Basket cell

Basket cells are inhibitory GABAergic interneurons of the brain, found throughout different regions of the cortex and cerebellum.In general, dendrites of basket cells are free branching, contain smooth spines, and extend from 3 to 9 mm.[4] Basket cells can be found throughout the brain, in among other the cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, basal ganglia, and the cerebellum.[citation needed] In the cortex, basket cells have sparsely branched axons giving off small pericellular, basket-shaped elaborations at several intervals along their length.In contrast, large basket cells innervate somata in different cortical columns due to a long axon.
Micrograph of cerebellar cortex showing Purkinje cells within the baskets formed by the processes of basket cells. Bielschowsky stain .
foliumCerebellumParallel fibersPurkinje cellsNeuroLexAnatomical terms of neuroanatomyGABAergicinterneuronscortexGABAergic interneuronsdendritessomatapyramidal neuronsparvalbuminspikingMicrographBielschowsky staincell bodiesExcitatory synapsesinhibitory synapsesNeuroscience Information FrameworkList of distinct cell types in the adult human bodyBibcodeAnatomyAnterior lobePosterior lobeHorizontal fissureFlocculonodular lobeFlocculusNodulePrimary fissureVermisCentral lobuleCulmenLingulaVallecula of cerebellumHemisphereAlar central lobuleBiventer lobuleCerebellar tonsilGrey matterDeep cerebellar nucleiDentateinterposedEmboliformGloboseFastigialCerebellar cortexStellate cellPurkinje cellFaƱanas cellGolgi cellGranule cellUnipolar brush cellMossy fibersClimbing fiberParallel fiberWhite matterArbor vitaePedunclesInferiorDorsal spinocerebellar tractOlivocerebellar tractCuneocerebellar tractJuxtarestiform bodyVestibulocerebellar tractTrigeminocerebellar fibersMiddlePontocerebellar fibersSuperiorVentral spinocerebellar tractDentatothalamic tract