The four woes of Jesus

In the Gospel of Luke only, Jesus follows the beatitudes with a set of woes, denouncing the opposite to the blessings as the source of condemnation and punishment.The sense of the word woe (Greek: Ου̉̀αὶ, Latin: væ) is commented on by a number of church fathers.Cornelius a Lapide cites the Book of Sirach, writing, "mirth in moderation, however, is not forbidden to the followers of Christ.[6] The final woe against being well spoken of, is against the former blessing promised to true prophets, who for the sake of the gospel suffer persecution (Luke 6:22).(Gal 1:10, KJV)[10] Cornelius a Lapide notes, "he who preaches false doctrine and things pleasing to the carnal mind, causes his hearers to continue in wickedness and commit many sins, and therefore will receive greater damnation.
William Hole , The Sermon on the Mount
William HoleGospel of Lukebeatitudeswoes of the PhariseesLuke 6New Revised Standard VersionJohn ChrysostomSt. GregoryMagnificatRich man and LazarusSt. BasilAugustineCornelius a LapideBook of SirachThe Law of ChristSermon on the MountWoes to the unrepentant citiesKnecht, Friedrich JustusLapide, CorneliusNew TestamentLuke 1Annunciation to MaryElizabethand the shepherdsAdoration of shepherdsJohn the Baptist's BirthCensus of QuiriniusJesus' BirthCircumcisionPresentation at the TempleFinding in the TempleGenealogyBaptismTemptationCalling of MatthewCounting the costSermon on the PlainCalming the stormFeeding the 5000TransfigurationGreat CommandmentLord's PrayerProdigal sonOlivet DiscoursePassion of JesusLast SupperPilate's courtCrucifixionBurialEmpty tombResurrectionAscensionBenedictusFishers of menNew Wine into Old WineskinsNunc dimittis (Song of Simeon)Parable of the Unjust StewardAbijahAndrewAugustusCaiaphasElishaGabrielHerod AntipasHerod the GreatJesus ChristJohn the BaptistJosephJoseph of ArimatheaJudas IscariotLazarusLysaniasMarthaMary, mother of JesusMary MagdaleneMary, sister of MarthaNaamanPhilip (apostle)Philip (tetrarch)Pontius PilateQuiriniusSimeonSimon PeterTheophilusThomasTiberius CaesarZebedeeZechariahAngelsPhariseesSadduceesSamaritansSanhedrinSeventy disciplesAbileneBethanyBethsaidaCapernaumDecapolisEmmausGalileeItureaJerusalemJordan RiverSamariaSea of GalileeTrachonitisLuke the EvangelistLuke–ActsAuthorship of Luke–ActsSynoptic GospelsGospel of MarkQ sourceL sourceTwo-gospel hypothesisJerusalem school hypothesisTextual variantsGospel of MarcionSt Luke Passion, BWV 246St Luke PassionThe SaviorPapyrus 2Codex NitriensisOhrid Glagolitic fragments