelQurʾānṢuḥuf-i IbrāhīmTawrātṢuḥuf-i-MūsāTablets of StoneZabūrPsalmsUmm al-KitābHeavenly food of Jesus' apostlesNoah's ArkStaff of MusaṬāghūtFalse godgolden calfSuwāʿYaghūthYaʿūqAl-LātAl-ʿUzzāManātLentilCucumberPomegranateTamariskLote-treePalm treeDate palmSidrat al-MuntahāZaqqūmTeispidsFamilyCambyses IMandane of MediaCassandaneAmytisCambyses IIBardiyaAtossaArtystonePersian RevoltPersian BorderPteriaThymbraSardis"Cyrus" (name)CyropaediaCyrus in the BibleEdict of CyrusCyrus in the QuranDhul-QarnaynKay BahmanCyrus the Great DayCyrus the Great (screenplay)Ciro riconosciutoCyropolisGlobal catastrophic risksFuture of the EarthFuture of an expanding universeUltimate fate of the universeChemical warfareCyberattackCyberwarfareCyberterrorismCybergeddonGray gooKinetic bombardmentKinetic energy weaponNuclear warfareMutual assured destructionDead HandDoomsday ClockDoomsday deviceAntimatter weaponElectromagnetic pulseSafety of high-energy particle collision experimentsMicro black holeStrangeletSynthetic intelligenceArtificial intelligenceAI takeoverExistential risk from artificial intelligenceTechnological singularityTranshumanismAnthropogenic hazardCollapsologyDoomsday argumentSelf-indication assumption doomsday argument rebuttalSelf-referencing doomsday argument rebuttalEconomic collapseMalthusian catastropheNew World Order (conspiracy theory)Nuclear holocaustcobaltfaminewinterSocietal collapseState collapseWorld War IIIEcologicalClimate changeAnoxic eventBiodiversity lossMass mortality eventCascade effectCataclysmic pole shift hypothesisClimate change and civilizational collapseDeforestationDesertificationExtinction risk from climate changeTipping points in the climate systemFlood basaltGlobal dimmingGlobal terrestrial stillingGlobal warmingHypercaneIce ageEcocideEcological collapseEnvironmental degradationHabitat destructionHuman impact on the environmentcoral reefson marine lifeLand degradationLand consumptionLand surface effects on climateOcean acidificationOzone depletionResource depletionSea level riseSupervolcanoVerneshotWater pollutionWater scarcityEarth Overshoot DayOverexploitationOverpopulationHuman overpopulationExtinctionExtinction eventHolocene extinctionHuman extinctionList of extinction eventsGenetic erosionGenetic pollutionDecline in amphibian populationsDecline in insect populationsBiotechnology riskBiological agentBiological warfareBioterrorismColony collapse disorderDefaunationDysgenicsInterplanetary contaminationPandemicPollinator declineOverfishingBig CrunchBig RipCoronal mass ejectionCosmological phase transitionGeomagnetic stormFalse vacuum decayGamma-ray burstHeat death of the universeProton decayVirtual black holeImpact eventAsteroid impact avoidanceAsteroid impact predictionPotentially hazardous objectNear-Earth objectRogue planetRogue starNear-Earth supernovaHypernovaMicronovaSolar flareStellar collisionEschatologicalBuddhistMaitreyaThree AgesKali YugaLast JudgementSecond Coming1 EnochAbomination of desolationProphecy of Seventy WeeksFuturismHistoricismInterpretations of Revelation IdealismPreterism2 Esdras2 ThessaloniansMan of sinKatechonAntichristBook of RevelationEventsFour Horsemen of the ApocalypseLake of fireNumber of the BeastSeven bowlsSeven sealsThe BeastTwo witnessesWar in HeavenWhore of BabylonGreat ApostasyNew EarthNew JerusalemOlivet DiscourseGreat TribulationSon of perditionSheep and GoatsIslamicAl-Qa'imDhul-SuwayqataynDajjalSufyaniJewishWar of Gog and MagogThird TempleZoroastrianSaoshyant2011 end times prediction2012 phenomenonApocalypseApocalyptic literatureApocalypticismArmageddonBlood moon prophecyEarth ChangesEnd timeList of dates predicted for apocalyptic eventsMessianismMessianic AgeMillenarianismMillennialismPremillennialismAmillennialismPostmillennialismNemesis (hypothetical star)Nibiru cataclysmRapturePosttribulation raptureResurrection of the deadWorld to comeAlien invasionApocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fictionList of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fictionList of apocalyptic filmsClimate fictionDisaster filmsList of disaster filmsZombie apocalypseZombieCentre for the Study of Existential RiskFuture of Humanity InstituteFuture of Life InstituteNuclear Threat InitiativeRansomwareDisasterDepressionFinancial crisisSocial crisisSurvivalism